Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1539: Squad infiltrate

Genius 3 seconds to remember the website address【】

"But this is not a conventional way of fighting." An officer shook his head.

"With all due respect, there are no routines in war, sir." Jensen said slowly, "You should note that this is just an operation team of a private military company we hired. But at least as a military company, they still have a bottom line, but Terrorists don't tell us the bottom line.

I think you are all as proud as I am that we have the strongest military strike capability in the world, there is no doubt about that. It is difficult for other military powers to pose a sufficient threat to us based on pure military power.

But terrorists are different. They use our war on terror to expand their influence. They even use social media to recruit troops around the world and use all possible means to create all kinds of bloodshed. Our bases all over the world could be their targets. In this regard, we must have sufficient crisis awareness. "

The officers present were silent.

"Even so, we are dealing with terrorists and not military companies. They are different."

Jensen continued, "This is an experimental exercise. It will provide enough reference for us to encounter similar situations in the future, which is the point. Also, the differences you said do exist. But there are more between them. are similarities.

They are essentially civilians, trained in combat, and armed to a certain extent. It is generally known for small-scale combat operations. They differ from regular troops in combat philosophy, loose but flexible. That's why we hired a mercenary to conduct this tactical assessment. "

The officers were silent again, and all turned their attention to the large LCD screen in the command room. The lens is shaking and the light and shadow are a little dark, so the image is noisy and not clear. Clearly, the squad is following their plan. They should have turned on their night vision gear, apparently they're good at night.

Lin Rui moved silently at the front of the team. His footsteps were light, but his speed was not slow. Although he was wearing heavy military boots, he didn't make much noise. Lin Rui was holding an American m4 carbine, acting silently like a ghost.

The an\\/psq-20 enhanced night vision goggles on his helmet can integrate image enhancement technology and infrared thermal imaging technology. It's like a duck to water in this underground facility. Suddenly he slowed down and raised his hand. The players behind him immediately spread out to both sides silently.

In the an\\/psq-20 enhanced night vision goggles, two red and green human figures appeared in the distance. It appears slightly greenish-yellow in areas covered by clothing, but is striking red on exposed face and hands.

Lin Rui put away the gun and walked over silently. That's two U.S. troops complaining, "Don't we have emergency power?"

"This is an emergency plan for an attack on the base. Temporarily turning off part of the power supply can create an advantage for our army and limit the rapid advance of the enemy army. And those guards have night vision goggles. Of course, this is limited to these external channels. We The infirmary is not affected." Another US military shook his head and said, "Forget it, it might be some kind of exercise or something. We don't have to struggle with this."

The two US troops should be medical staff in the base, on duty in this small first aid station. Responsible for dealing with some emergency injuries, the injuries are really serious, and they will send people to the medical center on the lower level. Lin Rui touched it quietly and held one with his backhand. Another soldier thought his companion had fallen, and said with a smile, "Walk carefully."

Before he could finish his words, Crazy Horse pressed him against the wall, knocked him on the head and fainted. "Bind these two guys and use their key card to open the door." Lin Rui whispered.

Sergey immediately took action, tied the two people tightly, then turned around and took out the access card from them, swiping the card to open the door. There is indeed a power supply in the medical room, which makes Lin Rui and others feel at ease, which at least proves that the express elevator can still be used.

Sergey looked left and right, turned around and made a gesture to Lin Rui, pointed to his eyes, and gestured with his hand. There are two cameras in the corridor outside, but not in the operating room and ward. However, the corridor leading to the elevator is still under camera surveillance.

"It's a relatively new device, can you interfere?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Old and new are the same, unless they use old-fashioned film camera equipment, as long as it's digital, they can interfere. That's the limit of technology." Sergey whispered, and he took a few things out of his backpack. , this is the communication equipment he found in the warehouse. As long as the transmission power is increased, high frequency will be generated. Temporary interference with digital video surveillance transmissions.

"Go!" Sergey whispered. The team members quickly walked through the corridor and came to the elevator door. Sergey frowned, "Wait."

"What's wrong?" Lin Rui whispered.

"This door requires access control." Sergey frowned. "In addition, a set of passwords are required to open it."

"Give you five minutes." Lin Rui said solemnly, "Others are on guard, pay attention to stand in the blind spot of the monitor."

"Understood." Sergey crouched down and skillfully took out the lockpicking equipment. I used a screwdriver to remove the panel of the combination lock, observed it, and short-circuited a few wires together. "Clap!" The circuit board lit up with a burst of electric sparks, and at the same time, a burst of scorched smoke drifted past. . But this Russian guy's simple and crude way of unlocking is surprisingly effective. There was a "ding" sound, and the elevator door opened instantly.

Sergey did not rush in, but first observed it with the sight glass on his before turning back and whispering, "Safety."

The team members breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the elevator. There was also camera surveillance in the elevator, but Sergey reached out and removed the wires. Then he turned off the instrument he was carrying. "Start." Lin Rui nodded.

Sergey finished swiping his card and started the elevator. Then the elevator starts to move smoothly and slowly sinks downward.

"Get ready." Lin Rui said in a low voice. "If they find out about our actions, then we are likely to face the most difficult situation of this mission."

"You mean, they might set up an ambush outside?" Sergey whispered.

"Don't underestimate these Yankees. You interfered with the surveillance cameras in the medical room for at least three minutes just now, and the camera surveillance inside the elevator failed immediately. If the other party is alert enough, they will immediately ask the situation, and the two The soldiers who were knocked out by us must not be able to answer. This is very likely to lead to their suspicion." Lin Rui said in a low voice, "Of course I hope they will not notice this."

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