Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1453: abort code

The sky was gray and yellow, and the air on the dirt road was also stained with a layer of khaki. The pickup truck swayed all the way toward the target camp.

In the car, Lin Rui sorted out the weapons at hand with a blank expression, "There are many of them, and we are conducting raids in broad daylight. When we start to act later, we can't do covert operations at all. So I demand that we must Play the time difference at speed and complete the rescue before the opponent reacts. Crazy Horse, Guns and Roses, and Sandro. As an assault team, your speed of action must be maintained at the highest level."

Crazy Horse nodded, "I understand. As long as you can help us clear those alerts on the periphery and ensure that we are not found before we rush in, we can complete the task in two minutes. But I need the sausage to go with me, because time If there is no time to unlock the lock, it is best to blast it directly."

"Hey, are you looking down on my technology?" Sergey frowned.

"Shut up, russian, this time you have to lead the other team. After Crazy Horse's assault team rescues those targets, you will be responsible for clearing the obstacles along the way, keeping the targets safe and the escape route clear. I don't want to. After trying his best to rescue those Germans, they were surrounded and annihilated by the enemy." Lin Rui shook his head.

"Well, you're the boss," Sergey muttered.

Lin Rui ignored him, but turned to the actuary, "Actuary, how's the backup helicopter?"

Jiangan's face suddenly became very ugly, he took a deep breath, turned around and said, "The highest-level order from the headquarters of the Black Island Company, action code: 404x!"

"What?" Lin Rui could hardly believe his ears, "Action code 404x?"

Kishi nodded, "Yes."

The Black Island Military Company has a set of very strict internal communication codes, of which the action code 404x is the highest-level order.

Code 4: Indicates the fourth plan, and the fourth plan is to suspend all actions and evacuate immediately. Code 0: Indicates execution with the highest priority. The third code 4: Indicates the highest emergency level. The last code x: represents an unknown reason.

So the whole set of codes means: for unknown reasons, all staff suspend all operations and evacuate immediately, an emergency order that must be executed with the highest priority.

Lin Rui was silent for about three seconds, then said solemnly, "Contact the headquarters and ask for confirmation."

"Cobain has confirmed the authenticity of the code through the satellite network, and even the support helicopter that had been dispatched has returned." Jiangan looked at Lin Rui and said, "We have no choice but to evacuate. There must be a reason for them to do so."

"Damn, but what is the reason for this?!" Lin Rui said angrily, "We killed people for this mission! Now that the target is so close at hand, they want us to evacuate like this?"

"This is the highest-level order." Jiangishi whispered, "Although we don't know the reason, we must execute it."

"I want to talk to the headquarters, talk to the boss!" Lin Rui said with anger.

"Calm down brother, you are the squad commander. You should know that after the 404x order is issued, the satellite communication channel used for this mission will be completely abandoned. This is a high-risk headquarters order. Once issued , there is no possibility of change. We must evacuate." Jiangan looked at Lin Rui and said.

Lin Rui was silent, and the players around were watching him. It was only then that he felt the burning pain in the wound in his abdomen. Just now, under the emotion, the movement was a little big, and the wound was torn again. He covered the wound and took a deep breath. "Abort this mission and evacuate with emergency plan No. 4. Actuary, you are temporarily in command."

Yelena quickly helped Lin Rui to sit down.

He kept tapping his fingers on the keyboard, "According to the fourth evacuation plan, we will leave as quickly as possible, pass through Aleppo, and enter Lebanon. There will be someone there to arrange our next move. We can be there Get supplies, and a new satellite communication device, then contact Black Isle headquarters."

Lin Rui nodded with a pale face, "How long will it take?"

"We are acting now, and we will be able to enter Lebanon in six hours." Jiangan whispered.

The pickup truck changed course, but no one in the compartment said a word. Even Sergey, who has always been more talkative, remained silent. They didn't know why this operation was temporarily cancelled, but they knew in their hearts that something must have happened, otherwise such a thing would not happen. So far, the Black Island Company has temporarily suspended all missions, and the order to evacuate regardless of the reason has only happened this time.

Lin Rui's injury is not very serious, but it is difficult to prevent wound infection with oral drugs. The longer the operation dragged on, the worse it became for him. But fortunately this time they did not encounter other troubles. The locals' dilapidated pickup allowed them to pass most of the area safely.

In Lebanon, an affiliated military company of an international mercenary alliance received them and helped Lin Rui deal with his wounds. The leader was a Frenchman. In fact, they had already received instructions and were waiting here to respond to Lin Rui and others.

"We have prepared medicine and food supplies for you. It is very safe here. The transport plane that will take you out at noon tomorrow will come." The Frenchman told Lin Rui.

"Thank you, man." Lin Rui nodded and frowned, "But we need new satellite communication tools to get in touch with the company headquarters."

"No problem, the communication tool is in the equipment box in the room. Good luck." The Frenchman smiled.

Lin Rui nodded and made a gesture to Jiangan. Suddenly, they had too many questions. The conclusion can only be reached after contacting the Black Island headquarters. Kishi quickly finds the satellite communication tools in the equipment box. These tools are modular and can be used after connecting to the tactical computer.

After turning on the computer, Cobain's voice appeared in the communication channel. "Great, are you all right?" Cobain asked nervously.

"Yes, we received the suspension order. We executed it immediately, and evacuated to Lebanon according to the emergency plan. But why?" Lin Rui whispered. "We need an explanation."

"Listen, man, I can't give an explanation. And you must return to St. Caesar Island immediately." Cobain whispered, "I can't reveal too much on the communication channel."

"Damn, then let the boss answer, is Silver Wolf there?" Lin Rui said angrily, "I think he should be able to give an explanation."

"Sorry, brother. But this time, it's not just your team. The entire Black Isle Company is in trouble. I can only talk about it here. I'll talk about the rest when you come back." Cobain's voice was a little hoarse, "I Sorry for not being able to reveal more."

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