The next week, Chen Xuan did not appear at the high-level military meeting, and the kitten was sent to the valley...

A week later, the storms that seemed to be able to drown everything gradually subsided, and the hearts of everyone in the area were in their throats...According to the predictions of the staff, after the rain stopped, the war was about to begin.

Sure enough, news came from the front line that the trillion-dollar army of the Alien Alliance had taken action. Viewed from a high altitude, the countless phalanxes at the Alien Alliance venue moved towards both sides, constantly nailing the arc-shaped coast on the opposite side of the ocean, forming an arc. This area is surrounded by a semi-circle.

With a super psychic telescope, you can see that on the other side of the ocean, there are densely packed alien phalanxes, and behind each phalanx, more aliens are gathering... The alien army at the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races venue is just the leading army. After the ethnic alliance was formally established, the alien bosses mobilized more alien troops from the rear world.

Soon, this continent with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles became saturated, occupied by phalanxes of alien races with varying strengths and sizes, leaving no room for movement...

The alien army, which numbered as many as trillions in ancient times, was extremely powerful.

According to the predictions of the staff department, the foreign races have an absolute advantage in terms of army numbers and are not in a hurry to start a war. Victory in one or two battles does not mean anything to them... They are waiting for the main force of the human domain to enter the battlefield of ten thousand races. What we need to do is to annex this domain in one go, cannibalize the main force of the human domain, and then take over the human domain with an unstoppable force, making the human race completely history...

Then, it is time to carve up the human territory where martial arts have ascended.

The alien races are not all brainless people. They also have white apes who have intelligence far beyond that of ordinary humans, especially the very famous 'Great Wise White Ape' among the white apes.

The great wise white apes are all scheming, cunning and insidious. They have strategized and deceived many human armies...

The current "conspiracy" of the alien race is their masterpiece.

Facing the "conspiracy" of the alien race, the Seven Kings were also helpless. Facing the massive troops, all the little tricks were in vain, and now they could only fight head-on.

Trillions of foreign troops pressed against the opposite side, with majestic morale and overwhelming arrogance... while the morale of the local defense forces facing them became increasingly low, and their morale was completely crushed by the opponent.

The battle has not yet begun, and half of the momentum has been lost.

This kind of crushing morale cannot be broken by any encouragement and spurring... Knowing that dozens of people on the opposite side are going to beat one of them, it would be weird not to be timid.

But even so, no one took a step back.

Fortunately, one day after the foreign armies were deployed, the tens of billions of warriors in the human domain were finally integrated and poured into the battlefield of all races through the space cracks in various continents.

Although this tens of billions of troops are mainly composed of middle and low-level warriors, the number is too large. The human race's military strength on the battlefield of all races is unprecedentedly strong. In addition, the six human kings and a large number of peak warriors are also stationed in this domain... The morale of the human domain Instant reversal, rapid climb.

Tens of billions of warriors are divided into thousands of legions, each legion has tens of millions of warriors...

As more and more troops enter this area, the entire area becomes overcrowded.

But the local military has not arranged accommodation for this army...

The tens of billions of warriors who came this time can be said to have emptied out the foundation of the human race. Almost all warriors above the Mortal Realm are in place, regardless of men and women, young or old. Even some old warriors with a short life span also volunteered to enter the battlefield of all races. .

"My old bones won't live for more than a few years. Before I die, if I go to the alien battle array and explode myself, I can kill many aliens..."

"I've been talking about being a teenager. This time I can return to the battlefield of thousands of races to kill enemies... It can be regarded as a wish fulfilled. I recall the anxiety I felt when I first stepped into this domain a hundred years ago."

The student group of Nanzhan Academy has high morale, and their slightly immature faces are either excited, agitated, curious, or heavy...

Qian Xun and Wen Xiaoer are dressed in battle armor, with heroic looks and outstanding looks...

"Sister Qian Xun, I heard that a war is likely to break out immediately after we come here. You should be more careful."

"Xiao'er, we sisters work together to cut through gold..."

The two were encouraging each other when a herald came to them: "Qian Xun and Wen Xiaoer from the Nanzhan Academy Corps have been transferred to the Nanxuan Army and will set off immediately."

"Nan Xuan Army?"

Everyone was startled, a little confused by the sudden order.

"The Nanxuan Army is the former elite special operations force, the elite force of the Nanzhan Military Headquarters." A teacher reminded. "Don't delay, go and report quickly."

In Chen Xuan's office, Qian Xun threw himself on Chen Xuan in surprise and tried his best to print strawberries on Chen Xuan's neck.

"Chen Xuan, are you the commander-in-chief of Nanxuan Army?"

The familiar and alluring fragrance of Qian Xun lingered on the tip of his nose. Feeling the softness and beauty in his arms, Chen Xuan felt a little distracted.

This beautiful girl Qian Xun really made Chen Xuan a little bit unable to stop.

"I am now the deputy general staff of the Nanzhan Military Department. By the way, I will take care of the Nanxuan Army." Chen Xuan gently pinched Qian Xun's thin white wrist and took it off her body.

"Deputy General Staff, at least the rank of general, Chen Xuan, you are so awesome." Wen Xiaoer's beautiful eyes were full of admiration.

Chen Xuan was promoted from the rank of colonel to general in less than a month after entering the battlefield of all races. This achievement is really shocking.

"Xiao'er, Xun'er, the war has begun and the danger is extremely high. Just stay with me so that I can take care of you."

"Yeah." Qian Xun and Wen Xiaoer nodded shyly.

At the same time, the civilian warrior corps of Qingshui City also received transfer orders, and Chen Xuan's family members were transferred to the Nanxuan Army.

Once this unprecedented war begins, there will be countless casualties in an instant. The human lives are worth less than a piece of grass. The legion of tens of millions of people will be lost at the last word. Chen Xuan cannot care about everyone, but at least he cannot allow his family and loved ones to fight. Die here...

Chen Tianzhen, Wenxiu and others were surprised and happy to learn about Chen Xuan's current position.


That night, above the ocean, countless psychic flares shone in the air, and the sea surface shimmered, reflecting countless moving figures, which was very beautiful... What was incongruous with this strange scenery was that the tense atmosphere was like a raging fire. Instant explosion.

The troops facing each other on both sides of the Taiwan Strait were all full of fighting spirit...but they did not receive orders, so no one even took a step beyond the border.

The soldiers on both sides were full of murderous intent, and thousands of horses galloped across the ocean with overwhelming killing intent.

Before the two armies took action, the battle of fighting spirit was already in full swing.

The confrontation on the front line was extremely fierce, and in the silent night behind, military formations were neatly arranged one after another.

The sword is unsheathed, the armor is on the body, tens of billions of warriors, and the entire army is on alert.

Sleepless nights.

In the Jiubian Building, the general headquarters of the Seven Continents Military Headquarters, the six kings were sitting, and the military leaders from all the continental military headquarters gathered together.

Although the six human kings were present at the venue, their spiritual consciousness had already crossed the local area and the ocean, and was constantly flying over the venue of all races.

At the same time, the thoughts of dozens of foreign kings and bosses were also swimming in the sky above this domain.

For warriors of their level, the opponent's military situation is no longer a secret.

After a visit, Dongsheng King Zhou Poxian frowned slightly, and he said: "The number of the alien army is dozens of times that of ours, and the number of intermediate warriors, high-level warriors, and peak warriors far exceeds that of the humans... Only The super-peak foreign king is slightly inferior to the Taiping King..."

King Beiju said: "The Taiping King has superior combat power... but the battle between super-peak warriors is quite long. In addition, there are too many top-level combat powers on the other side. If they swarm up, the Taiping King will not be able to take action... So, in In terms of top-end combat strength, we don’t really have any advantage.”

Everyone nodded silently.

In the world of warriors, the top combat power has always been able to sweep everything and dominate everything... But when both sides of the war have top combat power, the balance is restored and divided into two battlefields... The top combat power One-on-one battlefield and battle with the army below...

And the combat power at the top takes a long time to fight... When they are restraining each other, it is the combat power of the army below that determines the outcome...

King Taiping is extremely powerful, but if several foreign kings try to disturb him, he will not be able to spare any effort to help the human army...

"That's it for the front line below. Although there are many alien races, the front line is limited after all... Our tens of billions of troops will stick to this main front line and can still hold on for a while in order to look for opportunities..."

"What I'm afraid of is that there are too many foreign kings on the other side. If they send most of the kings to contain our peak combat power, and then there are still some spare kings and masters, it will cause a fatal blow to our army..."

King Beiju said worriedly.

Everyone nodded again. What King Beiju said was very reasonable. The imbalance in the number of peak masters would lead to a rapid tilt in the battle situation.


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