Beast Studio

Nine hundred and thirteen Entering the westerly belt

On the first day after the Dream left Sydney Harbor and entered the westerly belt, there was already an obvious feeling of turbulence.

This is just the beginning.

Meteorological expert Professor Zhu hurriedly found Liu Wei to discuss the meteorology.

Professor Zhu pointed to the weather analysis on the computer screen and said: "You see, the two cyclones we observed before are changing every day, and these are the two newly observed cyclones today.

I judge that there are more, Captain, the cyclone activity is too intensive, and it is basically impossible to find a cyclone window period to smoothly pass through the westerly belt! "

Liu Wei frowned and said, "Lao Zhu, based on your experience, what should we do?"

Professor Zhu observed the cyclone activity and said: "Entering this small cyclone, slow down and walk against the wind!"

"Is it too risky?" Liu Wei asked worriedly.

"There is no other way!" Professor Zhu said, "Compared with the severe weather encountered during the 29th Antarctic scientific expedition, the situation we are facing now is relatively optimistic!"

Liu Wei thought for a moment, "How confident are you?"

"60%" Professor Zhu said matter-of-factly, "The Dream will officially enter an area with frequent cyclone activity tomorrow afternoon. I can't accurately predict the wind speed and wave height of this small cyclone center now!"

"Too low! Lao Zhu!"

"If you add the old guy on the bridge, I think it should be 90%!" Professor Zhu said with a smile.

Liu Wei was still hesitating.

At this time, the Dream's hull suddenly veered sharply to the left.

There were clanging sounds and shouts from the crew in the cabin.

Professor Zhu put down the pen in his hand and looked at Liu Wei, "This wave is a warning in advance! Captain, you make the decision.

However, I need to remind you that this severe weather will last for a long time, and the third large cyclone will drift north to Australia with the westerly wind! "

"You mean we will encounter the same danger even if we turn back now!" Liu Weidao.

Professor Zhu nodded, "That's pretty much what it means!"

"Lao Zhu,

You summon all the experts on the ship to discuss the sailing plan, and I will organize the crew to prepare for emergencies! "Liu Wei deployed.

Professor Zhu nodded, watched Liu Wei leave, and then looked back at the cyclone on the computer to study it.

Liu Wei called everyone to gather in the restaurant.

"Captain, the wave just now was too big! I rolled off the bed!"

"Captain, several crew members are experiencing seasickness!"

"Captain, what should we do next?"

A series of questions were thrown to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei held on to the door handle of the restaurant and said, "According to Professor Zhu's analysis, we encountered very bad weather when traveling through the westerly belt this time, but don't panic, the experts on the ship are discussing the sailing plan.

Before a plan can be drawn up, we must be prepared for emergencies.

First of all, Luo Jiangfeng, starting from this afternoon, all activities in the kitchen will be stopped and kitchen tools, especially electrical equipment, will be fixed to avoid accidents! "

"I understand, Captain!" Luo Jiangfeng responded. He knew very well that under the impact of the big waves just now, it was impossible for the kitchen to complete normal cooking work.

Liu Wei then deployed: "Zhang Xing will lead all sailors and crew members to do two things before tonight.

The first thing is to check the hull structure, especially the joints. If any problems are found, deal with them immediately.

The second piece is to reinforce all movable equipment, such as lifeboats, oil drums in warehouses, daily utensils, etc.

If there are strong winds and waves, there is no way for people to deal with it, and the safety risks are too great! "

Zhang Xing responded: "Promise to complete the mission!"

Liu Wei: "Seasick crew members should find ways to adjust their physical condition and sail in bad weather. Seasickness is a normal phenomenon. I will ask the accompanying doctor to take care of you!"

"Thanks, Captain!"

"Okay! Act now!" Liu Wei clapped his hands.

Zhang Xing went to work with volunteers who were still able to move normally.

Liu Wei climbed onto the deck, and the heavy rain and waves beat fiercely on the deck.

The wind speed is only level five now, but the sea level is already showing signs of rolling.

The Dream's hull shook slightly.

Liu Wei climbed onto the bridge.

All the old experts are staring at the instrument and discussing.

Liu Wei stood aside and listened carefully. At the critical moment, he had to rely on these old guys.

Discussed for a long time.

The expert team then turned back to look at Liu Wei.

Professor Zhu stood up and said: "Captain, we have come to the conclusion that we should slow down, rush through the second small cyclone against the wind, continue sailing following the tail of the second small cyclone, and rush out of the westerly wind before the arrival of the third large cyclone. Take, sail to the Antarctic continent!"

"Is there enough time?" Liu Wei asked.

Everyone looked at the old pilot, who stood up and said seriously: "Before entering the small cyclone, I can increase the sailing speed to six knots. After entering, I can slow down to 4 knots. After passing through the cyclone, it is possible to increase the speed to six knots. According to this sailing speed, it will take two and a half days, Captain, this is the limit of what I can control!"

Liu Wei nodded and said: "According to the plan! I'll leave it to you all next!"

"no problem!"

"Guys, it's time to get serious!"

"Captain, don't worry!"

The veteran comrade in the expert group said with a smile.

Noon the next day.

Dream enters the second small cyclone.

Professor Zhu observed the weather and reported the situation in a timely manner using a walkie-talkie.

"Wind speed 7.5!"

"The wave height is 4.3!"

The bridge replied: "Speed ​​is 5 knots! Traveling normally!"

In the evening, there was a thunderstorm.

Liu Wei wore a raincoat and climbed onto the deck to observe the situation in the warehouse.

"The wind speed is level 9!"

"The wave is five meters high!"

Professor Zhu's voice just came from the intercom.

A big wave rolled over.

The hull that hit the Dream made a violent noise.

The sound of impact, thunder, and rolling waves...all mixed together and rushed into the ears of all the crew members of the Dream.

The hull rises and sinks with the big waves, over and over again, with different amplitudes each time.

It's several times more uncomfortable than riding a roller coaster.

The oil drums tied up in the warehouse began to tremble, and the bottoms hit the deck with a thump.

Liu Wei leaned against the warehouse and went in to check it out.

A message suddenly came from the bridge: "Attention all crew members, the large wave ahead is 15 meters away!"

Professor Zhu followed closely: "The wind speed is eleven! The Dream is in an emergency state!"

"Speed ​​3 knots!"

The veteran driver slowed down again.

Liu Wei came out of the warehouse after checking the warehouse and witnessed the waves of more than ten meters swallowing him up. He quickly lifted the ship, and then the hull sank with gravity, and the deck was almost parallel to the sea level.

Liu Wei rolled onto the deck and clung to the guardrail of the stairs entering the living area.

In the living area at this time, all the crew members could almost only lie down and squat on the ground, completely unable to adjust their body balance.

The seats in the restaurant have begun to collide with each other involuntarily.

The violent and persistent shaking lasted until 8:30 pm local time.

"Successfully passed the center of the cyclone! Speed ​​of five knots!"

Professor Zhu said: "The third large cyclone is moving very fast, we must hurry up!"

"Received from the bridge!"

"Received from the observation room!"

"Engine room received!"

"Cabin received!"


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