The venue of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races.

One of the ancient gold-eating beast bosses, Guchong cursed.

"That old guy Jiufeng is such a loser for being threatened so easily."

"The super warriors of my Golden-eating Beast clan have unparalleled combat power, but they are easily restrained by telekinesis. We rely on the Nine Tails to control telekinesis masters... Now, let's just run away."

At this time, a gold-eating beast ran over in panic, holding a small envelope in his hand.

"How can you behave in such a panic... We are having a meeting, don't embarrass me here." Gu Chong cursed.

He grabbed the envelope and asked curiously: "Who sent this?"

Looking at this small envelope... an ominous feeling flashed through his heart.

Such a small envelope was no bigger than his fingernail. It was clearly passed down from the human race.

"It was sent by a messenger on the battlefield between us and the human domain..."

Gu Chong sneered and said: "Pretend to be a ghost and play this trick... I want to see what you are threatening me with?"

Open the envelope. There is a line of beautiful words on it, written in the universal language of all races.

"Yunlang Territory."

There were only three words, but Gu Chong's body shook violently.

An uncontrollable anger surged from my heart...

Accompanying this anger was a heart-breaking fear.

As one of the top leaders of the ancient gold-eating beast clan, Gu Chong has been fighting in the north and south for thousands of years. He has never experienced any big storms... But today, he was really panicked.

Yunlang Territory is located behind the Iron Bamboo Territory. There is only one spatial passage in the entire territory that can contact the Iron Bamboo Territory, and it is closely guarded by the Iron Bamboo Territory...

The existence of this realm is a huge secret of the gold-eating beasts, and foreigners don't know about it at all.

"How did the human race know about the existence of Yunlang Territory?"

"Since they have known about it for a long time, have they already taken action?"

"Could it be that...our gold-eating beasts are really going to be exterminated?"

"Perhaps, the matter is not that bad... We still need to investigate first."

Gu Chong forced himself to calm down and said to the other bosses: "Everyone, I have something to deal with at home and I need to leave for a while."

All the big guys are a little strange.

After Gu Chong finished speaking, he turned around and left. After walking a few steps, he turned back and said seriously: "There is one more thing... Regarding whether the gold-eating beast clan will join the alliance, I will decide when I come back."

Hearing this, the whole place was in an uproar...

What does Gu Chong mean and they still don’t understand? He was obviously being blackmailed.

The Nine-Tails clan has just withdrawn from the alliance, is it possible that the super warrior Gold-eating Beast clan will follow suit?

They can still understand Jiuwei's withdrawal, Jiufeng's beloved daughter is eager to...

What's going on with this gold-eating beast?

As soon as Gu Chong left, the other big guys lost their mood, and the meeting was immediately interrupted.


Nine sides building, general command center.

Two new messages appeared on the large screen.

Everyone is a little strange.

Intelligence showed that Team No. 5 went to the Golden Eater War Zone on the main front and only stayed for a moment before leaving.

Later, with the help of the military, they followed the attacking force through the space rift and sneaked into the Panlong Domain.

A two-pronged approach!

"Could it be that Chen Xuan also held an important figure of the Gold-eating Beast clan hostage?"

"Gold-eating beasts are cold-blooded animals that don't recognize their relatives... They are not so easy to be blackmailed."

"The team went to the Panlong Domain? Do you want to fight a tough battle? The Panlong Domain is not easy to deal with."

Zhang Zhigong revealed another piece of new information.

"The call came from the battlefield of the Gold-Eating Beast... Chen Xuan asked them to send a letter to the Gold-Eating Beast and then left."

"What letter?"

"Intelligence shows that there are only a few words in Wanzu language..."

"With just a few words, you want a superior race to withdraw from the alliance... It's too whimsical. What are they doing?" The military leaders were a little confused.

"We'd better wait for the news." Gu Xin


Iron Bamboo Domain.

The three leaders of the Gold-Eating Beasts gathered together.

"This is a serious matter. As soon as I received your news, I sent someone to investigate."

A slightly steady gold-eating beast said.

Gu Chong walked hurriedly... accidentally flattening several mountains.

"Guchong, don't worry..."

At this moment, a group of gold-eating beasts flew back.

"Report to the three commanders, just yesterday, many people from many races in Yunlang Territory disappeared, and they were suspected of being kidnapped..."

Upon hearing the news, the three commanders felt their eyes darken.

"Stand back..." The commander was unable to wave away his subordinates.

"I really didn't expect that there was a fire in the backyard and something happened in Yunlang Territory... Our ancient gold-eating beast clan is completely over, poof..." Gu Chong was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"How did the human race enter the Yunlang Territory? These wastes in the Yunlang Territory are useless." The commander also said angrily.

Yunlang Territory is the secret past of the gold-eating beast clan.

According to legend, in ancient times, the ancestors of the gold-eating beasts came to the battlefield of all races... One of them had an extremely absurd nature. He captured a large number of animals privately and gave birth to countless offspring with them... This was also the name of the hundreds of races in the Yunlang Territory. origin...

But it is precisely because of this that all the tribes in Yunlang Territory have the blood of the gold-eating beast in their bodies.

The human race has specialized research institutions that can extract bloodline genes from aliens...

If the human race captures hundreds of tribes in the Yunlang Territory... they can extract and form the complete bloodline genes of the gold-eating beast.

Being mastered by someone with a complete bloodline is a disaster for a race.

Not only can individuals be copied...skills, spells, racial talents, etc. will also be comprehensively analyzed to fundamentally find ways to restrain them...

Therefore, Yunlang Territory has always been protected very closely.

But... they now know that the human race has already penetrated into the Yunlang Territory.

Now that the human race is showing off, it means that they have extracted the complete bloodline gene of the gold-eating beast...

At least, they have enough research materials and can complete the extraction at any time...

Compared to the Nine-Tailed Clan who had a princess kidnapped, the Gold-Eating Beast Clan is truly controlled by others.

The three commanders were the calmest, but they were also trembling all over at this moment...

"That's it, we are under the control of others, please withdraw from the alliance."

"If the human race goes crazy and announces our bloodline genes... all alien races will be able to control us, and we gold-eating beasts will become a slave race and be enslaved by humans forever... It's too scary. We don't want to follow them in the future. The humans are at war."

"I, the gold-eating beast, will never be a slave!" Gu Chong roared angrily, and then said: "To prevent an accident from happening, I immediately went to the venue to announce my withdrawal from the alliance."


" this outrageous?"

At the general command office, after seeing the new news, all the military leaders opened their eyes wide... The irritable military leader even uttered curse words.

The Gold-eating Beast announced its withdrawal from the alliance.

The second commander, Gu Chong, spoke in public at the meeting and immediately withdrew from the alliance, saying that peace was the most important thing and that there should be no war on the battlefield of all races... He started to stay away from war.

In the end, Guchong was kicked out of the venue by a group of alien bosses...

"The race known as super warriors has always been the most warlike. The gold-eating beasts who never enjoy war actually said they would stay away from war..."

Everyone felt that the sun was rising from the west.

Subsequently, news came from the front line that the gold-eating beasts had completely withdrawn their troops from the main front of the confrontation with the human race, the three battlefields, and more than a dozen space cracks...

Millions of kilometers of land on the main plane of all races... as well as three medium realms and more than a dozen small worlds were all given to the human race...

This made the military leaders even more confused.

After fighting for hundreds of years, you just quit?

"Why do I feel like the gold-eating beast is trying to please the human race..." A military leader had a puzzled face.

"Is there a possibility... that the gold-eating beasts have really changed their gender, and that they are practicing their peaceful philosophy with practical actions..."

After some discussion, everyone focused on Chen Xuan's letter.

That letter was undoubtedly the key to changing the attitude of the gold-eating beast.

"I'm really curious, what are those words that have such magical power." The grumpy military leader had a question mark on his face.


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