Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5245: unfinished plan

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of battlefield contract workers!

After returning to the Odarat camp, Lin Rui was still unsteady. Someone informed him that Mr. K came with a few Americans.

"Come on." Lin Rui nodded, "Let him wait for me in the office."

After he came to the office, he found that Mr. K was sitting there waiting for him, along with several US troops in military uniforms.

"Sorry, I've been a little busy recently." Lin Rui nodded to them.

"I just heard that you went to the Moroccan joint command to make a scene." Mr. K sighed.

"First of all, I didn't choose this time." Lin Rui shook his head, "I don't think you're here for this trivial matter. I'm afraid it's for the unachieved goal last time, right?"

Mr. K nodded, "I knew you were smart enough. You don't need me to say it, you will understand our purpose. We really came for Bastin this time.

The failure of this joint operation has made these terrorists more rampant. There's a good chance this Bastin is more reckless.

I hear he's probably planning some other big move, and he's still hiding in Dahayo. Originally, we wanted to wait for you to attack Dahayo, and Bastin would definitely take advantage of the chaos to evacuate. Then we airborne and raided the small airfield in Dahayo and caught or killed him on the spot.

However, this objective was not achieved due to the failure of the operation. Now we still have to find a way to reset a plan. "

"So, what can I do for you?" Lin Rui looked at him and asked.

"I hope you can take up the task of arresting him." Mr. K looked at him.

"This is a difficult task. In a town full of terrorists, arrest a terrorist leader." Lin Rui said with a frown. "Without a well-thought-out plan and a capable team.

Not only will we fail to catch people, but we will all sink in. "

Mr. K nodded, "I came to you for this matter. Considering the risks of this matter, I think it is a good choice to leave it to you. Of course, I know your rules, so we offer The price is also very good.”

"It's not just the price issue. There's also the risk issue. High risk means high price, but this kind of risk can't be too high for me to bear." Lin Rui looked at him and said.

"I thought you would dare to take any task." Mr. K spread his hands and said, "Why are you so hesitant this time?"

"Anyone who dares to take on any task is not necessarily brave, but may be reckless. Our current situation is very delicate. On the one hand, we are now cooperating with Morocco, and on the other hand, we are cooperating with Hassan.

And Hassan has basically formed an important force in the Western Sahara region. If this continues, the prospects should be ok.

I don't want to affect the company's overall development strategy because of one mission. "Lin Rui nodded.

"What do you mean?" Mr. K looked at him and asked.

"Bastin is a veteran terrorist, and he is quite influential within the jihadist organization. If we capture him now, it will definitely cause a full-scale resistance from the jihadist organization.

It is very likely that they will concentrate all their forces against the forces of General Hassan and General Quinn.

In this way, it is very likely that the strength of the local armed forces in Western Sahara will be seriously affected.

For this reason, the Moroccans and the Popular Front of Western Sahara, and even the Oromi Federal Army controlled by the secret society, will benefit from this reason.

In this case, it seems a little more than worth the loss for us. "Lin Rui explained.

"I understand what you mean." Mr. K thought for a while and said, "If you don't want to be affected by this matter, we will cooperate with you. It just so happens that the Moroccans have just lost and need a little record.

We will declare to the public that the plan to capture Bastin is our cooperation with Morocco.

If I say this, they should not object.

This way, you can avoid publicity and attract attention. Second, it can also boost their morale. "

Lin Rui nodded, "This can be considered. However, for such a task, I need a lot of detailed and sufficient information.

Otherwise, the chances of success are slim. "

"Let's find a way to do this. In fact, we have placed internal counselors around Bastin, and we still have a grasp of his recent actions." The American beside Mr. K nodded.

"In addition, I need additional support. Mainly helicopters. Otherwise, even if we succeed, we won't be able to escape." Lin Rui looked at them.

"This can also be handed over to me. We can even lend you the helicopter directly if you need it." Mr. K nodded.

"If your intelligence can keep up, I need to be able to have all the information about Bastin. The more detailed the better.

Big enough to be able to accurately grasp all the whereabouts of Bastin, as well as the situation of his hiding place. As small as his personal habits and past experiences. Then I can try. "Lin Rui nodded.

"No problem. We've been investigating Bastin for several years. We've sorted out all the information we can get about him.

All the files plus analysis data can add up to more than two meters high. We can give it all to you if you think it is necessary. "Mr. K nodded.

"It seems that you are really determined to catch him. Yes, then we will make a deal, hand over all the information to us, and we will decide the specific arrest plan. You are responsible for intelligence and support, and the rest will be handed over to us. Finish it for us." Lin Rui nodded. "I won't say much about the price. Mr. K is our regular customer. Know what we charge for this type of task."

"Of In addition, there is a reward in the bureau. As long as you complete the task, this reward is also yours." Mr. K smiled slightly.

"Okay, wait for your intelligence materials to be sent, and I will contact you again in a week. At that time, we will come up with two or three plans, and we will determine one of them after detailed discussion.

Results will be available within half a month. "Lin Rui stood up and said, "Happy cooperation! "

"Happy cooperation!" Mr. K stood up, straightened his suit, and looked at Lin Rui. "Also in Morocco, do you need me to say a few words to you? After all, your friction with them is a bit ugly."

"No need, we have our own channels of contact with the high-level officials in Morocco. They should not ruin our long-term agreement with them for the sake of a front-line commander." Lin Rui smiled.

"This is the best. I thought that if this joint operation was successful, it would reduce a lot of problems. I didn't expect it, but it exposed a lot of problems. The prejudice between Morocco and the Western Sahara People's Front is too deep." Mr. K sighed . "It seems that we really have to invest in Hassan and the others in the future."

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