Become a feudal king from today

Chapter 1171 Total War

Hawaii. Google search reading

After setting the follow-up strategy in Seattle, Qin Shan and Zhou Yi returned here.

Next, the Green Dragon Army and the Marine Corps will cooperate with the Indian Country to stabilize the western defense line and create room for them to grow.

The two decided to go to Yancheng to report their work to Emperor Zhao Xu.

After a short rest for a few days, an ironclad ship sailed away from Hawaii Island and headed for Dasung.

After more than half a month of sailing, the ironclad ship entered the eastern waters of Dasong.

Here, they saw steam merchant ships sailing on the sea, loaded with all kinds of goods.

Obviously, as Dasong entered the era of electric power industry, the construction capacity of merchant ships has also been greatly improved.

Many shipyards have sprung up, launching commercial ships one after another to meet Dasong's transportation needs.

This is just for civilian use, the navy's armored ships are also making dumplings.

Today, ironclad ships are the main combat power of the fleet.

Sail warships have become more of a sea fort.

After another day of sailing, the two arrived at Jinghai and took the train to Yancheng.

They saw more telephone poles on both sides of the road than before, which showed that the construction of Dasong never stopped while they were fighting.

An hour later, the two arrived at Yancheng and met Zhao Xu in the imperial study. Their marshal Chang Wei was also there.

"Congratulations on winning the battle." Zhao Xu and Chang Wei looked at each other and said to them with a smile.

When they rested in Wanghai City, the cable telegram was sent back.

Zhou Yi chuckled twice and said, "It's just that Sam's army is too stretched. The last general and General Qin haven't had enough fighting yet."

"Thanks to the replacement of Han-style weapons, our firepower is several times more powerful than before. I guess the Sam people were also fooled." Qin Shan agreed.

Zhao Xu smiled and nodded.

Qin Shan is serious in speech and never speaks big words. He must have won more easily by saying this.

Then Qin Shan reported back to Zhao Xu his strategy for the next stage.

Zhao Xu and Chang Wei both agreed.

Both of them also believed that there was no need to pursue the victory while they were victorious. It was better to let the Indian country gather the scattered Indian tribes to increase its strength.

Anyway, time is on Da Song's side now, so there is no need to rush.

After talking about military affairs for a while, Zhao Xu hosted a banquet for the two of them in the palace, which was regarded as a blessing for them.

After taking a break, Qin Shan will go to Hawaii to take command of the war.

Now that the war between Dasong and Xitu has officially begun, it will not end until one side completely falls.

As for Zhou Yi, he doesn't need to go anymore, just leave a naval unit there.

The Dasong Navy with its ironclad ships can easily deal with the remaining navy of the Sam Kingdom.

His more important task is to lead the Dasong Navy to patrol the world, attack the Western and Turkish warships still cruising at sea, and at the same time establish a naval base in the direction of Western Turkey.

Try to project naval power near Europa as soon as possible.

At that time, he estimated that Dasong's internal combustion engine had made a breakthrough and could already manufacture monoplanes and tanks.

After all, the development of internal combustion engines does not delay Wang Ying's military factory to first figure out the structural research of these two era-changing weapons and the preliminary construction of the factory.

Washington, the eastern colonial territory of the Kingdom of Sam.

When Qin Shan returned to Yancheng, Bolton came here.

With his arrival, news of the failure of the war spread throughout the colonial territories like the wind.

For a time, everyone was in panic.

Facing the embarrassed Burton, Sullivan remained silent for a long time.

He wanted to scold Bolton, but Bolton's story finally stopped him.

Who can win with such ferocious weapons from Dasong's army?

As Burton said, the Great Song Army fought against them as they had once fought against the Indians.

"Of our thirteen colonial territories, five are occupied in the west. After capturing Long Beach, the remaining two will definitely not be preserved." Sullivan looked dejected.

The colonial territories in the west were not far apart.

Moreover, these colonial territories were established to further eliminate the Indians entrenched in the west.

Therefore, there were a large number of Indian slaves living in the colonial territories.

Now, they will be the new blood in Indian Country.

"Yes, Your Excellency, fortunately, there is a large area of ​​barren land between the western colonial territory and the eastern colonial territory. They will face supply problems when they go here. Maybe this can buy us time to build defenses." Bolton said.

After a pause, he continued, "We should abandon the small colonial territories and concentrate most of them on the important colonial territories, and at the same time request assistance from the Western World again."

Sullivan nodded.

According to Bolton's description, the strength displayed by the Dasong army is simply not something that their country of Sam can handle.

Now, the only thing they can do is defend the east coast and call for reinforcements.

From now on, they may have to enter a long period of war.

If they lose, they can only exchange identities with the Indians and suffer a tragic fate.

Half a month later, he set off for Britain again.

Before his arrival, news of Sam's failure had spread to every corner of the Western Kingdom, including the Ross Kingdom.

Emperor Nicholas was naturally very happy, because Dasong launched a counterattack against the Western Territory, which undoubtedly reduced the pressure on the Russian State in the Western Territory.

The Russian state will be able to obtain greater benefits.

Britain, Frank and other countries were like mourning their heirs.

In particular, the news of the new weapons frustrated them, who had just developed a breech-loading paper-shell rifle.

They thought that the emergence of breech-loading paper rifles would narrow the equipment gap between Dasong.

But Dasong is obviously making progress, and the gap between them and Dasong is growing.

"We can no longer remain passive. We don't know what formidable weapons Dasong will develop in the future. Now that we have not completely lost our ability to fight back, we should launch an all-out war to end Dasong's development." Interview After killing Sullivan, Eisley decided to summon the prime minister and king of the Western Turks again.

The current state of Rus is like a knife cutting through the flesh of the Western Continent, and Dasong is developing leisurely. This is absolutely intolerable to her, and it is also quite dangerous.

Prime Minister William and Eisley maintained the same opinion.

Having settled this matter, British diplomats went to various countries.

Half a month later, the heads of more than ten Western countries gathered in Langton.

At the meeting, Ashley stated her thoughts and the great rise of Dasong.

And he used the attack on Sam as an example to warn every Western country.

The implication is that if Da Song cannot be contained, Sam Country is their future.

"Everyone, we must launch a full-scale war against Dasong and cannot give them any more opportunities to develop. Otherwise, our fate will be like that of the indigenous people we once enslaved. Do you want to bear such a fate?" Ashley shouted hoarsely, " No matter what you plan to do, we in Britain will officially declare war on Dasong!"

The kings and prime ministers of various countries were silent. They have been rampant in the world for hundreds of years.

A lot of benefits were gained through colonization.

Now Dasong prevents him from benefiting from these colonial countries.

In their hearts, they were naturally full of resentment towards Da Song.

But now the experience of Sam's country has made them hurt again.

"On behalf of Frank, I declare war on Dasong!"

“On behalf of Stedam, I declare war on Dasong!”


King after king or prime minister stood up.

Alice and Sullivan were ecstatic.

At this moment, they are no longer two hostile countries, but the Anglo-Saxons at the same time.

The major powers expressed their opinions one after another. Small countries naturally had no right to choose and also joined the ranks of declaring war.

That afternoon, many heads of state issued a joint declaration in Longton, mobilizing the entire people and declaring war on Dasong.

At the same time, they issued an ultimatum to the Russian state.

Order the Russians to join the Western-Turkish side, otherwise, they will become the target of attack by the Western-Turkish coalition.

In the next half month, the Tusman Empire also joined the ranks of declaring war.

The world is in turmoil.

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