Beast Studio

Three hundred and ninety-seven Be careful

The leading fisherman's face was covered with saliva. The crocodile dog's big mouth was only a few centimeters away from his neck. Even if he knew that Liu Wei was deliberately provoking him, he did not dare to act rashly.

He could feel that this dog was physically different from ordinary dogs, and its anger was too strong.

In addition to the vicious dogs, the three gharials lying on both sides of his body also became a threat to him. He did not expect that the gharials who were timid and fearful in the past would take the initiative to attack people today.

He tilted his neck and looked at Liu Wei. Although he didn't know how Liu Wei controlled these beasts to work for him, when it came to being a ruffian and selling cheap, he felt that Liu Wei was no match for him.

When the police arrived at the scene, he was going to pretend to be a local fisherman and admit that he was fishing illegally in the national nature reserve, and he would only be detained or disciplined for a period of time.

As for the crime of hunting gharials, he will definitely not admit it. There is no evidence at the scene!

In desperation, the leading fisherman smiled quietly. He thought he was a genius who was good at sophistry.

The police car with flashing lights parked on the river bank, accompanied by the managers of the Kaziranga National Nature Reserve.

A group of people walked to the scene.

The eye is inevitably drawn to the fishermen controlled by dogs and crocodiles.

The manager walked up to Liu Wei, smiled and asked, "Liu Wei?"

Liu Wei nodded and shook hands with him.

"Professor Lahar is my friend. I already know the specific situation here. It is an oversight in our work. Thank you for saving the gharial!" the manager said politely.

Liu Wei smiled and said: "There will always be criminals who take advantage of loopholes, and your work tasks are also relatively heavy, which is understandable!"

The manager nodded, turned back to the police and said, "Take them away!"

Several police officers stood there and didn't know where to start?

The gharials didn't seem to want the nasty fishermen to be taken away, so they turned around and faced the police with their mouths wide.

Seeing this situation, the manager looked back at Liu Wei, who walked up and said, "Let me do it!"

"Pangpang, come down!"

"Woof woof~"

Pangpang received the order,

He jumped down and squatted next to him obediently.

Liu Wei squatted in front of the gharial and gently rubbed its eyes. "They are all here to protect you. The fishermen you hate will be captured and severely punished. No fishermen will dare to disturb your lives in the future." .

Trust me, okay?"

The gharial who had been with Liu Wei for a day stared at Liu Wei for a while, then slowly closed his mouth, swung his body and got into the river. The other two gharials also followed him into the water.

The leading fisherman finally breathed a sigh of relief and breathed slowly.

He stood up and immediately walked to the police and management staff with the fishing net that Liu Wei had recovered and explained that he was here to fish, and he admitted his mistake very well.

The management didn't want to hear too much explanation from him and asked the police to take him away.

He was a little surprised. The scene at this time was different from what he expected. The police did not give him a chance to make excuses.

Liu Wei expressed his speculation to the management staff, "They are a group of people. The fishing boat has been taken away by several other people. There are tools on the fishing boat to hunt gharial crocodiles. I tricked them and they must be habitual offenders!"

The manager nodded and said: "Under the strict control of the state, the killing of gharials has still occurred in the past few years. We have suspected the fishermen around the reserve before, but no substantial evidence was found. If they hadn't started killing them again today, My heart will not show its flaws in front of you.

Liu Wei, don’t worry, the police station will investigate this matter and punish it severely!"


"We should thank you!" The manager patted Liu Wei on the shoulder and expressed concern, "Professor Lahar has proven your identity. You can engage in your live broadcast work in the Kaziranga Nature Reserve. What animals are you going to learn about when you come down?"

Liu Wei responded: "Indian rhinoceros!"

"Oh~, that's a big guy, but it's the dry season now, the vegetation is sparse, and the rhinoceros should be running for its food! I wish you good luck!" The manager said goodbye and got into the car.

Liu Wei finally waved to the police car.

"Comfortable, comfortable!"

"What a joy!"

"I still have the image of SB wanting to do something to Ah Wei in my mind!"

"Fortunately, Ah Wei didn't do it himself, otherwise all the people in the group would have knelt on the ground!"

The audience in the live broadcast room began to cheer as if they were watching a victorious war.

Screen full of fireworks emoticons!

"Pangpang~, come on!" Liu Wei squatted down and waved.

Pangpang glanced at his master. Although he was not feeling well today, it was his master who was calling him after all. "Hmph~" he said aggrievedly and rushed towards Liu Wei's arms.

Liu Wei stroked Pangpang's forehead and praised: "Good dog, Pangpang, your performance was great tonight!"

Fatty was a little happy to be praised, wagging his tail and sticking out his tongue to lick his master's face.

"Let's go back to sleep!" Liu Wei got up and walked back with Pangpang.

Arrive at the campsite and pitch your tent.

Lying in his sleeping bag, today's events were recalled in Liu Wei's mind again.

From Mumbai to the nature reserve and then the fight with the fishermen, so much happened, but it felt very fulfilling and I went to bed with this sense of fulfillment.

When I woke up the next morning, I opened the tent and saw the warm sunshine shining on the river bank. It was another good day.

He stretched and yawned.

Waiting for Liu Wei's mental state to adjust, he found a pair of eyes staring at him in the river. Liu Wei recognized it as the gharial crocodile he rescued.

After the gharial discovered that Liu Wei was looking at it, its head sank. A few minutes later, it emerged from the water again. It dragged its long body to Liu Wei's feet with the fish in its mouth, and raised its head to look at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei understood what it meant. It was time to eat in the morning, and it was bringing fish to him.

Squatting down, Liu Wei picked up a five-pound silver carp and said to the gharial, "I'll just eat some in the morning. Thank you for sharing. How about I feed you? Come on, open your mouth, ah~"

The audience in the live broadcast room felt like they were watching a kindergarten teacher feeding children, full of love.

The gharial followed Liu Wei's example and opened its mouth. As soon as Liu Wei let go, the fish fell into the gharial's mouth. "Be good, eat it!" Liu Wei encouraged.

"Bata Bata~"

The silver carp bounced a few times in the crocodile's mouth and was swallowed.

"I'm going to pack my things. I have to leave here today. You should be careful in the future and avoid fishing nets. Do you know that?"

Liu Wei turned around and put away the tent.

The gharial was lying on the bank watching Liu Wei's every move. It had something to say, but couldn't express it. It waited until Liu Wei put on his backpack and waved goodbye to him, then he quickly swung his body and chased after him. Go up.

Liu Wei squatted down and rubbed its eyes, "What's wrong?"

The crocodile couldn't express its feelings, so it faced Liu Wei with its mouth half open and shook its head.

"I know you want to follow me, but I will go to a far away place, which is not suitable for your life. Be obedient, and you should go back to the river or bask in the sun now!"

The crocodile continued to move its long mouth.

Liu Wei said seriously: "I will get angry if you don't obey! I won't come to see you again!"

The gharial kept looking at Liu Wei's eyes and expression. It seemed to sense that Liu Wei was unhappy, so it slowly closed its mouth and slowly turned around like a snail and crawled toward the river. It took two steps to look back and came closer. When the river was full of water, he swung sharply and got into the river.

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