Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5638: danger in the dark

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The city has a curfew, and only a few places are still lit.

Under the night, the lights of the hotel were still on. The hotel, where the United Nations observer mission stayed, was one of the few places in town that could guarantee electricity for a few hours.

"Damn, they deleted more than half of the photos I took," complained one member of the delegation.

"Stop complaining." Felix patted him on the shoulder. "At least they let us in the refugee camp."

"We couldn't even talk to the people inside when they were with them all the time. The facilities were rudimentary and the environment couldn't be worse.

Did you see what those refugees looked like? I've actually seen worse than this.

But what scares me even more is the intensity of their control. All the refugee camps we've seen before are a mess.

Lots of barefoot kids running around. But here, have you ever seen a kid running around?

They are all under the control of the army.

To be honest, that's what scares me the most. ' the observation team member sighed.

"Don't say anything, our actions themselves are under their control," Felix replied, "Although they confiscated our photos, that doesn't prevent us from making an objective assessment of it.

We will go back after a few more days of persistence. Let's endure it for a few more days. "

"Hey..." An Orumi Federal Army soldier came over to warn them, "It's curfew now, you'd better go back to your respective rooms."

"What's wrong? We just talked together and didn't leave the hotel. Does this also violate your curfew regulations?" Another member of the observation team was a little annoyed.

"I'm just warning you that this area is not safe at the moment. Members of the Hammer Resistance are still running around.

Any place with lights at night may become their target. You are all honored guests of the Federation, and I don't want you to find anything unexpected.

Especially when I'm on duty. ' The soldier nodded to them, then turned away.

"What does he mean? Is he threatening us?" a member of the observation team said angrily.

"Just if you know." Felix patted him. "Go back to your room. Turn off the lights and get a good night's sleep. Don't think too much."

Several members of the United Nations observation mission could only stand up one after another and return to their rooms.

Felix also returned to his room. After he turned off the light, he deliberately walked to the window.

He opened the curtain slightly and looked out.

In addition to the constant patrolling soldiers downstairs, there are some faint figures in the distance.

This allows. Felix felt a little nervous.

Since it's a curfew. Ordinary people are definitely not allowed to appear on the street.

Those who haunted in the dark must have obtained the permission of these patrolling soldiers. And these people never seemed to be there before.

Felix slowly lowered the curtains and stepped back into the room through the window.

Fortunately, all the data have been properly transmitted, and all the data in the mobile phone have been destroyed.

This secret mission is at least half completed.

Felix forced himself to settle down and lie on the bed. Since he got those photos and videos, he has barely slept at all. Always worry about your situation.

He is well aware that, as an early undercover investigator of the International Atomic Energy Agency, he was conducting undercover investigations for suspected nuclear weapons. In itself it means great danger.

Most of the people downstairs in the dark were dressed in camouflage, but their clothing looked completely different from the Orume Federal Army, and on their arms, there were bright red tide armbands.

Seeing this armband, not only did the Orumi Federation Army instinctively give in. Even the gendarmerie in charge of supervising the troops avoided them far away.

"How's it going?" a man in the dark asked in a low voice.

"These people were all in the room, and no one left. We turned on the wireless interference, and their mobile phones were temporarily unable to make calls. If they wanted to communicate with the outside world, they had to use the hotel's phone.

And the phone of this hotel is also under our monitoring.

A total of five of them have called in the past three hours. Most are some personal calls to home.

Nothing special in terms of content. No trace of their use of secret or coded language has been found. So far, their actions are fairly normal. "The soldier who came out of the hotel just now replied, slowly putting on his red armband.

"Continue to monitor, keep watching. Wait for further orders from above." The man in the darkness began to recede.

On the other side of the dark street, Lin Rui and Zhao Jianfei had already climbed up the eaves in the dark.

Lin Rui was half-kneeling and used the binoculars to observe the situation in the distance. "It's 9:20 and the lights in the hotel where the members of the UN observer mission are staying have been completely turned off.

But the guard soldiers on the periphery showed no signs of evacuating, indicating that they would not be evacuating. They will stay here forever.

How many people are there on the far corner? Not quite from my point of view. "

Zhao Jianfei was at another angle, and he was also observing with night vision binoculars, "Three people, one just left. Now there are two left.

It seems that they should be members of the Red Tide troops.

Where they are, the patrols of the Orume Federal Army are bypassed. It shows that these Red Tide troops have already achieved a tacit understanding with the Orumi Federation Army before.

The Orumi Federal Army will not interfere in any of their actions. From now on, there is a high probability that they will not do it.

It's quite possible that our fears are unwarranted, and they haven't discovered Felix's true identity.

But you can't get away with it, Felix's true identity is a ticking time If the people of the Red Tide Force find out that he is also a secret investigator of the International Atomic Energy Agency, things will turn completely bad. "

"It seems that we have to try to warn Felix that his current identity may be discovered." Lin Rui put down the telescope.

"The blockade is too strict." Zhao Jianfei lowered his voice. "Unless we can get in from the top of the hotel. The three-story hotel is not too difficult for us.

But avoid the guards and find Felix's room exactly. Finally, returning it accurately is still quite a test. Did you decide to take the plunge? "

"There are some risks, but we still have to take risks." Lin Rui said in a low voice, "If we are going to rescue Felix tomorrow, at least we have to contact him. Let him be ready to leave.

Otherwise, I am afraid that there will be many other variables. "

"Okay, let's take a risk. But remember, you must act in absolute silence. You can't disturb anyone." Zhao Jianfei nodded to him, "Let's go around in another place, maybe we will be more confident."

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