Become the mastermind behind the Akatsuki organization

Chapter 9 How to Survive in Caoyin Village

"Try your luck in another country?"

Xiaonan looked hesitant, thought twice, and nodded.

Although she has never had the experience of leaving the Country of Rain, the supplies within the organization are already seriously insufficient. Compared with the dangers she may encounter when leaving the Country of Rain, she is more worried about whether her companions will be short of food and clothing.

Sensing Xiao Nan's uneasy mood, Bai Ye turned around and showed a helpless smile.

In the system's evaluation, Konan is a ninja with elite Jonin strength. Even with the soft-hearted debuff, he may only be able to exert the strength of a Jonin, but he is still the best among ninjas.

However, it was this indomitable spirit that attracted him to stay in Akatsuki, an unreliable organization.

After leaving the Land of Rain, the weather got better and better.

Unlike the Country of Rain, where it rains all year round, the Country of Grass not only has pleasant weather, but also occupies a fertile grassland and forest.

If it weren't for the presence of troublesome monsters in the territory and the need for a buffer zone between big countries, the Country of Grass would have been carved up by the three big countries next to it, and even Hanzo would come over to get a piece of the pie.

Walking in the Land of Grass, Baiye and Xiaonan, hiding their identities, inquired about the location of the black market along the way.

Regrettably, after the battle between Iwagakure and Konoha started, the black market in the Country of Grass was either destroyed or military control was implemented, and the control of arms and medicines was stricter than that in the Country of Rain.

However, there are many more opportunities for cheating and cheating.

They picked up a lot of useful supplies and ninjutsu from the corpses of dead ninjas, but it was still a drop in the bucket for the supplies that the Akatsuki organization lacked.

After wandering around the Country of Grass for a few days, Byakuya and Konan came to the Ninja Village and Kusakuin Village of the Country of Grass.

Caoyin Village, a village in the true sense.

Unlike other great ninja villages called Ninja Villages, which are actually important military towns with hundreds of thousands of people living there, Kusagakure Village has a permanent population of less than 10,000, and the number of ninjas is only a few hundred, which is not a mass at all. Class.

In peacetime, they rely on cheap entrustment fees to seize the market and collect some tolls to barely maintain expenses.

During the war, we can only allow the big powers to wage war wantonly on their territory, vacillating like grass on the wall, huddled in Caoyin Village.

After disguised as a businessman and successfully entering Caoyin Village, Xiaonan looked at Bai Ye aside and couldn't help but ask:

"Bai Ye, can we really buy supplies here?"

Bai Ye was not sure enough, but he still said with determination: "If you go to the market and have a look, you will know that if you dare to open the village during the war, Caoyin Village must have a few brushes."

Xiaonan nodded doubtfully, and the two of them walked into the market of Caoyin Village as merchants.

As soon as he entered the market, Byakuya saw many Kusanagi standing guard nearby. This trading market in Kusagakure Village obviously had a high-level background in Kusugakure Village, and the things sold inside were also eye-opening.

In addition to kunai, shuriken and other weapons, there are even people selling ninjutsu scrolls.

Although it is the lowest level of ninjutsu, it is obvious that Kusagakure Village is confident in selling these openly during the war.

After asking several merchants, Bai Ye and Xiaonan got news about the sale of supplies. However, after hearing the high prices of the supplies, Xiaonan's expression immediately dimmed. She didn't bring enough money to buy enough supplies.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye took out the heavy money bag from his backpack and handed it to Xiao Nan.

"Don't look at me. This is the money I got from selling detonating charms. Senior Konan can obviously make detonating charms, but he has never thought of selling detonating charms for money. In the current ninja world, detonating charms are hard currency."

It was obviously me who mastered the art of making detonating talismans first...

Xiao Nan looked at Bai Ye expressionlessly, but the heavy purse made her feel extremely reliable.

Just when Xiao Nan was about to say something, Bai Ye took the initiative to distance himself and quickly disappeared into the market, leaving only a note filled with black words.

Xiaonan-senpai, I'm going to go out for a walk. I'll meet you at the hotel later.

After reading the above content, Xiaonan crushed the note and a reassuring smile appeared on her cold face.

After getting rid of Xiao Nan, Bai Ye walked alone on the streets of Caoyin Village. In addition to not wanting to bargain with the merchants, he was also looking for suitable prey.

Of course, it is impossible to go on a killing spree in Kusakure Village unless he has Hanzo's strength.

He also hates using murder to solve problems. He prefers mental torture to physical torture, but physical methods are often more effective.

With thoughts like burning weeds, Bai Ye began to take the initiative to approach the grass ninja, hoping to hear the information he wanted from the grass ninja's conversation.

To be precise, he wanted to hear information about the Uzumaki clan.

In the memory of his previous life, Uzumaki Koso was a ninja from Kusakure Village. Koso was extremely talented. As long as he received appropriate training, he was guaranteed to be an elite jounin-level ninja.

Judging from the current timeline, although Xianglan has not been born yet, Xianglan's mother may have already come to Caoyin Village.

As long as he can find Xiang Lian's mother, he can recruit an extremely talented seed player for the Akatsuki organization, thereby allowing him to obtain new system rewards.

Otherwise, the ninja world is so big, there is no need for him to take Konan to the Land of Grass.

After several hours of investigation, Bai Ye found nothing at all. Either the level of the group of grass ninjas was too low, or the mother of Xiang Lian hadn't come to the grass hidden village at the moment. He didn't hear anything useful. information.

The only Uzumaki ninja I heard about was the Konoha ninja Uzumaki Kushina.

After dark, Bai Ye met Xiaonan at the hotel. Judging from Xiaonan's excited expression, the procurement operation must have been very successful, and enough weapons and medicines were purchased for the Akatsuki organization.

"Bai Ye, you gave me one million taels and you have two hundred thousand taels left. I will find a way to pay you back the money I spent."

"The price of weapons purchased this time is three times the normal price, but the price of medicines has not increased much. I bought a little more this time in case of emergency."

The taciturn Xiaonan suddenly became cheerful, leaving Bai Ye still not used to it.

However, when he heard that the price increase of drugs was smaller than that of weapons, Bai Ye frowned and said to himself: "The price of weapons has increased several times, but the price of drugs has not increased much. Why is this?"

Hearing Bai Ye talking to himself, Xiaonan also fell into deep thought.

After a while, Bai Ye looked at Xiaonan solemnly: "Senior Xiaonan, write a letter to Yahiko immediately and tell him that the supplies will be sent to the border of the Country of Rain and have someone sent to receive them. We still need to stay in the Country of Grass. a period of time."

Xiaonan nodded slightly. Although she didn't understand the situation, she still agreed out of habit after seeing Bai Ye's solemn eyes.

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