Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1705: silencer pistol

Genius 3 seconds to remember the website address【】

With his jungle tracking technology, Lin Rui followed Makorowski and others from a distance. For fear of being discovered, he did not dare to follow for too long. The group of people in front were also super alert and stopped walking.

"They stopped." Lin Rui whispered.

"It's not surprising. In order to avoid being discovered, they divided into several groups to act. Now, they should be waiting for the rendezvous. I guess they will start to move after they rendezvous. We just need to wait patiently." Zhao Jianfei's face was a little bloody. whitish.

Lin Rui nodded and whispered, "I want to take a closer look."

"No, you will be discovered if you get too close. What we need now is patience. We must not be too impatient." Zhao Jianfei said in a low voice.

Lin Rui hesitated for a moment or nodded. At this time, his communication headset rang. After he connected, Jiangan's voice came from inside, "Lin Rui, where are you?"

"I'm fine for now." Lin Rui whispered, "How are you?"

"We have reached the scheduled meeting point. Report your location, and we will let the helicopter return to rescue." Jiangan whispered.

"No." Lin Rui said solemnly, "Your escape is fortunate. Not only will you not be able to save us, you will also die if you come back. Are you a vegetarian when you think of it as a Yankee? This area has been completely monitored by them. The helicopters come back and they'll shoot you down immediately."

"Then how did you come out?" Jiangan whispered.

"We'll find a way, and I'll contact you when we come out. Remember the actuary, the entire o2 team can't move at all. I'm talking about anyone, including you. And Crazy Horse, you must hold me down They, can't let them act privately. The same is true for Group B." Lin Rui whispered.


"No but! This is an order." Lin Rui whispered, "This matter has already become a big issue. If you intervene again, it will only make things more complicated. So I ask you to pass my order. Everyone must Stand by. Awaiting my further orders."

Kishi was silent for a while and said, "What if we can't wait for this next order?"

"Then according to the reservation plan, after forty-eight hours, you will return by yourself." Lin Rui whispered.

"No! We can't do this. The o2 team doesn't have such rules. It's not our style to evacuate on our own when the leader's life and death are unknown. You said that we are mercenaries, but there are mercenary principles for doing things." Jiang Shore whispered.

"Executing orders is the most basic principle. Moreover, if you do not receive further orders after forty-eight hours, it means that I am no longer there, and there is no need to abide by that principle." Lin Rui whispered, "That's it, the communication is over. ."

Lin Rui cut off the communication signal and let out a long breath.

Zhao Jianfei turned to look at him and whispered, "Have you ever thought that you would die here?"

"No." Lin Rui turned his head, "In the past few years, I have learned one thing, that is, never think about things that haven't come yet. Because mercenaries have no future, no past, only present."

"It seems that I said this to you. It seems that it was on the day when the training ended. I seemed to drink too much that day, but I didn't expect you to believe it. You know, at that time, you were really a fool." Zhao Jianfei joked.

"Maybe it's real when you're drunk." Lin Rui shrugged and whispered, "I'm running out of ammo, how about you?"

"I don't have much. But if we want to escape, we must not fight recklessly. Because if we fight recklessly, there will be insufficient ammunition." Zhao Jianfei whispered.

"Damn it, when will they start moving? If things go on like this, those search teams will come again." Lin Rui waited a little anxiously, "Old Zhao, are you sure Marklovsky is in front?"

"It should be there, at least Aladdin thinks that's what their plan is." Zhao Jianfei whispered.

"To be honest, Lao Zhao, do you trust Aladdin?" Lin Rui frowned.

"I believe it." Zhao Jianfei thought for a while and whispered, "He is a very special person, with a kind of businessman's essence. The businessman I am talking about is not a profiteer. The real businessman is actually more credible than most people. He With such a big business, he is definitely not an untrustworthy person."

Lin Rui shook his head, "But this time he broke his trust, and he didn't show up. Instead, he used you as his stand-in. I should have thought that he couldn't be alone in danger."

"But he didn't hide it from me. When he asked me for help, he told me about all the dangers. I agreed." Zhao Jianfei nodded.

Lin Rui was silent for a while, "So what's his judgment on Maklovsky?"

"He decided that Maklovsky would choose this route to escape. So my first reaction after the helicopter crash was to go into the woods. It turned out that Aladdin was right. So I believe that Maklovsky must have escaped. If I follow his plan, we can also get out smoothly." Zhao Jianfei said in a low voice.

"Shh! Someone!" Lin Rui suddenly heard a small sound, which was the crisp sound of someone stepping on a dead branch in the woods. He immediately pulled Zhao Jianfei behind a big tree and covered his body with thick fallen leaves. Lin Rui adjusted his breathing and picked up the gun in his hand.

Sure enough, several members of the patrol team came, and one of them was leading two search dogs. The two search dogs seemed to smell the blood on Zhao Jianfei's arms, barked like crazy, and rushed towards the place where Zhao Jianfei was hiding. "Damn it!" Lin Rui knew that he couldn't hide it and flew out, and first shot the two search dogs with the mp7 in his hand. UU read and then turned around and shot a search team member.

The search team members were all attracted by the excited state of the search dogs, and their attention was all behind the tree where Zhao Jianfei was hiding. I didn't expect that a person would be killed from the side. At the slightest chance of distraction, an armed search team member was killed.

The other two were considered well-trained, and immediately took a step back and fired when they raised their guns. But with two soft clicks, the fingers of the two armed search team members just failed to pull the trigger. Because there is a bullet hole in their forehead.

"Good marksmanship." Lin Rui turned to look at Zhao Jianfei. But his expression changed instantly because of the gun in Zhao Jianfei's hand. He suddenly thought that Zhao Jianfei's pistol was not equipped with a muffler. And the two soft responses just now should be a pistol with a muffler. Moreover, Zhao Jianfei's face was also solemn.

It wasn't Zhao Jianfei who fired the gun, so who else could it be?

In an instant, Lin Rui's heart seemed to twitch suddenly, because someone was standing behind him and Zhao Jianfei, and they didn't even notice it just now.

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