Entering the Nayuan period is equivalent to opening the door to martial arts cultivation.

At this time, several people had a rare discussion about cultivation.

Meng said softly: "Now that you have been promoted to the Nayuan Stage, what are your plans for the future of cultivation?"

Qian Xun asked, "The road to cultivation?"

Looking at Qian Xun lightly, Meng seemed a little puzzled, so she explained: "The way of cultivation is to choose the most suitable and most convenient way of ascension."

"This is what we need to get in touch with after school starts, but we might as well talk about it now, so that we can have a clear idea when we choose our own path in the future."

Wen Xiaoer continued: "As far as I know, warriors are also divided into levels. Ordinary warriors just learn everything, but they are not proficient in everything. In the end, they can only be reduced to mediocrity. Powerful warriors will choose to specialize in one discipline. For example, if you have a water-type physique, it is best to specialize in water-type exercises and spells, and your entry will be very fast, and the power of water-type spells is also very strong."

Qian Xun said with a smile: "I am the body of the fire spirit, so of course I chose the fire system. I heard that the fire system has the strongest attack power."

Sun Erning also said: "I have a collarbone with ice muscles and jade bones. My master has already set a path for me in the future."

Qian Xun glanced at her, and joked, "No wonder you are always cold, you must major in ice."

Sun Erning nodded.

Everyone smiled, Qian Xun is the body of the fire spirit, known as the hot goddess; and Sun Erning, known as the goddess of the iceberg, has an ice muscle and bone, but the ice-type Sun Erning is entangled with the fire-type Qian Xun all day long.

A special physique is innate, and the aptitude for cultivation is unparalleled. It is very rare, and few of them can be found among hundreds of millions of people.

Chen Xuan was stunned: "It turns out that you all have special physiques, no wonder you cultivated so fast. Xiao'er, you are so gentle, you must have water physiques, right?"

Wen Xiaoer blushed, nodded and said, "I am a water spirit body, so I can only major in water-based exercises."

Chen Xuan turned to Mengqing curiously. Mengqing had a higher talent and must have a special physique.

Meng shook her head lightly and smiled: "My physique is still a secret for the time being, so I won't tell you. The transformation speed of special physique to vitality is higher, and it can be cultivated faster. As far as I know, anyone who can cultivate to the great way You have a special physique. Chen Xuan, what kind of physique do you have?"

Chen Xuan was startled, he didn't know what kind of physique he was, the biggest possibility was that he didn't have a special physique.

If you have to say that you have a physique, judging from his previous cultivation speed, it must be a good-for-nothing physique.

I had no choice but to shake my head: "I don't have a special physique."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, obviously not believing it.

Qian Xunqi said: "Impossible, right? How did you get to Dao Dao forging your body?"

Sun Erning also showed doubts: "A student with no special physique can win the championship in the high school entrance examination?"

Even Wen Xiaoer, who had always trusted Chen Xuan more, was a little suspicious: "I always thought that you suddenly awakened a certain kind of physique. I remember a few months ago, when you came to do sparring training, you only exercised to level 4. No With a special physique, it can be cultivated in a few months until it is so big that it can be forged?"

Meng smiled softly: "Maybe Chen Xuan has a special physique, but he doesn't know it."

Chen Xuan had no choice but to acquiesce: "Maybe,

I didn't feel it anyway. "

If it wasn't for ending this topic, the girls would ask the bottom line, and it would be difficult for him to prevaricate.

Meng gently said again: "Actually, apart from specializing in a certain department, there are other paths of cultivation, such as physical training, weapon training, talisman training, mind power, and more rare meditation, writing, etc. Chen Xuan, you can also refer to it."

She added: "No matter what path you choose, you have to choose it after school starts. In Nanzhan Academy, there are teachers who specialize in various departments to teach cultivation experience. , it is very likely that something will go wrong.”

Chen Xuan asked: "That is to say, this summer vacation, can't you formally practice exercises?"

Meng said softly: "Of course you can also learn by yourself, but the good exercises are all in the schools, and you can only buy some ordinary exercises outside. Those exercises are of average power and are not worth investing too much energy."

Advanced exercises are not passed on to the outside world. The library of Nanzhan University has a more complete and advanced collection of exercises than other schools. It is only provided for its own students to practice, and there are special teachers who teach them to students The practice experience and perception of our various exercises.

This is also the reason why so many Tianjiao are desperate to apply for Nanzhan Academy.

Wen Xiaoer reminded: "If you want to learn exercises, you can also go to the city library. Don't forget that we all have honorary citizen medals and can enter high-authority areas to borrow exercises."

Everyone's eyes brightened, and they suddenly felt that their honorary citizenship was more valuable.

Chen Xuan also remembered this, and planned to go to the library in a few days.

Qian Xun grinned: "Look at your serious looks, it's summer vacation now. After half a year of hard work, don't you want to take a good rest? Besides, even if you learn the exercises by yourself, it's far from being in an academy, so it's better. It’s fun for a few days, and I’ll get serious after school starts.”

The eyes of several girls brightened, and they all agreed.

They are all sixteen or seventeen-year-old girls who love to play and go shopping. They have worked hard for half a year for the senior high school entrance examination, and now they have finally been admitted to Nanzhan Academy as they wished. They can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

It's hard to have a holiday, and I definitely hope to be happy for a few days.

Qian Xun raised the Le Ke in his hand and said, "Cheers to the summer vacation!"

Everyone raised their drinks and clinked their glasses cheerfully.

Even Chen Xuan was a little moved, and couldn't help feeling how good it is to be young.

In the past few months, it can be said that he has been spinning continuously, improving himself crazily, and now he is infected by the atmosphere in front of him, and some thoughts of relaxation are born in his heart.


Qian Xun felt a little passionate: "I stayed in Qingshui for a year, and finally came back. This holiday, I want to eat, play, go shopping, have a good rest, recharge my energy, and work hard after school starts. You all What do you plan to do?"

Meng enviously enviously said: "Cousin, I am not as relaxed as you are. The family is on the rise. I need to help the family with things. I can't stop cultivating my mind. It will be difficult to pick it up again. Of course, there must be no summer vacation." It's been so busy."

Mengqing is the only daughter in the family, she cares about the development of the family very much, and she is also very self-motivated, so she will not waste the summer vacation.

Wen Xiao'er smiled and said: "Although I was admitted to Nanzhan Academy, the competition is still very high. I want to hire a teacher to make up lessons, and then I will accompany others and get together with you when I have time, like this."

"Good sister, you are so considerate, I need you very much during summer vacation." Qian Xun hugged Wen Xiao'er and boasted.

Sun Erning said with a wry smile on his cold face: "My master finally let me out for the high school entrance examination. After the examination, she urged me several times to go back to the Jade Girl Palace. I'm afraid I won't have the chance to be chic with you."

Qian Xun asked curiously, "What's the Jade Maid Palace like? Is it very strict?"

Although Sun Erning was a little familiar with everyone, but because of her own fundamental reasons, her face was always cold, but everyone was used to it.

Her voice was a bit cold, but she still said with a trace of tenderness: "I just want to say: it's nice outside."

Qian Xun pretended to be in a cold war and expressed sympathy for Sun Erning.

"Chen Xuan, do you have any plans?" Wen Xiaoer asked.

"Well... I can't stop practicing. I don't have a family behind me. Once I stop, I will basically be useless."

"I plan to pick up my sister here, take her for a walk, and then help her transfer to Nanzhan City, so I can go to school with peace of mind."

Chen Xuan thought for a while and replied.

Qian Xun winked and said, "So it's a madman who spoils his sister."

"When Toutou comes, you must bring her to my house to play." Wen Xiao'er also has a good impression of Chen Toutou.

"Hmm! Toutou must miss you too."

"Chen Xuan, you can let your sister live here." Meng Qingqing also invited.

"It's not an option to live here all the time, I plan to buy a house!" Chen Xuan said.


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