Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5371: after the catastrophe


After waiting for more than half an hour, Alpha arrived accompanied by several of his bodyguards. All of them were in a state of embarrassment, their faces were dust and blood except for blood.

The white suit that Alpha had always been proud of had long since turned khaki and was stained with blood.

As soon as he saw Lin Rui, he couldn't help it, "Damn it, I knew it was not a good deal for you. This is a loss, it's all a loss."

"I heard about your robbery, and I found out who leaked it. How are you?" Lin Rui asked.

"I'm alright, only slightly injured. However, if my brethren hadn't sacrificed their lives to protect me. I should have been exposed to the wilderness by now.

But all the goods were robbed, and of my thirty or forty brothers, only two or three survived. "Alpha was almost in tears.

"Where was it robbed, was it in the desert? Tell me the exact location, do you know who did it?" Lin Rui asked.

"It was in the desert. The other party prepared in advance and attacked our ambush. Who is it? The situation was too chaotic at the time, and I don't know." Alpha shook his head. "Rick, you have to take care of this.

Although the responsibility for shipping is mine, I deserve it if I lose it. However, this is on your turf. "

"I see." Lin Rui nodded. "I will find a way to find out about this matter, and the promised payment will not be less than you. I will be responsible for finding things.

Damn, I really bullied me on the head. "

"My Alpha has been in this industry for so long, and I have to give me some face everywhere. I have never encountered such a suffocating thing." Alpha also said bitterly.

"But according to your delivery route, it should be impossible to encounter terrorists at all. The secret society is also far away from this area.

I can hardly think of anyone else operating in this area.

How many are they in total? How is the armed situation? Lin Rui frowned and shook his head.

"About a few hundred people, not like regular army troops, camel machetes, dressed like a local bandit group.

But the local bandit group never touches my goods, because they also rely on me to supply their weapons and equipment. I also have friendships with the chiefs of most nomadic peoples.

So I'm pretty sure those are all fakes. ' Alpha shook his head.

"Your convoy was attacked by a group of militants riding camels?" Lin Rui frowned and said, "Although the camels run fast, your wheels can't outrun the camels, right?"

"They predicted our route, set up an ambush at an oasis location, and trapped the car. Then the camels charged from all around, and opened fire when they saw anyone.

Honestly it's the first time I've had this happen, you know we're in business. Relying on harmony to make money. Establishing a foothold in Africa depends more on money and human relationships.

Although my brothers are good players, they can't stand the crowd. In desperation we had to withdraw.

In the end many brothers were killed and only one car escaped. Damn, it's just so frustrating. "When Alpha recalled it, he still felt a little scared and unwilling.

"Since there has been a battle, there will definitely be traces. I will send my brothers to investigate." The actuary Kishi said in a low voice.

"I'll go with you." Crystal nodded.

"Bring some more people, and notify Hassan in addition, and let him send a few people who are familiar with the local conditions to go with you." Lin Rui replied.

After Crystal and the actuary left the shore. Alpha and several of his bodyguards also went to bandage their injuries and rested for a while.

It was only in the evening that the actuaries, Kishi and Crystal, returned from the accident site.

"How is the situation?" Lin Rui asked.

The actuary kept Kishi silent for a while, "This may be a bit complicated."

"The people who went with us checked the bodies on the ground. Alpha's people killed a lot of robbers. These robbers were just buried in the desert.

found by us. However, upon inspection, it was found that these robbers were not members of a secret society organization at all.

And it doesn't look like jihadist terrorists either. ' Crystal explained.

"It's not a terrorist from the Jihad Alliance, or a member of the secret society. This is a bit strange." Lin Rui frowned and said, "Have you found out the identities of these people?"

"It's a little bit of a look, but it's still confirming. The trouble is that these robbers are not robbers at all, they are Hassan's men, a local army that has just joined.

Two of Hassan's men, who were with us, recognized a few of them, and they were sure they had recently taken refuge with one of their local armed forces.

But the facts have to be further confirmed.

Of course this is out of prudence, and I personally don't think it needs further confirmation. Because there is hard evidence that the shells we found at the scene showed that the weapons they used were ours.

The ammunition they used was the same batch number that we were going to distribute to them. The number on the bottom of the cartridge case proves it. "The actuary looked at Lin Rui.

Lin Rui looked at him in surprise.

The actuary Kishi nodded silently to him.

"You mean, these guys took the weapons we gave them, but went to rob our own ammunition supplies." Lin Rui's face became very ugly.

"Yes. I'm afraid that is the case. These local militants are likely to have problems. If we prove this, how do you plan to handle the next thing?" Actuary Masaki asked.

"How to deal with it." Lin Rui resolutely said. "There is no room for negotiation on this matter."

"However, I think the handling of the armed forces in these places must be If it is handled carelessly, it is likely to affect other people.

After all, since this time, there have been more than a dozen local armed forces that have joined the local army alliance. Although these people are not many, they are all small armed forces, but there are hundreds of people in each local armed force.

If we deal with some of them at this time, I'm afraid others will have other ideas. If this matter arouses the dissatisfaction of the armed forces in other places, things will be very difficult to deal with. "The actuary said in a low voice.

"But being patient is not the answer. We really need to unite the armed forces in these places, but if we deal with this matter, our attitude is not firm enough.

They'll have to go for it in the future. "Lin Rui shook his head," For a long time, these places have been used to loose armed forces, and they are no different from bandits. Now actually put our hands on our own people's heads.

This matter can't be just let it go, ours to restrain them. If we blindly compromise, it is definitely not a good thing for us.

We have to discuss this with Hassan and show our attitude. If the local armed forces under his command really did it, they must be severely punished. "

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