Beast Studio

Five Hundred and Thirty Sharing Chinese Experience

Remember in one second【】

The resettlement center is like a prison.

The man-eating tiger imprisoned here is the criminal who committed "intentional homicide".

The criminal in prison has a talker. No need to guess, this talker must be the man-eating tiger that has eaten four people.

The ferocity it showed has convinced other man-eating tigers.

The one that has just been caught knows that it is basically impossible to get out, so if it wants to survive here with peace of mind, it must bluff to attract the attention of the speaker and gain the recognition of other companions.

Even though they are both a type of tiger.

All are sinners.

But there is also a world in this small prison.

Liu Wei was thinking divergently, guessing what the tigers were thinking. The animal world is an interesting world.

After placing the man-eating tiger.

The staff brought a cart of beef.

See the bloody beef.

The tigers were excited.

They have developed the habit of opening their mouths when eating.

The staff dropped a chunk into each cage.

The tiger tilted his head and chewed the beef.

The staff said: "Each tiger eats 40 kilograms of meat every day!"

Liu Wei asked: "Are they all fed beef?"

The staff nodded.

If calculated based on the price of domestic beef, a man-eating tiger would eat nearly 3,500 yuan worth of beef every day, and with more than ten of them locked up here, their daily food expenses would exceed 40,000 yuan.

"The cost is a bit high!" Liu Wei said.

Tom: "Liu, I was just about to discuss this issue with you. I know that China's Siberian Tiger Park is very successful. Academician Ma Rongsheng, who initiated the establishment of the Siberian Tiger Park, has always been a subject of study for me. I have read many of his papers. .


Do you know him? "

Liu Wei nodded: "I have been to the Siberian Tiger Forest Park. Academician Ma Rongsheng is a leader in feline research in China, and I am his student!"

Liu Wei smiled slightly.

"That's great!" Tom was a little excited. "Let's go to the office to chat. I want to share with you the development experience of the child care center!"

Liu Wei said modestly: "I only know the basics of the development model of the Siberian Tiger Forest Park!"

"Enough is enough!"

Tom smiled and invited Liu Wei to the office. He knew that Liu Wei was a little humble. After getting along with him for the past two days, he knew how much Liu Wei weighed.

He is also more eager to improve the current situation of the conservation center, which is related to the continuation of the entire Sumatran tiger species.

Go into the office.

Liu Wei set up his live broadcast phone and sat on the sofa. Tom poured a cup of tea and handed it to him.


Liu Wei took a sip of water and said, "Tell me about the operation status of the childcare center first!"

Tom had a sad look on his face and shook his head, "The operating situation is not very good. The current funding source of the conservation center mainly comes from the support of the Indonesian Forestry Administration and the Sumatran Tiger Conservation Fund. As you know, it is only the scientific researchers and work in the center. The funding for personnel is a huge sum.

Also, as you saw today, the living expenses of Sumatran tigers are also very high. This does not include medical expenses and other expenses.

I am worried that the childcare center will be underfunded! "

Liu Wei nodded after listening, feeling Tom's worry.

Funding for foundation organizations mainly comes from society, and the instability is too high.

The Indian Forest Service's funding for protecting Sumatran tigers will also be limited, not to mention that local governments have some unexplained illegal activities.

Liu Wei said: "The Siberian Tiger Forest Park has a very good operating model, using tigers to raise tigers!"

When Tom heard this, he became interested and asked for advice: "I have seen the term "raising tigers with tigers" before. Liu, can you tell me the specific situation?

Liu Wei: "Raising tigers with tigers, as the name suggests, means relying on tigers to raise themselves. The Siberian Tiger Forest Garden is an open forest garden. There are many feline mysteries in the world, especially tiger mysteries. Just look at me." Live broadcast viewers, they especially like tigers.

The Siberian Tiger Forest Park attracts domestic and foreign tourists with its strong wild interest and charming charm, receiving more than 250,000 tourists every year.

A rough calculation shows that this is a huge amount of income, which is completely enough for a tiger to live on, and the foundation's money and the government's money can be invested more in scientific research.

This is a virtuous cycle! "

Tom nodded repeatedly. He had had similar thoughts in his mind. Currently, some venues in the conservation center are also open to the public, but the income and expenditure are not balanced.

He continued to ask: "Liu, can you be more specific?"

Liu Wei smiled and said: "The Siberian Tiger Forest Park has a wild domestication area, an adult tiger area, a breeding tiger area, a breeding tiger area, a liger area, an African lion area, a king tiger area, a cub area, a walking area and a tiger viewing platform. 11 other attractions to visit.

These attractions not only provide viewing services for tourists, but also separate tigers of various ages, which is helpful for their growth and management and domestication by staff.

The most important role is to promote and educate tourists about tigers. Residents living in Sumatra, including some local officials, lack awareness of conservation and need a certain amount of publicity.

Through publicity and popularization, we can attract more tourists!”

Tom couldn't help but clapped his hands, "Liu, this method is really great. I need to communicate with the local forestry bureau. I believe in the model of raising tigers with tigers."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Same goes for Sumatran tigers!”

He knew that what Liu Wei proposed was only a conceptual framework, and that promoting this model in Indonesia would definitely encounter more problems.

But Tom has a firm belief, otherwise he would not have come to Indonesia from the Zoological Society of London, almost ten years ago.

In his eyes, nothing is more important than protecting the Sumatran tiger.

"I have roughly visited the Sumatran Tiger Conservation Center in the past two days. There is an issue that you should pay attention to!" Liu Wei reminded.

"Liu, please speak quickly!"

Tom had plunged into the role of a seeker.

He had never been so eager to listen to someone's advice.

Liu Wei said: “The wild domestication of the Sumatran tiger.

Tom, we all know that only mountains and forests are the ideal living environment for tigers. Tigers bred in conservation centers must eventually be released into the wild to ensure the continuation of the entire wild Sumatran tiger population.

Of course, environmental protection is a very important factor, and this aspect mainly relies on the government's coercive means.

The Sumatran tiger's rewilding training is directly related to whether it can adapt to the wild environment?

We cannot rely solely on physical health tests to make a determination. We must know that even Siberian tigers that have undergone rewilding training in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park may not be able to adapt to the wild environment, let alone Sumatran tigers that have only undergone some physical health examinations.

Rewilding is a process that begins when the cubs are born, and they need to adapt to it. Until the entire rewilding training is completed and the standards are met for release into the wild, tigers can survive in the wild and reproduce themselves.

The Sumatran tiger conservation center has not invested enough in this area. In particular, the rewilding training system based on the Sumatran tiger's own behavior and living habits needs to be implemented as soon as possible, and some professional technical personnel must also be introduced! "

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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