Li Wenyuan's scanning operation against the home galaxy of the "Empire of the Conquerors" found nothing.

These planets are ordinary, just like most of the planets in the universe, they are forgotten when they turn around, and they can't leave any impression.

He didn't believe it at first, and asked the spacecraft to conduct multiple intensive scans again, but the result was still nothing.

Looking at the people of the "Conqueror Empire" on the planet who had become flustered because of his arrival, he invaded the network here with doubts, and then understood a lot of things.

"Showing off fireworks...? It wasn't the 'Active Purification Protocol' that gave me a false alarm, but... this is to give me a 'surprise'?"

Until now, Li Wenyuan couldn't understand why the "Empire of the Conqueror" did this without saying a word. The main guns of the battleship are not a joke, but any normal civilization would be extremely vigilant about this matter.

At this time, Li Wenyuan, who had not received the message from the "Empire of the Conqueror", felt that this incident was not a "surprise". It might be that the ruler of the empire wanted to play tricks, but he got off the hook.

However, with the invasion of the "Conqueror Empire" network, Li Wenyuan also began to focus on screening information related to the barrier planet.

After all, it is a fact that the "Conqueror Empire" got those "Scavenger Warships", and he needs to confirm the situation.

It didn't take long for this matter, those firewalls were useless to him, and he soon found the relevant data.

"...The transcript of the scientist who personally went to explore the interior of the barrier planet? Interesting."

【…The countless years of waiting finally came to fruition. As I guessed, the long river of time will wear away all solid stones, even this kind of barrier is no exception.】

[I have a hunch that I can discover treasures from it, as long as I can make His Majesty or those dignitaries happy, then my status in the Royal Academy of Sciences will undoubtedly rise...]

[——Too suddenly, the barrier has not been completely untied, it has been strengthened again, and now the planet barrier is repairing itself! 】

[The time given to us is less than a few days, I must hurry up! 】


[The exploration process is going well, this planet seems to be left by a highly developed civilization, and the entire planet is essentially a planet-level machine]

[There is no sign of life here, but according to speculation, I think there should have been robots and artificial intelligence here]

[——The group of damned guys, because they are jealous of my upcoming discovery, only give some old-fashioned robots that are about to be scrapped to assist me? 】


[In the end, I found something useful enough - a group of dusty warships]

[I can feel that the technology contained in it is far superior to ours, at least at the same level as the Lost Empire. I think His Majesty will be satisfied with this]


[The barrier was closed again, but the result was satisfactory, I found a powerful main battleship that is enough to make me famous all over the world]

【——No other findings. Nothing was found. 】

There are many logs, but not many of them are useful. Most of them are the scientist's dissatisfaction with his underappreciated talents.

"The origin of those 'clearer battleships' is like this... After all, this barrier planet is one of the collections of the museum, and it is very normal to park these old antiques on it..."

This transcript was kept in the most secret area of ​​the "Empire of the Conqueror". According to what Li Wenyuan learned during the process of deciphering it casually, the emperor's own warrant is required to view it here.

There seems to be no doubt about the authenticity of the materials kept in this kind of place, and Li Wenyuan doesn't think it is necessary for the "Empire of the Conquerors" to deceive people about this kind of thing.

"...However, there is something wrong with the content of this record... need to pay more attention."

Even though everything that happened here seems to have revealed the truth, Li Wenyuan still kept an eye on the content of this record, and put part of his energy on the barrier planet.

He believes that it is necessary to confirm the situation in the planet. The process of opening the planet's barrier does not seem to be smooth, unlike the former Pyro Alliance, which permanently lifted the planet's barrier.

According to the records, the barrier has been reinforced again, which caused the "Empire of the Conqueror" to explore the planet for a limited time.

Li Wenyuan believes that it may be the reinforcement of the previous "custody agreement".

Assuming this is the case, then the "Guardianship Protocol" definitely does not want something in it to be released, maybe it is the "Active Purification Protocol" that mysteriously disappeared.

If it had been before, Li Wenyuan might have given up on continuing this matter. After all, the barrier seemed very strong, and he didn't need to open the barrier left by the "custody agreement" to lock in danger just to satisfy his curiosity.

But the current situation is different. The "core database" on the earth has recorded the countdown to the next "galactic civilization stress resistance test", which seems to be dominated by the "active purification protocol".

At present, he doesn't know anything about the "Active Purification Protocol", and the information related to it seems to have been destroyed in a premeditated manner. He can only infer from a few incomplete fragments that the former "Guardian Matrix" may have this thing .

If there is really information related to the "Active Purification Protocol" here, or even if the "Active Purification Protocol" is here, then he will definitely try to open it here, and then directly kill it in the cradle before the crisis arrives.

Even if you can only get some information, it's not bad, after all, you can win every battle if you know yourself and the enemy.

"...Moreover, there was a gap in the barrier here dozens of months ago. If there was really something closed, it would have escaped at that time..."

Li Wenyuan felt a little melancholy about this, at least he could no longer control this matter.

In this galaxy, a few minutes is enough for a piece of information to spread, let alone dozens of months?

However, he is also confident enough to solve this crisis. The "Active Purification Agreement" has not had any movement for so many years, which shows that it has suffered no less damage than the "Guardian Agreement".

Since everyone is the same, he still thinks that he is better at operations, and even the messy "guardianship matrix" has been repaired by him back to what it is now.

So Li Wenyuan once again increased the security level of this galaxy, and even the "Sky Veil Battleship" was transferred here.

At the same time, he also called the Colossus, wanting to try to use the weapons on the Colossus to directly break through the unbreakable planetary barrier.

The stars are still running, the battleship is also roaring, and everyone's eyes are focused on this barrier planet.

No one will notice that there is a change in a place where a large number of abandoned robots are piled up in a certain "garbage dump" galaxy used to discard civilization garbage.

This is the cemetery of robots, and the "Conqueror Empire" will also throw their discarded old robots here. After all, recycling garbage also costs money, and those nobles are unwilling to do such a thankless thing.

And among these "dead" robots, the indicator light of one suddenly flickered, and a strange red light appeared.

But I saw it struggling to stand up from the surrounding wreckage, and some syllables gradually appeared in the sound generator that was not completely scrapped.

The syllables shifted, eventually forming a few short words: "...killing... maiming..."

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