After the words fell, Xiao Zi's eyes flickered, and she was about to float into the arena.

At this moment, it also seemed to feel the terrible oppression on Xiao Zi's body.

It trembled in fear, and then quickly left the Kuihun bat, its figure flickered suddenly.

The next moment, it appeared in the distance.

"Can you still move skills?" Lin Yu was a little surprised, and said in a hurry, "Go, catch up with it."

One person, one angel, one bat immediately launched a pursuit.

The speed of the Wraith Pet is surprisingly fast. It seems to know that if it falls behind, it will not end well, so it has been running with all its strength.

Lin Yu was not in a hurry, he kept his distance and chased steadily.

He would like to see where this beast is going, maybe there will be unexpected gains?

While chasing all the way, a cliff appeared in front of him.

On the cliff, stands a triangular tower building.

"That's..." Lin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

The building is somewhat similar to a pyramid, but narrower than a pyramid, and appears taller and longer.

Each floor was lit with a dim green light.

He watched with his own eyes, the wraith beast floated in from the window on the first floor of the tower in a flash.

"Let's go there." Lin Yu was very curious, and now he especially wanted to know where it was and what it had to do with the new beast.

In an instant, they had arrived in front of the tower.

Lin Yu raised his head and looked at the plaque directly above.

【Soul Heart Hatchery】.

"The hatchery, this is actually a hatchery?" Lin Yu was slightly stunned.

Ye Wenqian had also taken them to the hatchery before, but the two buildings looked completely different in style.

"Do hatcheries like to build all kinds of weird shapes?"

The lights in the hatchery were on, and there might be someone inside. Lin Yu was not sure about the relationship between the pet just now and here.

Go in and have a look...

He thought about it, first took back Xiao Zi, and then wanted to take back the little bat.

It turned out that this pet beast, which was not a formal contract, really couldn't be accepted into his contract space.

Then go and stay in the backpack Lin Yu opened his backpack.

The little bat jumped into it, but because the six pairs of wings occupied too much space, it would not be able to get in for a while.

Lin Yu pressed its body helplessly, and after pressing hard twice, it finally pushed it into the backpack.

After straightening his clothes, he stepped forward to knock on the door.

"Dangdangdang", the sound of knocking on the door echoed in the quiet night, which seemed a little eerie.

No one opened the door?

Lin Yu knocked patiently again.

After a dozen more knocks, just as he was considering whether to break in, the door opened.

The person who opened the door was a woman in her twenties, with long curly black hair hanging over her shoulders, wearing a white work shirt, with a curvy figure.

Lin Yu was startled slightly, the beauty who appeared suddenly was a little bit unexpected.

He thought that this kind of incubator in the barren mountains was full of bald old gentlemen who were too focused on research and had a little lack of energy.

"Hello." Lin Yu cleared his throat and said seriously, "My name is Ye Tian, ​​I am from Ningcheng, and I am a student who went to Ancheng to study and study. I passed by here and wanted to have a light meal. I don't know if it is convenient ?”

The big wave beauty was stunned for a moment, re-examined Lin Yu, and then said: "Ningcheng... so far away, did you walk here by yourself?"

"Yes." Lin Yu said sincerely, "I have traveled a long distance, and my mouth is a little dry. I just saw an incubator here, so I wanted to come and ask."

The big wave beauty first looked at Lin Yu suspiciously, then giggled and said, "Okay, handsome guy, come in if you are not afraid.


She turned sideways, Lin Yu raised his head and chest, and strode into the prison under her gaze.

Naturally, there was a reason why he was so bold. First of all, he felt that this woman was just a junior beast master and could not pose a threat to him.

Secondly, according to Xiao Zi's feedback, it seems that no existence above the primordial habitat has been detected on the first floor.

Bang, the sound of the door closing came from behind Lin Yu. He kept his composure, watched the woman close the door, and motioned for him to follow.

The two were silent all the way, only the sound of "da da" footsteps echoed in the empty corridor.

After a few minutes, the vision opened up, and they came to the lobby on the first floor.

Looking around, Lin Yu saw that the entire first floor was empty, without any hatching devices, which was completely different from the hatchery he had been to before.

The lighting was also a bit dim.

He walked forward slowly, only a huge spotlight in the middle of the hall shone down, emitting a faint green light.

Other than that, there are no other lighting objects.

"What hell hatchery, do you put it here to save electricity?" Lin Yu complained frantically in his heart.

Under the spotlight, a figure stood.

After approaching, Lin Yu saw his appearance clearly.

He looked to be about thirty years old, wearing glasses, with a peaceful face, a rather learned look, and wearing a clean white study coat.

"Is there a guest?" He smiled warmly at Lin Yu.

"Hello." Lin Yu smiled at him, but felt extremely weird in his heart.

Why does it seem like there are only two of them in such a big research institute?

While the woman and the man with glasses introduced his background, he looked up.

The interior of the hatchery also looks like a tower structure, and he can even see the faint dome at a glance.

Surrounded by a circle of stairs, winding upwards non-stop.

There was a dead silence in the entire hatchery, and there was no sound except where the few of them were.

"Well, I saw a strange beast on the mountain just now." Lin Yu said suddenly.

"What beast?" The male researcher suddenly became interested.

"I can't name it, and I can't recognize it in the illustrated book." Lin Yu shook his head, and described the appearance of the wraith pet to them.

All the while, he kept a close eye on their reactions.

The male researcher frowned, and said, "I don't even know what kind of beast you mentioned, it's strange."

The woman was also meditating on one side.

I really don't know, or I'm still acting Lin Yu thought to himself.

If it's acting, then I, Lin, admire your acting skills.

"I saw that pet beast come into the hatchery just now." He threw another shot.

"What! Really?" Both of them were surprised.

Lin Yu nodded.

"If it really came in, then we should be able to see it on the spot." The woman frowned.

Lin Yu looked around, the incubator was empty, and there was no sign of the pet beast at all.

Pet beasts should not disappear out of thin air...

"I want to ask, is there a possibility that it is your pet beast?" Lin Yu said cautiously.

...Unless it is taken into the Beast Familiar Space.

Their bodies froze at the same time.

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