pity. obviously.

Al has not yet developed the Haki of Seeing and Hearing to the point where he can peer into people’s hearts.

But let’s be honest!

There is still a question mark on whether Otohime is born with special knowledge and knowledge, or whether it can be achieved through practice!

When Al and Kaido were studying this devil fruit here.

The other side!

Fang Ritu and his little ones had already disposed of all the corpses. He came back and said,”Brother, a total of 299 corpses have been disposed of. How should they be disposed of?”

“Let the younger brothers and sisters be burned. Al said directly:”Be careful, don’t cause a forest fire.””

“I see.”Fang Ritu nodded and immediately went to make arrangements.

Al stopped him and said:”Fang Ritu, choose a suitable little guy, I got a new devil fruit!”

“Okay, bro.”

A joyful smile appeared on the corner of Fang Ritu’s mouth. For her, she is like a sister to all the children. She is of course very happy to see that her younger brothers and sisters can eat Devil Fruits and become even better. Happy.

Fang Ritu went to burn the corpse and dispose of things.

Jiaomu Jiao, Kang Jinlong, and Ditu Tapir.

The three little guys also came back together.

Jiaomu Jiao came back and reported:”Brother, we have searched around. , there is no one else in the entire forest, but! At the edge of the forest, we saw the figures of soldiers running quickly towards the royal city.”

“I see.”Al nodded and said.

You don’t need to think about it to know that those people definitely don’t know that a certain noble or the royal family’s subordinates.

Al is thinking about how to deal with it next.

Should he strike first?

Are you preparing to leave after grabbing the boat?


Al is studying a lot of things here, and at this time, Fang Ritu came over with a little guy.

This little guy is also a 10-year-old little guy, With yellow hair, he walked over, scratched his head, and said hello:”Brother!”


Al nodded and asked,”Xiao Twenty, you should know why I called you here, right?””


The little guy in his twenties nodded seriously. He knew what his elder brother was calling him for.

Al nodded and said with satisfaction:”This devil fruit is here. If you choose to eat it, your The name is Dou Mu Xie. If you don’t want to eat it, I will give you money tomorrow and you can choose to leave.”

Al handed the Sheep Fruit to Little Twenty and asked the little guy to make a choice.

“I eat!”

Little Twenty didn’t hesitate at all. He took the Devil Fruit and swallowed it in big gulps.


Xiao Twenty, no, after Doumu Xie ate the Devil Fruit, the power of the Devil Fruit was also unleashed, and he became the human-animal form of a sheep in a short time.

“Brother!”Doumu Xie returned to his human form obediently.

Al nodded with a smile, and then said:”Okay, let’s exercise hard in the future.”

“I will definitely do it, brother!”

Doumu Xie nodded seriously, clenched his hands into fists, and his eyes were

full of determination.

After all,

Doumu Xie is only 10 years old, the same age as Kaido. Of course, he is comparable to the monster Kaido in terms of strength. No way.

Al looked at the horizon, it was going to be bright soon, and at the same time said:”Okay! Let’s go, it’s almost dawn, and I won’t sleep today. Let’s sit down and study the next issue of going to sea!”

“Brother, are we going to sea?”

“Leaving now?”

“Oh ho!”

Some had questions, some were confused, and some were very excited.


Everyone still came to a relatively large room in the orphanage, which was transformed into a living room. Everyone sat down, and in the room Under the leadership of Ritu, the little guys who had burned the corpses also came over.

Everyone sat down in twos and threes.

Al first looked at everyone and asked:”Next, we are going to sea After we leave, who is willing to leave with us, or is it willing to stay?”


All the little guys, you look at me and I look at you. In the end, everyone looked at Al firmly.

“Brother, we want to go to sea with you!”

“We must always follow big brother”

“That’s right, we won’t leave Big Brother.”

A group of little guys expressed their thoughts.

With a smile on his lips, Al waved his hand to stop the little guys who were like fanatic fans, and then said:”Since everyone is willing to leave with me, then! I won’t talk nonsense.

Al continued to say seriously:”Kaido!” Tomorrow, you take Jiaomu Jiao and Kang Jinlong to the location of the ship and snatch it from me, and then! Kang Jinlong, is it okay?”

“Brother, don’t worry!”Kang Jinlong saw his eldest brother looking at Confucius, and shook his golden hair very confidently, patted his chest and said confidently:”Ship repair, I have learned very professionally over the years!”

“good! Al nodded and said:”It should take some time to repair the boat and park it on the cliff closest to the forest. Before that,……”

When Al said this, he thought for a moment and said:”I will handle the affairs of the Woka Kingdom. Fang Ritu, you take Ditu Tapir and Doumu Xie, pack up all everyone’s things, and then Go to the cliff to meet Kaido and the others and put everything on the boat”

“no problem.”Fang Ritu nodded, and then said hesitantly:”Brother……”

Ayrton asked gently:”What’s wrong? Tell me something.”

Fang Ritu said softly:”Brother, will you have no problem facing the Woka Kingdom alone?”

“Don’t worry. Al said with a smile:”It will be okay, after all!” Even if the Woka Kingdom wants to do something, it will not act at this time, after all! It can be said that the war is now in full swing.”

“not to mention! Al raised the corner of his mouth and said with a touch of confidence:”For those rubbish royal families and nobles, this time the generals and soldiers of the Kingdom of Kot all died in the Kingdom of Woka. They need to face It is the anger of the Kingdom of Kot”


PS: A new book by an old author will be uploaded on the first day! The author begs for your support!

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