The three girls in this live broadcast are Lin Mutao, Shi Shi, and a long-haired girl with glasses. The long-haired girl is about the same age as Lin Mutao, and she looks ordinary, but she looks very gentle, just like the girls that can be seen everywhere on campus.

The long-haired girl is shrinking behind a boy who also wears glasses and has no memory, looking at the village in front of her. It looks like they are a couple.

The other two men are much more impressive in appearance.

A man with dark skin, a short head, and a height of 1.9 meters. The arms under the vest are very sturdy, it is estimated that Lin Mutao's calves are thick. However, people look very simple and honest, and their hearts are not bad.

The other boy also looked like he was in his early twenties, with fair skin and slightly curly black hair on his forehead. There are some light freckles on his face, but they are not ugly, but add a bit of playfulness.

The first time she saw him, Shi Shi pulled Lin Mutao's sleeve and whispered in her ear, "So handsome!" Lin Mutao nodded noncommittally.

The six exchanged names before entering the village.

The long-haired girl is called Chen Yinuo, and her boyfriend is called Fang Dong. The two have just graduated from college.

And the boy with outstanding appearance is called Yu Ye, and he is a sophomore reading.

When Yu Ye finished introducing herself, Shi Shi unceremoniously praised: "A major, it's amazing! It's the university I want to go to!"

Yu Ye smiled, "You're still a little kid."

Shi Shi replied: "I'm 16 years old! And you're not much older than me!"

As for the one-inch man called Du Ziteng, because he was older than them, he asked everyone to call him Brother Teng.

After the six people exchanged names, Du Ziteng took the lead and said, "I found that the light screen in my live broadcast room has already given this live broadcast task, do you have any?"

When everyone heard this, they raised their arms to check.

Although Lin Mutao had seen it before, she still followed the crowd and did not speak.

Fang Dong nodded, "Yes, I wrote here to find out the reason for the demise of the village." After he finished speaking, everyone nodded.

Du Ziteng breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that our goals are the same, so that's good." "Since we want to find out the reason for the demise of the village, then let's advance the village."

The group walked into Xingfu Village, only to find that the situation in the village was worse than what they saw outside the village. The loess walls of the bungalows are full of pits, and the doors and windows of every household are closed. There was a yellow dog leashed in the yard of a family.

Shi Shi looked around: "It's the first time I've come to such a place."

The couple carefully crossed a small dirt **** on the ground, shaking the loess sticking to the white sneakers, looking very bad. Fang Dong complained to his girlfriend Chen Yinuo: "I think this village 80% died because of drought."

Chen Yinuo glanced at Du Ziteng who was walking at the front, as if afraid that the leader would be angry, he hurriedly tugged at the sleeve of the building: "Shh-don't talk nonsense, it's not that simple."

The most important thing right now is finding a place to stay.

Du Ziteng knocked on a house at the door of the village. After knocking for a while, the wooden door opened a crack and a head stuck out. It was a shriveled old woman, looking seventy or eighty years old, with ravines all over her face.

The old woman's cloudy eyes are khaki, like the mud in the village. He swept around Du Ziteng, then skipped him and looked at the three girls behind him. Those eyes were straight, like an eagle seeing its prey, and Chen Yinuo shrank to the back of the building.

Du Ziteng didn't pay much attention to it, he was very familiar with the old woman, and wanted the old woman to let them stay.

The old woman grinned silently, "Are you from outsiders? Why did you come to our village?"

"Yes, we...we are college students. We came here to collect wind and see different rural scenery."

The old woman said: "My place is too small to live in... And my daughter-in-law is pregnant, so it's not very convenient... Well, let's go to the village chief's place for accommodation, the village chief's place Big."

Du Ziteng asked, "Where is the village chief's house?"

"Go forward, the biggest yard is the village chief's house."

"Okay! Thank you mother-in-law!"

After thanking, the group continued to walk forward.

Behind them, the old woman looked at their back and smiled again, and slammed the door shut again.

Du Ziteng stepped forward consciously and knocked on the door.

The person who opened the door was an old man of about fifty years old, slightly hunched, slightly fat, and his eyes were full of shrewdness. Seeing Du Ziteng and his group, he asked the same question as the old woman.

Du Ziteng still used "collecting style" as the reason, and the old man believed it.

The group walked into the courtyard.

The old man, surnamed Wang, is the mayor of Xingfu Village. He asked the big guy to call him Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang shouted into the room, and after a while, he walked out again. One is the daughter-in-law of the village chief, and everyone calls him Aunt Wang.

Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang moved a small bench for everyone to sit in the yard, and then Aunt Wang poured a glass of water for everyone. It's just that everyone's water covers the bottom of a thin cup, and it doesn't even moisten the lips.

Lin Mutao and Shi Shi took it, shook it for a while, and found that there seemed to be some dust in the water, so after hesitating for a while, they didn't drink it. Several other people directly lifted their cups and drank them all.

Du Ziteng held the empty cup, smacking his lips: "Aunt Wang, is there any water? I'm still thirsty."

Aunt Wang looked embarrassed.

Lin Mutao hurriedly handed over her glass, "You drink mine, I haven't, I'm not thirsty yet."

Du Ziteng drank Lin Mutao's water and Shishi's water before feeling better. Du Ziteng was a familiar one, and he soon chatted with Uncle Wang.

"Uncle Wang, is your place very short of water?"

Uncle Wang took a puff of the dry cigarette he rolled and sighed: "Yeah, it has been dry for a year or two, and the village can no longer grow food.

A year or two? Everyone was a little surprised. Du Ziteng then asked, "Why? Then what do you eat?"

Uncle Wang: "Only every week, let someone bring us food from the town. Don't dislike it, we don't have anything to eat or drink, nor I don't know, why did you come to our Happy Village?"

"But it's just right, you can also experience rural life. Tomorrow, our village is going to hunt for drought. You men, come and help."

Lin Mutao asked, "What about our girls?"

Uncle Wang glanced at Lin Mutao calmly, and said, "I'm tired from the drought, and I don't have much water to drink. You girls, I'll be at home tomorrow with you Aunt Wang and Qiao Niang. Let's cook and wait for us to come back."

Du Ziteng nodded, even his accent changed unconsciously, "That's right."

At this time, Fang Dong, who was sitting at the farthest edge, said weakly: "What is a drought?" And his girlfriend Chen Yinuo also said weakly: "Qiao Niang again who is it?"

The first question, Uncle Wang skipped and did not answer. The second question, Uncle Wang said, Qiao Niang is his daughter-in-law. Because she was pregnant, she was resting in the room and came out when she was cooking.

Yu Ye, who was handsome but had a very low sense of presence, finally spoke. He explained professionally: "Dragon is a monster that caused drought in ancient Chinese myths and legends. In the villages, some people also beat newly buried corpses as drought. According to the ancient book "History of the Ming Dynasty", people excavate whenever there is a drought. In the newly buried tomb, the corpse is dragged out and its limbs are mutilated, which is called a dry bone stake. [1]”

Uncle Wang scratched his head, "Yes, that's what it means. This young man explained it very clearly."

Shi Shi looked at Yu Ye and asked in surprise, "How do you know so much?"

Yu Ye puffed out her small chest proudly: "Because I read a lot."

Time Poem: "Cut."

Lin Mutao found that Shi and Yu Ye were quite interesting at this time. Shi Shi is a little kid, but Yu Ye is a bit older than Shi Shi, but he is also a arrogant little kid. Along the way, the two were arguing with each other and chatting.

The other anchors also looked at Shi Shi and Yu Ye with interest, but did not speak.

Suddenly, fireworks rained on Yu Ye, and it seemed that some fans gave him a big reward. I don't know if Yu Ye's popular science played a role, or the interaction with Shishi was very appetizing to fans.

The expressions of other anchors looking at Yu Ye suddenly changed, full of envy.

Fang Dong took Chen Yinuo's hand and whispered, "Why is no one giving me so much?" Chen Yinuo patted his shoulder comfortingly.

Lin Mutao immediately looked at the reaction of Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang sitting next to her, but there was no reaction. Shi Shi leaned into Lin Mutao's ear and muttered, "It's alright, Xiaotao, only the streamers can see the rewarding fireworks rain."

As everyone spoke, the sun slowly approached the horizon, and then swooped in. The yellow transition of the horizon appeared for a while, and it was completely replaced by black. it's dark.

A young man and woman came out of the house inside. The man was not tall, with a dark complexion and a sweat towel on his head. The woman's face was haggard, with a small face of khaki, she was wearing a simple patterned cloth, and her belly was bulging.

Uncle Wang stood up and greeted: "These two are my son and daughter-in-law."

"Wang He, Qiao Niang, what are these students who came to our village to collect... The students who are collecting styles are staying at our house these days."

Everyone greeted each other, and Lin Mutao sharply saw Qiao Niang's brows frown.

Aunt Wang brought out two large plates of pancakes from the kitchen, placed them in front of the table in the courtyard, and greeted warmly, "Everyone, eat. We have nothing to eat here."

Everyone sat around and ate pancakes, but this dry chewy pancake had no water or soup, and I felt a little choked. It's just that everyone knows that the village has been dry for so long, and the village chief's family is not rich, so they didn't open their mouths and continued to chew the pasta in their mouths.

Aunt Wang saw it, and she said, "I'm so sorry." "Wait for tomorrow, they're very tired, I'll cook something delicious for everyone."

Everyone responded enthusiastically, and when Lin Mutao saw it again, Qiao Niang frowned.

The author has this to say:

[1] Fighting drought: from Baidu Encyclopedia

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