Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5351: beheading battle

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Ajad, who fell to the ground, has no pulse.

After listening carefully to the movement downstairs, Lin Rui was basically sure that his luck was quite good. The shootout, which happened in just a few seconds, didn't alarm anyone else.

The effect of subsonic bullets and mufflers makes the shooting sound of the MP7 submachine gun suppressed to the lowest level.

The thickened soil walls in desert areas also block the effective propagation of sound waves. This led him to force his way in and kill people without being detected by the outer sentries.

But Lin Rui understood that this was only temporary.

Maybe in just a few minutes, they will notice the abnormality upstairs.

Lin Rui immediately took out the fingerprint reader and pressed Ajad's hand on it. The fingerprint reader quickly turned green.

This shows that he did not kill the wrong person, and Ajad has been identified.

But the question now is how can he do it when there are so many sentries outside. Escape with Ajad's body.

The communication still hasn't been restored, and Lin Rui doesn't know either. Where is the communication jammer located in the room, or maybe it's downstairs.

Now he doesn't have time to search here carefully, those guards may find anomalies here at any time.

He must find a way to escape. And had to bring Ajad's body.

Lin Rui thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth, took out the grenade, pulled off the insurance, turned around and walked over. On the rooftop outside, he threw the grenade in his hand towards the roof next to him.

It was where the previous guards were. By exploding, one could attract the attention of other guards, and secondly, it would also report to teammates.

After throwing the grenade, the grenade exploded on the opposite roof.

The bombed terrorists on the roof opposite turned over, screaming constantly.

Lin Rui calmly took off the helmet, the communicator on the helmet, and the memory card.

Then, on the bodyguard on the ground, he tore off the **** turban and wrapped it around his head. While carrying Ajad's body on his shoulders.

Before leaving, he was still at the entrance of the stairs and placed a booby trap with a grenade.

After doing all this, he pretended to be Ajad's bodyguard and helped Ajad downstairs quickly.

"The enemy attacked, the leader is injured, the enemy is upstairs!" Lin Rui shouted, separating the terrorists with his hands, "Get out of the way, he needs first aid."

Those terrorists who just heard the explosion and are panicking. Suddenly, he found that the leader's bodyguard was covered in blood, and he helped the leader, who was also covered in blood, to come downstairs.

Immediately thought that the attackers were upstairs, he took the initiative to come up to cover for them. Organize other guards to rush upstairs.

Lin Rui drove the dead Ajad all the way forward. shouted in Arabic, "The chief is wounded, cover me!"

The unidentified sentries found Ajad with blood on his face, and they ignored the questioning, for fear of delaying the rescue time, and immediately made way for him.

Just as Lin Rui shouted and ran forward. There was an explosion from the upstairs behind him, apparently the guards touched the booby trap that Lin Rui had just set up.

This also made the other guards think that the attacker was still in that building.

At the same time, there was a violent exchange of fire from the outside of the village.

"Enemy attack!" Another terrorist shouted loudly.

The other terrorists were in a dilemma, not knowing whether the enemy was outside the village or inside the village.

"The leader is injured, cover me and help me break the back." Lin Rui shouted as he ran forward.

A terrorist wanted to rush up to help, but he snapped away, "Behind the enemy! Cover me on the spot."

Taking advantage of the chaos in this way, Lin Rui actually broke through the siege. Just as he was running forward, a hand stretched out beside him and pulled him aside.

Lin Rui instinctively raised the gun.

But he found out that the person pulling him was Kuaima, "Why are you?"

"Don't say it, just leave. You half-hearted Arabic, I knew it was you as soon as I heard it. Those terrorists were also in a hurry, so they fell for you.

When they settle down, do you think they will fire on you? ! "Quickly stamped his feet.

"Let's go, this way!" Sergey also killed the other brothers at this time.

"Their base camp was disturbed, and a large number of enemy troops will arrive soon. We have to run." Two mercenaries came to help Lin Rui hold Ajad's body, and quickly retreated to the outside of the village.

The helicopter that had been ordered rushed to pick them up, just behind the dunes of the village.

The machine gunner on the helicopter strafes downwards, suppressing the enemy's pursuit. While yelling at them, "Here!"

A helicopter took cover, and another helicopter landed quickly. Lin Rui and others boarded the plane under cover, and then hurriedly retreated.

Almost in an instant, a rocket was almost. Fly past them. Started them out in a cold sweat.

There are many examples of low-flying helicopters being shot down by rockets. Especially the helicopter in the hovering state is almost a target.

The pilot did not dare to joke about his own life, and immediately took off quickly. Made several maneuvering evasive flight maneuvers. Evacuate quickly to the distance.

Behind him, the village lights up. Bullets whizzed past every now and then.

Even a few bullets hit the helicopter, but they were all blocked by the added steel plate.

"Boss, if there is such a job, we have to pay more. I am for transportation, not war." The helicopter pilot sighed and turned back.

"Then run your transport well, and don't turn around and talk while flying." Lin Rui shrugged.

"This person is Ajad?" Kuaima looked at the corpse. "Just like that, we killed the biggest leader of the Jihad Alliance?"

"Stop putting money on your face, you are just a support team. In fact, this was done by me and the boss.

I heard that this guy has a bounty on the Six Nations Anti-Terrorist Alliance? ' Sergey asked, turning his head.

"Several millions. I didn't look at the details." Lin Rui smiled.

"Damn it, I'm telling the truth. This time, we can help the Western Sahara People's Front. But the bonus has to be given to us.

Their Western Sahara People's Front can't accept our help, and they also embezzle our bonuses?

We took a big risk for this Ajad. " Sergey said quickly.

"This is obviously done by the boss alone, how come you two did it again?" Kuaima sneered.

"Of course the two of us did it. It's just that the division of labor is different. He is in charge of the attack. I'm in charge of investigating and locking the target." Sergey said cheekily.

"Don't fight for that petty profit. If we can really relieve the Western Sahara People's Front from this trouble. Money can't buy the benefits." Lin Rui patted him on the shoulder.

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