Beast Studio

Four hundred and eighty-six It turns out they are brothers!

The native who walked over was dressed in a way that caught the attention of Liu Wei and the audience in the live broadcast room.

The feathers on the crest of the head are much denser and longer than others, and look more imposing. There is also a beak more than ten centimeters long in the front part, making the entire crest look like a big bird with wings spread.

There were two earrings hanging on his ears. I didn't know what material they were made of. It was already puzzling for a man to wear earrings, and the pair of earrings on his ears were very large and hung on his shoulders.

Liu Wei was worried that his earlobes would be torn off by the big earrings.

A long necklace hangs on his chest, which hangs down to his navel. The necklace is filled with various teeth of beasts.

Both arms were tattooed with mysterious patterns like other indigenous people, and the arms were wrapped with a piece of red cloth painted with mysterious patterns.

His lower body was the same as other natives, with only a fig leaf blocking the front and back.

The most eye-catching thing is the two weapons on his body.

One is a spear held in the right hand. The shape and size of the spear are almost the same as those in the hands of other indigenous people. It is just that under the iron piece, there are many colored lines wrapped around the wooden stick, which seems to be used. Demonstrates tribal hierarchy.

The other weapon is a broadsword on his waist. The shape of the sword is a bit like the Hongying broadsword during the Anti-Japanese War. The size is similar, but the scabbard is full of animal teeth, feathers and some things that Liu Wei can't understand. .

No need to guess.

He must be the "leader" of the tribe!

While the audience was marveling at this outfit, Liu Wei moistened his throat and briefly thought about how to communicate with the tribal leader to ensure his own safety.

Before Liu Wei could speak, the leader was already standing beside Liu Wei and asked directly: "Where do you come from?"

Liu Wei's eyes lit up.

Can speak English.

That would be easy to communicate with.

He didn't find it strange, because the title of "headhunters" and records of bloody cruelty of the Dayak people first appeared in Western documents, and Western colonists had personally experienced their cruelty.

Therefore, the culture and language brought by the West will remain here. Naturally, some people learned English and passed it down.

After all, every tribe needs someone who can communicate with the Malaysian government, under whose jurisdiction they now fall.

Liu Wei responded with a smile: "Come from Sabah and enter the rainforest to engage in scientific research activities on wild animals!"

Upon hearing Liu Wei's tone, the leader tilted his head and asked, "Chinese?"

Liu Wei nodded: "Chinese!"

The leader turned around and said to the indigenous people standing nearby: "Take him to my room."

The man nodded.

Liu Wei looked confused and asked a few words and let it go?

Then, the tribesman who accepted the order stepped forward and stretched out his hand to tug Liu Wei, without any force, just to explain that Liu Wei should follow him.

Liu Wei nodded and followed.

He walked around the fire, walked along the avenue where the tribe gathered, walked directly to one end of the house, and stopped.

The tribal leader walked up the wooden ladder and opened his door. He turned back and smiled at Liu Wei, "Come in!"

This smile really confused Liu Wei.

What's the situation now?

Under the control of others, he didn't think too much and followed.

The tribal leader entered the house and lit the oil lamp.

The oil lamp illuminated the wooden house, and the corpses of various animals were hung on the walls around the house. These corpses represented his status among the tribe.

"Sit!" The tribal leader put down his weapon and sat on the ground, spreading his hands to Liu Wei.

Are you so polite?

Liu Wei found some porcelain and domestic dining plates on the leader's table, which made him wonder whether there had been Chinese explorers before?

Was the plate left behind by explorers?

Liu Wei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the tribe leader's attitude, it seemed that the previous person had left a good impression on him.

Nodding, Liu Wei sat on the ground, keeping a relatively distance from the leader.

The leader smiled and said: "Young man, you may not know the origin of our Dayak people, right?"

Liu Wei nodded, "I have read some Western literature!"

"They, huh~," the leader snorted coldly, a little bit reluctant, "historical distortionists!"

Liu Wei liked the word used by the leader.

The leader continued: "You should know the history of headhunters, but that is not all the Dayak people. In the development of the Dayak people, they have already abandoned those rough civilizations.

Although we don’t like contact with the outside world and live a self-sufficient life, we are not as cruel as described in the West. We mainly make a living by hunting and planting.

The custom of headhunting disappeared after the 19th century. Unexpectedly, it is still circulating in the 21st century.

Ha ha ha ha!

That’s fine, let’s scare those arrogant and ignorant people! "

The tribal leader's words were clear and somewhat profound. It is not difficult to see that he is a person who has accepted modern civilization.

Liu Wei nodded, acknowledged his statement, and asked his own question, "What was the conflict between you and the Madura people in 2000?"

Although Liu Wei doesn't know much about the current living conditions of the Dayak people, at the beginning of the century, ethnic conflicts occurred in Borneo that shocked the world, and one of the protagonists was the Dayak people.

The death toll reached more than 400 people, and rivers of blood flowed. They used the most primitive means to solve the problem.

The tribal leader frowned. He knew that Liu Wei's true meaning in asking this question was to question what he just said.

He smiled again, "Let's talk about you!"

Avoid this question very casually.

Liu Wei couldn't find a reason to continue asking, and he didn't want to cause trouble to himself, so he could only follow the tribe leader's thinking.

Liu Wei once again explained his purpose of coming, "I am a wildlife research expert from China. Borneo has the oldest preserved rainforest. It is a paradise for animals and plants. I came here just for scientific research. I just came here not long ago. I have cooperated with experts from the Malaysian Academy of Sciences and the Sabah Zoological Institute..."

The tribal leader raised his hand to interrupt Liu Wei, "I don't care what you are here for? As long as you don't come with any ill intentions, we welcome every Chinese to be our guest!"

Liu Wei showed a question mark face.

The leader said: "I just mentioned to you the origin of our people. In the tribal legends of our Dayak people, there are many stories about China. All people know that the Dayaks and the Chinese are brothers. , we escaped because of the wars in ancient times.

Historically, our exchanges with China have never been broken. Porcelain, copperware, silver coins, etc. produced in ancient China were introduced to the tribes and were regarded as treasures by the tribal leaders at that time.

In the last century, I remember that when I was born, there were still many Chinese antiques in the tribe. I just saw you looking at the porcelain on the table. That plate was left by my ancestors and is authentic from the Kangxi official kiln.

There are more than ten ancient coins hanging on this necklace around my neck, which are also ancient Chinese coins. My ancestors passed them down as amulets!"

Liu Wei was stunned for a while.

It turns out there is such a relationship!

Wouldn't it be possible to become brothers with the tribal leader?

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