Beasttaming: Fallen Angel As The First Contract In Game

Chapter 82 Mi Feng 7 Xia Niao's Divine Feather

In the high school class, almost all the knowledge about pets was taught, and the props were only slightly mentioned.

After all, there are too many types of props, some are naturally generated, and some are manufactured.

Only after going to university, there are courses for in-depth research.

There is even a special [props system].

Lin Yu felt that he had encountered a problem.

He picked up the phone, hesitating whether to ask Zheng Bo or not.

But after thinking about it, he closed the contact interface again.

At this point, people probably went to bed early, or they were still busy with the aftermath of the hatchery, and probably didn't have time to read the news.

"By the way, I can look it up in the illustrated book." He slapped his head and hurriedly opened the illustrated book.

Sure enough, he saw a function of taking pictures and recognizing pictures inside.

Isn't this solved?

He clicked and swept the pair of scissors first.

The information came out.

"[Yin God Scissors], gold and dark dual-attribute props?"

Lin Yu read it out.

"With the sharpness bonus of the gold system, it can do good damage to the enemy, and it also has the concealment ability of the dark system, so it can be invisible for a short time?"

He suddenly laughed foolishly.

It seems to have found a treasure.

This is a standard combat prop!

Among the many props, it is definitely the most popular one.

"This item can be used by Xiao Zi."

He couldn't help imagining the scene of Xiao Zi holding the big scissors, and suddenly shivered for no reason.

"Next, next."

He quickly pointed his phone at the pet animal's leg bone.

"[Feng Mo Yuan's Leg Bone]? Can this be considered a prop?"

Lin Yu opened his mouth slightly.

Can Xiao Zi's hair and Xiao Zi's toenails be considered props?

He continued to look, and found that it was not as simple as he thought.

Although the bone was indeed taken from the pet beast Fengmoyuan, it was obviously reprocessed by the prop master.

"That is to say, the prop maker is a waste of names, and finally came up with such a name." The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and Xiao Zi came out after taking a shower.

Lin Yu was stunned for a while, staring at the beauty in front of him who had just come out of the bath.

She changed into a bathrobe, revealing her fair and delicate shoulders and collarbone, and her long black and soft hair hanging around her waist.

With the fragrance of shower gel on her body, her whole body is like a cloud of mist, misty and seductive.

Seeing his dull gaze, Xiao Zi blushed slightly, and whispered softly, "Lin Yu..."

Only then did Lin Yu come back to his senses, coughed dryly, with a weird expression on his face.

Is the sun out in the west today?

Xiao Zi didn't even wear the purple dress that manifested with energy.

"Xiao Zi, come here quickly." He suddenly excitedly said, impatient to show Xiao Zi these props.

Xiao Zi walked over curiously, picked up [Yin Shen Scissors] and played with it in her hands.

"Ahem, you have to hold it steady." Lin Yu coughed lightly, and briefly introduced this prop to her.

Her eyes gradually lit up.

Xiao Zi seems to like it... Lin Yu looked at [Feng Mo Ape's Leg Bones] again.

"The function of this item is to increase the speed of the wearer, and it also comes with a low-level skill, but it must be carried by legs?"

He couldn't help rolling his eyes.

There is definitely something wrong with this maker...

Leg bones like this can obviously be processed into bone chains and the like, how can others carry them like this now?

He quietly lowered his head to look at Xiao Zi's little feet, which were as white as jade, which were shaking gently under the table.

Take a rope and tie it to Xiao Zi's leg?

Xiao Zi will give me the scissors... He was slightly silent.

"Look at the last prop first."

Sighing, he picked up the scarf.

"[Anti-flame scarf], after wearing it, it will increase the resistance to flames."

Isn't this much more normal?

If I had known its purpose earlier, I wouldn't have been burned in the battle against the Flaming Dragon Lizard... He murmured to himself.

Is this prop useful? It is quite useful.

It's just too targeted.

If it can be deployed earlier before facing the opponents of the fire system, it may not be a sharp weapon.

"Then let's distribute the props." Lin Yu waved his hand and called the little bat and the tree treasure over.

Since there are so many props, it is natural to share the rain and dew, and share some candy for everyone.

[Yin Shen Scissors] Undoubtedly, it belongs to Xiao Zi, and the other two beasts are not easy to use.

[Fengmo Ape's Leg Bones], Xiao Zi lost interest after taking a look at it, instead, it was a little bat, full of interest.

But you are not suitable, this leg bone is as tall as your body The corners of Lin Yu's mouth twitched.

After thinking about it, he handed the leg bone to Shubao.

The roots of a big tree can also be regarded as legs, right?

Under the eyes of many people, Shubao slowly placed the [Fengmo Ape's Leg Bone] at the bottom, and its roots wrapped around it.

Then, a burst of azure light burst out from its body.

"Tree tree!"

"Your speed has increased?" The corners of Lin Yu's mouth curled up slightly, and it seemed to be successful.

Moreover, it is wrapped with a few roots, which neither hinders movement nor affects the appearance.

Just right.

"Then this [Niyan Scarf] can only be given to you." Lin Yu blinked and handed it to the little bat.

As for [Great Shackles], it is not suitable for use in battle, so he plans to carry it by himself.

Fortunately, the little bat is not picky about food, it quickly wrapped the scarf as if it had got a treasure.

Flying happily around the room.

It's so coaxing Lin Yu sighed.

Next is the main event.

He lowered his head and looked at the blue feather.

For a moment, Xiao Zi's attention was also concentrated.

He has obtained the information of this resource through the illustrated book.

【Mi Feng Qixia Bird's Divine Feather】.

Mi Feng Qixia Bird, this is a very rare beast, it is said that it is very good at breaking the illusion and illusion.

And obviously not a single feather plucked from its body can be counted as a resource.

Only the natal feather can have this kind of honor.

Lin Yu felt very novel, but he didn't expect this feather to have a big background.

"Swallow, swallow!" Xiao Zi raised her small fist, and a waxy voice rang in Lin Yu's ears.

Cute, I think... He glanced at the uplifted Xiao Zi.

Want to satisfy her.

Lin Yu calmed down, and pointed his palm at [Mi Feng Qixia Bird's Divine Feather] with a smile.

Mysterious mist spewed out, gradually enveloping it under the watchful eyes of the two.

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