Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1561: Arrow and Axe

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The armed men below were all wearing blue-gray military uniforms, which looked quite special, and were neatly lined up. They were much stronger than the average African local armed forces. These people surrounded the center of the mining area.

And the black armed men under Cobois also dragged a few black laborers over and stopped in front of a large group of laborers.

One of the armed men kept beating the black laborers with the belts in his hands, and yelled at them. A black man with the appearance of a small leader said loudly, "It's these people who planned to escape last night. I know that among you, someone must be helping them. I don't care who this person is, I just want him to be optimistic and look at these How people die."

The little black leader waved his hand, and a few armed men came over and dragged the black laborers to a side stand and tied them up.

"Here, there is no work, no food, and no water. If they want to escape, they have to give up their right to work, and their right to survive, such as food and water. They will be bound here until They starved to death. You can watch them die, but no one is allowed to approach them." The little black leader snapped.

The black laborers didn't say a word, they almost all stood shaking and watching. They had no choice but to watch a few companions who were trying to escape die alive. It is not easy to starve a person to death, even in such an environment, it would take several days. The process of being starved to death is undoubtedly the most painful and struggling. It was a struggle, both for these few people and for the other workers who looked at them.

"Damn it, in this era, you can still see scenes similar to the abuse of black slaves in American plantations." Crazy Horse lowered his head and cursed to himself, "Captain, are we going to do it?"

"Wait, in this case, we can't win. And we need to find the location of those hostages." Lin Rui put down the telescope in his hand and whispered.

"Damn it, I really can't stand it anymore." Crazy Horse whispered. "Now that these laborers and armed personnel are in a panic, isn't it easier to do it in the chaos?"

"Yes, it's easier to do it, but it's also easier to miss." Lin Rui whispered, "I didn't find those hostages, they should have been locked elsewhere. If you open fire too early, it will expose us. Keep it secret. It's better for us to act. I understand you can't stand it, but we still have a job to do."

Crazy Horse took a deep breath and nodded.

"You cover me here. I'll go down that corner and sneak over the valley close to that side. When the distance is right I'll shoot one of the snipers with a bow and arrow. His line of sight is always down below, So I can shoot him quietly and take that corner. Once I succeed, you go down the other side and clear the other sniper from behind." Lin Rui whispered.

"Got it." Crazy Horse raised his weapon.

"Try not to use guns. After we occupy the commanding heights on both sides, I will send a signal to let the rest of the people start to attack." Lin Rui whispered, "Once their attention is attracted to the actuary, we will Free to move. Remember hostages are a priority target."

Crazy Horse nodded, "Good luck."

Lin Rui carried the weapon behind him and quickly moved towards the sniper's position. The sniper was above the river valley, and Lin Rui was above him, about a thirty-meter steep **** from him. Lin Rui estimated the distance, fixed one end of the nylon rope, buckled the other end around his waist, and jumped down suddenly.

The distance of 30 meters cannot be lowered at one time, but in order to ensure efficiency, he cannot stop too many times. Just use the extra resistance provided by the lock during the fall. Control the fall speed. Step on the wall with your feet to control the distance between yourself and the wall.

After a few ups and downs, Lin Rui was less than twenty meters away from the militant. But where he set foot, a few small stones rolled down the slope. Lin Rui knew it was not good, and he didn't have time to think about it. He turned over and wrapped the rope around his waist, abruptly stopping the falling momentum. Keep your body relatively stable for a few seconds.

Then a long arrow from an alloy arrow cluster was placed on the bowstring, and the bow was quickly completed. The sniper below felt a few small stones rolling down from the mountain wall behind him, and quickly raised his head to observe. Just as he looked up. Lin Rui's bowstring rang.

This is a hunting compound bow made by Crazy Horse himself, and the weight of one hundred and fifty pounds is not something that anyone can pull. Coupled with the extremely lethal multi-edge arrow, the initial velocity of the arrow shot by such a terrifying heavy compound bow is extremely fast. Crazy Horse once shot a wild boar with such an arrow, and the rough-skinned wild boar could even be pierced by an arrow.

"Hey!" With a soft sound, the militant suddenly fell headfirst. He struggled a few times but couldn't speak at all because the arrow shot through his throat, ripping a large hole in the back of his neck. The cluster of arrows shot through his throat and trachea. The sharp, prismatic, dilated arrows also damaged his cervical spine so badly that he twitched and stopped moving.

Lin Rui loosened the rope, landed quickly beside him, and looked down at the unlucky sniper. After confirming that he was dead, he breathed a sigh of relief, removed the lock on his waist, and crouched aside. Lin Rui used a telescope to observe the surrounding whispered, "Crazy Horse, I'm already in place, it's up to you."

"Understood, I'm on your right." Crazy Horse has also detoured to the other side of the highland, where the **** is much larger than Lin Rui's side, and he almost ran over at extreme speed. Before the sniper could react, the light tactical axe in Crazy Horse's hand had already been thrown out of thin air, splitting his neck with one axe.

No one is better at using this hatchet than a true Indian. Hatchet in their hands is not only a tool, but also a deadly weapon. They used this traditional hatchet and bow against European settlers hundreds of years ago.

Crazy Horse's movements remained undiminished. With the momentum of the forward charge, a rolling backhand pulled out the axe that was still embedded in the militant's neck, and blood spurted out like an arrow. The militant hugged his neck and touched the gun with his other hand in horror, but the gun rolled too far, and he could only watch Crazy Horse raise the hatchet again, and his eyes went black. The end of the pain was as sudden as when it came.

Crazy Horse crouched beside the sniper, reached for his sniper rifle, and replied in a low voice, "I'm in place."

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