Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1678: Crazy enough, genius enough

Genius 3 seconds to remember the website address【】

Yelena was about to reach for the phone on the table, but Lin Rui blocked her hand halfway. "Don't move anyone!" he whispered, "Who do you think the caller will be?"

"It must have been intentional to leave this call here. And the person who guessed that we would come must be a strategist." Jiangishi's eyes flashed.

"Yes, the call is from a strategist, and he knows that it will be us who will answer the call." Lin Rui nodded, "So if it were me, I would definitely not pick up the phone." He looked down and looked Under the coffee table, he waved to the sausage and said, "Come here, Bavarians. Look what this is?"

Sausage walked over, looked down at the bottom of the coffee table, and was so frightened that he almost shouted, "I'm going, this is an explosive device. At least four kilograms of charge, the induction control is triggered, as long as the phone leaves the table, it must be The distance, the explosive device will be triggered. God, this is a very insidious booby trap."

Lin Rui nodded, "Fortunately you didn't touch it just now, otherwise, this house would be in ruins now."

"Damn, it's a strategist again." Sandro's face turned pale.

"Sausage, I'll give you two minutes to release the trigger." Lin Rui patted the sausage.

"It doesn't take five minutes. The trigger device is just a magnetic induction coil post, which is a bit like a wireless charging device for a mobile phone. Just remove it." Sausage flipped the phone against the table, opened the back cover and took out a A thin soft post. He carefully tore the thing off and posted it on the table. Then threw the phone to Lin Rui.

"That's how booby traps are. It's not complicated in itself, but the most sinister thing is because of his surprise." Sausage whispered. "Now you can take the call."

Lin Rui shook his head, "I want you to defuse the bomb, not just to answer the phone, but to detonate the bomb. Sausage, prepare to detonate the bomb, and everyone will exit with me."

"Captain, you are..." Sausage frowned.

"Do as I say." Lin Rui whispered. Sausage nodded, installed a wireless detonator on the explosive device, and then withdrew with Lin Rui and others.

The phone in Lin Rui's hand was still ringing. Lin Rui turned his head to look at the sausage and said, "How long does it take for this magnetic method to trigger an explosion?"

"About two seconds or so." Sausage replied.

Lin Rui nodded and answered the phone, "Hey, you are..." He winked at the sausage. Sausage knew immediately and pressed the remote control. The villa not far away was blown to pieces, and the heat wave of the explosion was almost blowing. Lin Rui removed the phone battery and threw it to the sausage.

"In this way, at least the secret society will think that we are finished for at least this period of time." Lin Rui whispered, "This is called a plan. Clean up the traces of our visit, and then we will leave immediately. Go back and talk about it."

Only then did the sausage understand Lin Rui's intention and nodded, "I understand."

Across the city, the strategist smiled and put down his phone.

"What, it's already done?" White Gloves frowned at him.

The strategist nodded, "I said yes, it will definitely work. According to our intelligence, Aladdin didn't bring many guards this time. Today, we booby-trapped some of them through the black market weapons dealer. We killed them with that phone just now. The other part. Now the balance between the enemy and the enemy is already tilting towards us."

"If you do this, you won't be afraid of Aladdin's anger?" White Glove frowned.

"He won't. If his daughter was still in our hands, he wouldn't be angry, and he wouldn't dare to be angry. Besides, these two incidents were all caused by them. If they violated the rules, they violated the rules first. It's not us. If people who weren't him wanted to track us, how could they be killed? So even if Aladdin broke his teeth, he had to swallow it." The strategist Maklovsky smiled slightly.

"So, we won two rounds first?" White Gloves said with a smile.

"You can say that, but it's like playing chess. Even if you take a few pieces from the opponent, it won't be decided until the last moment." Markowski smiled slightly, "I let you How's the arrangement going?"

"It's almost there. But I'm still a little strange. Aren't you going to bribe those guards to get rid of this old guy? Why do we have to prepare two additional attack lineups ourselves?" White Gloves said.

"For contingency. Because even if our plan is perfect, I don't believe that Aladdin will die willingly." Maklovsky whispered. "From what I know about him, he will definitely organize a counterattack, and in a way that we are very unpredictable. These two preparatory plans are used to adapt. To be honest, if things go well, I really don't want to use the preparatory plan. "

"Oh?" White Gloves said, "Then what's your plan?"

"I can't say right now, buddy, it's not that I don't trust you. It's that I don't trust anyone." Maklovsky paced back and forth, "because anyone in this world can be bought, as long as the other party's bid is high enough. And Aladdin is very good at buying people."

"Whatever you want, I'm not optimistic about your plan anyway." White Glove lowered his head, took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth. "Actually, I feel that Aladdin may already have his own plans."

"You think I'm inferior to him?" Maklovsky turned his head.

"Can I ask why you are targeting him everywhere?" White Glove shrugged, "I used to want to kill him because I fell in love with his arms trading This is tens of billions A global arms trade where funds are flowing. Aladdin relies on this, and after being disabled, he has made the Archduke fear for decades. What about you? Why are you?"

"I want to prove that I am better than him." Maklovsky said coldly. "The strategist of the secret society must succeed on the corpse of the previous one. I can't see my previous strategist still alive, which makes me feel very uncomfortable. In some advanced fields, there can only be a height, And not two."

"Understood, it's jealousy and obsessive-compulsive disorder." White Glove shook his head, "This kind of character is not what a strategist should have. Because whether it is jealousy or obsessive-compulsive disorder, you will lose your normal judgment in some aspects. A strategist A person who cannot be influenced by emotions."

"So I have to kill him myself. By killing him, I don't need to be jealous of anyone, and I don't need to worry about the fact that the previous strategist is still alive. That's the perfect state for me." Mark Loves Ki smiled.

White Glove shook his head, he didn't say a word, "Maybe this strategist is indeed a genius boy, but he's a little crazy paranoid. Maybe crazy enough to be genius."

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