Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races: I Have a Billion Times Crit System

Chapter 406: I Owe You A Favor, Alchemy Exchange

As soon as this remark came out, it seemed that the entire space was stagnant.

"Boy, do you know why my legs are missing?" Old Gui's voice was a little trembling, a little surprised and apprehensive.

With its sound, the terrifying wave of life-threatening spirit disappeared invisible.

"Chen Xuan, do you know the origin of Senior Gui?" Sun Qingze also asked.

Everyone looked at Chen Xuan, wondering how he would know the origin of the old turtle.

But no matter what, the old turtle stopped.

Chen Xuan smiled calmly: "Senior Gui, I have heard about one thing, but I don't know if it has anything to do with you, maybe I can give you some reminders, please don't take offense if I say something wrong."

The old turtle said coldly: "I won't be offended, if you make up nonsense, everyone will die. Tell me quickly."

Chen Xuan's heart was also a little beating, but the matter has come to this point, he can only bite the bullet and continue: "I heard that in a huge world, that world suffered a catastrophe, and the space was broken and cracked. In order to repair the space, a powerful mining Refining five-color stones filled the gap in space, but the space in that world is still unstable...."

"What does this have to do with me..." the old turtle said impatiently.

"Listen to what I'm going to say, but the space in that world is still that mighty man searched for giants to use as a space support. It happened to be the North Pole of that world, a place called the North Sea. There was an ancient turtle that lived for an unknown number of years, and that powerful man broke off the four legs of the turtle to support the four poles of the world... From then on, the world is as stable as a rock!"


After Chen Xuan finished speaking, there was a dead silence all around, and the old turtle didn't speak, there was a moment of silence.

Sun Qing thought about it carefully, and couldn't help but said: "This is the most legendary fairy tale I have ever heard."

Song Yuanhang also said: "Collecting five-color stones to fill the sky, chopping down the four poles of the turtle to stabilize the four poles, and saving hundreds of millions of lives is epic. This is what the great powers of the human race should do. The human race can have such a hero, it is the best in the world." Blessing. Unfortunately, this is just a fictional story."

"Hahahahaha!" The old turtle laughed sadly.

"What a fictional story!" Old Gui's voice seemed to be admiring, but it seemed to contain endless anger.

"He repaired the sky, he saved the common people, and he became famous for a lifetime, but why did he cut off the four feet of my ancestors of the turtle clan? My ancestors of the turtle clan hibernated in the North Sea all their lives, and why did they offend anyone? Why should they suffer such a catastrophe?"

"Hahaha, I remembered, it's ridiculous. My poor great-grandfather, whose limbs were chopped off, became the laughing stock of the world. His old man was pissed to death."

"I want revenge!"

"Boy, I, Gui Jiuqian, owe you a favor."

As if thrown by a huge force, everyone and the spirit ship reappeared on the boundless sea, but the giant turtle had disappeared.

After the catastrophe, the rest of his life was seen again, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, several big bosses had already arrived, seeing that everyone was safe and sound, this side was relieved, and hurriedly called Song Yuanhang and others to ask for details.

Everyone looked at Chen Xuan gratefully. If Chen Xuan hadn't revealed the origin of the old turtle, they would have all returned to hell by now.

It can be said that Chen Xuan saved the lives of all of them.

"Student Chen Xuan, your knowledge is quite profound, and you can even explain the origin of this old turtle." Feng Qingyang praised with a look of fear.

"Student Chen Xuan, in which book did you read the story?"

"It seems that reading more is still useful. No wonder Chen Xuan can become the champion of this year's senior high school entrance examination."

"Student Chen Xuan, can you share more reading with me in the future." A sweet-looking girl said shyly.

Chen Xuan smiled helplessly: "Actually, I made up that story on the spur of the moment. I didn't expect it to match up with that old turtle's experience. In other words, that old turtle doesn't even know who he is, so I'm afraid it would have been a long time ago." Delirious, he will believe any nonsense story I tell..."

Everyone's complexion changed, and they were full of fear.

This kid, you actually made up a random story... We thought you really knew the origin of the old turtle, and you are betting everyone's life on your feelings. +

How dare you...

But fortunately, Chen Xuan made the right bet.

How courageous, courageous and resourceful!

And the powerful story is really admirable.

Some of the people stayed to clean the deck, while others returned to the ship's cabin, and the injured fighters were recuperating in their own rooms.

Chen Xuan also returned to his room. He took out a simple tortoise shell the size of a child's palm from his pocket. The old tortoise appeared in his hand when he said he owed him a favor. It should be something like a token. After all, for a favor, one must have a way to find it.

Maybe when I am in trouble, I can activate this simple tortoise shell to summon the old tortoise to help.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan was overjoyed. This footless old tortoise is an extremely powerful monster. His strength is no less than that of a human king. He is at the peak in the entire human domain. He will encounter any dangers or problems that he cannot solve in the future. Things can be settled by calling the old turtle.

It's just that there is only such a favor, the whole opportunity to take advantage of the old turtle must not be used lightly, it must be implemented.

The next itinerary will be much smoother. After Lao Gui made such a move, almost all the sea animals in this sea area ran away, and with the escort of King Nanzhan, everyone has nothing to worry about, and this place is not far from Dongshengzhou. Far.

Soon the fleet approached a piece of continent, and saw the lush land under their feet, beautiful scenery, and the appearance of various buildings was more simple and exquisite. Unlike the high-rise buildings in Nanzhanzhou, although the buildings in Dongshengshenzhou were not Too low, but the shape is more beautiful, mostly in the shape of pavilions and pavilions, which looks pleasing to the eye.

Everyone boarded the deck and felt the strong aura again.

"The aura of Dongshengzhou seems to be much stronger than that of our Nanzhanzhou."

"Of course, according to the book, Dongsheng Continent has more spiritual lands, and the total amount of aura is more than that of Nanzhan Continent. It can be said that apart from the land of Central Continent, Dongsheng Continent is the continent with the richest aura. Their average strength It is also higher than us, and is better at alchemy and weapon refining."

"Oh, you know a lot, show off."

Arrived at Dongshengzhou safely, the students were in a good mood and bickered.

A team of warriors from Dongshengzhou also greeted Nanzhanzhou's fleet ahead.

The leader is Dongsheng King Zhou Poxian. Zhou Poxian is dressed as a Confucian. He is a peerless powerhouse whose cultivation base is at the seventh rank of the Heavenly King Realm, and his cultivation base ranks third in the entire Human Domain. And Nanzhan Wang Cheng Qitian's cultivation base is the fourth rank of the Heavenly King Realm, ranking last among the Kings of the Seven Continents.

"Brother Qitian, please forgive me for being far away." Dongsheng King Zhou Poxian greeted him sincerely.

"Hehe, Zhou Poxian, at least he is of the same family. The spirit ship where my low-level warrior is located is being hunted down by sea beasts, so you just sit back and watch?" Nanzhan Wang Cheng Qitian said angrily.

"Brother Qitian, when I received the signal for help, I immediately sent the fleet to respond, but there was a sudden change..."

"What happened?"

"Hey, we detected the breath of that old tortoise. That old tortoise is almost invincible. Even my brother, I dare not fight against it. I can't send my hero to die... It's really a special situation, Qi Tian Forgive me, brother."

"Hmph, Zhou Poxian, it's in vain that your cultivation base is so much higher than mine, but you are so timid. What's that footless old tortoise? After taking a few punches from me, he fled everywhere. They can all leave safely from its mouth, and not a single person in our fleet died."

Hearing this, Zhou Poxian's complexion changed, and he dared not believe it: "You didn't lie? That old turtle is obviously very powerful."

Cheng Qitian shook his head, with a look of complacency on his face: "This old tortoise is a coward, a student of our student group who has transformed into a mortal state, and a few words have revealed the identity of the old tortoise, the old tortoise said I owed him a favor and slipped away."

"Oh, this old turtle actually found out his identity? Hurry up, I have prepared delicious food and wine, Brother Qitian, please tell me carefully." Human King naturally disdains to lie, Zhou Poxian looked Curious, he dragged Cheng Qitian to a banquet that had been prepared long ago.

The rest of Nan Zhanzhou's staff were also greeted in an orderly manner, and banquets and accommodations were arranged. The hospitality was quite thoughtful. Although there were quite a number of people on Nanzhanzhou's trip, close to 10,000 people, it was not a troublesome thing for Dongshengzhou, and it was easy to settle down.

The students didn't wait for Dong Shengzhou's support on the way, so naturally they didn't have much affection for Dong Shengzhou, but because of face, they didn't say anything, they just enjoyed the banquet to their heart's content, and Chen Xuan also followed. Wang Dacong chatted and talked about things about the way of heaven. Wang Dacong was as wise as a fool, and his nonsense made Chen Xuan have some new ideas.

In the main banquet hall, Zhou Poxian was very moved after listening to Cheng Qitian's story about the old turtle, especially the story about the great ability to fill the sky with colorful stones.

Immediately he said: "That young man of yours is brave and resourceful. It seems that you Nan Zhanzhou has cultivated many outstanding talents in the past ten years. Brother Qitian, I admire you."

A flattery made Cheng Qitian very comfortable.

Zhou Poxian said: "We, Dongshengzhou, have prepared five aviation spirit ships this time. We are closer to Zhongzhou, and we will set off in about three days. Brother Qitian and the compatriots of Nanzhanzhou will be here to cultivate well for these three days. Let's set off together in three days, so we can have someone to take care of us."

When Zhou Poxian mentioned the five spirit ships, Cheng Qitian's face changed slightly. He knew that Zhou Poxian was looking for a sense of presence, but he couldn't say anything. After all, Dongshengzhou is indeed richer. There are only five aviation spirit ships in total, and Nan Zhanzhou only has these three aviation spirit ships. Well, he is somewhat embarrassing.

As for setting off together, it would be good. After all, the Boundless Sea has not been very peaceful recently. If the two teams are together, even if they encounter a big monster, they can get rid of it safely.

Zhou Poxian said again: "In the past three days, your student group should not be idle, and have a good exchange with our student group in Dongshengzhou, and it will be regarded as acquaintance in advance. Anyway, even if you arrive in Central Continent, the students still need to be together. communicative."

Cheng Qitian nodded and said: "Alright, but it's better not to have any competitions, just chatting with each other."

He was a little upset. How could he not know that each continent has its own areas of expertise. Among them, Dongshengzhou is better at alchemy and weapon refining, while Nanzhanzhou is a hodgepodge, and has no strengths at all...Student groups from various states The "communications" are all carried out with the purpose of crushing the other party. Zhou Poxian is trying to build confidence in their student group.

Zhou Poxian smiled and said: "It's better not to compete, I will let the students take the Nanzhan student group to visit our alchemy place..."


The next day, the student group was notified that there was an event to visit the alchemy site in Dongshengzhou.

As soon as everyone got together, a few Tianjiao from Dongshengzhou came. The leader was a slender, handsome young man with the aura of a leading brother and a young hero. But there is still a kind of arrogance that cannot be concealed between the brows.

He glanced at the students of Nan Zhanzhou, his eyes flicked and stayed on Feng Qingyang's beautiful face, he seemed to be startled, and suddenly felt extremely amazed.

"Everyone from the Tianjiao students of Nanzhanzhou, my name is Wang Ao, I am a senior alchemist at the early stage of the Venerable Realm. Today, I and a few companions will be the guides, and I will take you Tianjiao to visit our alchemy field in Dongshengzhou. Later, if you have any questions, please speak freely, students from our two continents should be open to communication."

Some Nanzhan students exclaimed in a low voice: "The Venerable Realm is still a high-level alchemist, so powerful."

No matter it is alchemy or tool refining profession, it needs a long time of training to grow up, but the time is fixed, if more time is spent on alchemy, the time for cultivation will naturally decrease accordingly. Wang Ao can take into account both cultivation and alchemy professions, and his level is not low, which is already quite powerful. It shows that this person must be extremely talented in alchemy and cultivation.

It's no wonder that some people exclaimed for Wang Ao's cultivation base and alchemist rank.

In the field of alchemy, Nanzhanzhou student group also has a student who has reached a senior alchemist, but this student's cultivation is not very good, only the initial cultivation of Yukong Realm.

The four masters of Nanzhan frowned slightly. As the leaders of the students, they understood their responsibilities better. They knew that once they set foot on the land of Dongshengzhou, the exchange had already begun. Every word and deed of the students represented the image of Nanzhanzhou However, if Qian loses face as a student in other continents, it will tarnish Nan Zhanzhou's image.

At this time, a female student said in a nympho again: "Senior Wang Ao is so amazing."

The faces of the Nanzhan Four Heroes were even more displeased, Wang Ao smiled slightly and said: "Everyone in Nanzhanzhou has extraordinary bearing, each has his own strengths, and is even more powerful."

He looked straight at Feng Qingyang with a sincere smile on his face and said, "Especially this Tianjiao Goddess, she has an outstanding temperament and a peerless elegance. Even the top Tianjiao in Central Continent don't have this kind of demeanor, I am quite surprised."

"Student Wang, thank you!" Feng Qingyang said with a smile.

Wang Ao glanced at Feng Qingyang with fiery eyes, and waved to the students: "Everyone, please follow me."

He walked ahead to lead the way, but deliberately slowed down, and walked beside Feng Qingyang, and asked warmly: "This goddess Tianjiao is the head of Nanzhan's students, right? May I ask the girl's name?"

"Feng Qingyang."

The little witch frowned slightly, and said indifferently.

When Wang Ao saw this peerless beauty talking, he had something in his heart, and continued: "Miss Xiaoyang, after the visit, I can take you around a few big cities in Dongshengzhou to see the customs of Dongshengzhou."

The little witch was a little irritable, and felt that Wang Ao was like a fly. She saw Chen Xuan who was at the back in a blink of an eye, her eyes lit up immediately, and she didn't answer Wang Ao. Said: "Student Chen Xuan, you are walking so slowly, what if you get lost and get lost?"

Chen Xuan was stunned and said, "I'm not a road idiot, how could I get lost?"

The little witch walked parallel to him: "Then who knows, follow me closely."

A glint of gloom flashed across Wang Ao's eyes, who was left alone: ​​"I thought you were some kind of Goddess of Heaven's pride, but it turned out that you were a stinky green tea, who ignored me, Wang Aoai, and ran to strike up a conversation with a little boy."

He took a hateful look at Feng Qingyang, whose figure was outstanding, and there was almost no imperfection in his body, and he was full of hatred for Chen Xuan.

"Boy, dare to grab the girl I like, just wait and see."


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