Barracks of Rebirth

203 See Also Special Moves

After this incident, Wu Wei remained calm for a long time without any movement.

But a few days later, Ji Xin'an heard that Wu Wei was unsuccessful in the election for monitor in the class. Maybe even the people in his class were not ashamed of what she did. No one voted for her at all. Her best friend, Yu Hui, probably felt that she was played by her that day, so she ignored her.

And after this incident was exposed, the school could no longer protect her with the same attitude as before, and reluctantly gave her a demerit penalty. Even if this matter was handled in this way, it also gave Ji Xinan and The students explain one by one.

But Ji Xin'an doesn't know whether to record it in the file or not. This kind of thing is very easy to operate, but now she is very satisfied with the result. After all, Wu Wei's reputation in the school has been spread.

Now that she's satisfied, don't pay attention to her anymore.

And after remembering the deeds, Wu Wei became even more depressed. Whenever he saw Ji Xin'an again during the training class, Wu Wei would avoid her and would not even look at her. Maybe it was because of this. The lesson of the incident is much lower-key.

Ji Xin'an saw that not only the girls in class two are disgusted with her and don't say hello to her, even the girls in class one are now isolating her and don't talk to her anymore. They were laughing and making trouble together, but she was standing alone, which seemed very pitiful.

But what happened this time was not all bad. At least the girls in the two classes didn't have any conflicts anymore. Although it wasn't very good, they could all work together calmly, except for Wu Wei of course.

When Ji Xin'an saw this, she didn't use the Holy Mother to help her or speak for her. This kind of result was found by herself, and now as long as she doesn't mess with herself, she won't make trouble, and she is worthy of her up.

Although this incident aroused a lot of discussion among other students in the school, it gradually calmed down after the incident. Although the life in the military academy is a bit boring, there will always be new topics for them to talk about, and new things for them to feel. Interested things to do.

Zou Weiguo had also heard about this incident, but he didn't expect that this would be the reason why she lost control. His closed disciple turned out to be a vengeful master, although what he did this time was a bit too impulsive, but This could be considered as she solved the whole thing by herself.

However, although he knew the cause and process of the incident, since it had passed, he did not deliberately let the two of them avoid it during the training. They have been together for more than a year, even if he keeps the two of them away now, it is impossible for them not to meet forever.

So instead of that, it's better to maintain the status quo now. For example, they are still in a team of two during fighting training. No matter whether they need someone to assist or fight against each other, Zou Weiguo has never changed opponents for them.

Although the two of them didn't meet like enemies, they fought as they should, and never let water go. Ji Xin'an no longer teased her as before, and faced her like other opponents, while Wu Wei I also worked harder when I saw her, because in order not to lose so badly every time when fighting with her, I trained more seriously and worked hard at ordinary times. Zou Weiguo was very happy to see this kind of situation, although it was not Let healthy competition, but also touched their enthusiasm for training.

At the same time, I am very satisfied that Ji Xin'an is so measured and will not chase after him.

And Ji Xin'an also put her mind on study and training again. In addition, she is still busy with the work of the student union, but occasionally she will do extra training by herself when she has free time. She is afraid that she will slack off because of these things. , so I will seize every bit of time. Under such circumstances, I am even more busy and have no time at all.

Her behavior made Luo Jiayi feel ashamed to be lazy, and could only spend more spare time than her to practice, and was even more angry that Lu Ziyan kept complaining every day, but she still gritted her teeth and insisted on keeping up.

After a period of time, the physical fitness of several female students in the second class increased significantly, which made Zou Weiguo very satisfied, but he gradually increased the amount of training for them.

With the progress of the second semester of the freshman year, the professional courses began slowly.

Needless to say, Ji Xin'an's cultural courses are all the best. At the end of last semester, the entire department ranked first. The male students in the class were beaten, and they couldn't compare with military training. Ji Xin'an has a national class. The first place of the military school students is there, and now it seems that she doesn't even think about studying, and she doesn't seem to see how she studies, so she throws these people away, and makes these people have the heart and don't have the strength. up.

Now it can be regarded as a professional course. Some boys who have been exposed to computers and think they are good at learning feel that they can finally feel proud.

But they didn't expect to be hit harder than before, because they found that Ji Xin'an's professional courses were still the same as cultural courses, and he would be better than them if he didn't study much. up cock.

Ji Xin'an was typing on the keyboard, and saw Lu Ziyan smiling happily, "Why are you laughing there when you have nothing to do, and you are smiling so obscenely."

"I'm so wretched, didn't you see the expressions of those boys just now?" Lu Ziyan couldn't help laughing as she spoke.

Ji Xin'an has been focusing on the computer just now. Although she has already learned these things, she is still quite serious, so at this time, she is at a loss when she hears Lu Ziyan's words. "What's the matter, I didn't watch it, and I didn't hear any jokes?"

"I heard from those boys before that I have always been unconvinced that you have been compared to me no matter what. I feel that a group of boys can't compare with a girl. It's really shameful. Now that I have finally taken a professional course, everyone talks about it. This time I must be sullen and compare you." Lu Ziyan stopped what she was doing, and turned her head to learn what she had heard.

"What's so ridiculous about it? They want to learn better than me, which shows that there's nothing wrong with them being motivated." Ji Xin'an didn't expect that his excellence would put pressure on them.

"How can they be self-motivated, that's male chauvinism, and that's not what I'm laughing at, it's that they just finished their own work, so they came over inadvertently, maybe because you are still here and haven't finished your work I thought you couldn't, so I wanted to teach you, but I didn't expect that when I came here, I saw that you had already done what you were going to teach in the next few lessons, and went back one by one, with all faces turned black." Lu Ziyan looked Over there, several people looked at the book and frowned. It seemed that they were also studying what Ji Xin'an was doing when they went back, but they couldn't understand it.

After hearing what she said, Ji Xin'an also looked at the boys over there, and smiled, "It's not a bad thing, it might make them work harder, it's not helping them in a different direction."

"Yeah, after this incident, I think they will not dare to be like this time again, and they must study hard in the future, but I think it is very unlikely that they can surpass you." Lu Ziyan shook her head, Said with a look of disbelief.

"Why not? After all, boys are interested in science and have a bit more talent than girls. When they gradually become familiar with these professional courses, it will be normal for them to learn better than me." Ji Xin'an smiled, as if thinking that they It's not a big deal to surpass herself, and she can't be the first in everything.

"Hey, I don't think the thing you said exists at all. They still want to compare with you, so they haven't gotten used to being hit yet, and they still want to surpass you. I will look for you, and I will not compare myself with anyone now." Lu Ziyan said disdainfully, and then thought of surpassing Ji Xin'an, she quickly shook her head, thinking that it would be impossible for her to accomplish it in her next life Task.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, I'm not omnipotent, I can't be the best in everything, and you all have your own advantages, of course you are better than me." Ji Xin'an looked at her and smiled. stand up.

Although Lu Ziyan agreed with her, but after getting along with her for so long, she still hasn't found anything inferior to her.

After a few professional classes, even the teacher began to pay attention to her. Every time I practiced, I walked behind her and looked at what she was doing, and nodded with satisfaction from time to time. It seemed that I was also very satisfied with her.

"Ji Xin'an, did you learn about computers before you came to the military academy?" The teacher of the professional course couldn't help asking after seeing how proficient she was and how quickly she learned everything.

Ji Xin'an thought for a while and couldn't say that he had learned it in his previous life, so he wouldn't kick himself out, so he shook his head and stood up, "Mr. Liu, I haven't learned it before, but I have been exposed to it before. The computer of time, the simple ones are better."

The teacher's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she might think that she still has some talent, but she can learn it just by getting in touch with it. "Then, have you ever read anything about programming and languages?"

"I've seen something similar to C language, VB, etc., but because I have to learn it in the future, I haven't had a deep understanding of it. I can only make up some simple gadgets." Ji Xin'an nodded and said. When I just bought a computer, I also bought a lot of books, and I read some at home to prepare for university.

"That's really great. I'm working on a project right now, and I just need someone. Would you like to join in?" Teacher Liu pushed down his glasses and looked at Ji Xin'an, sincerely inviting him.

Ji Xin'an was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect that he would invite a freshman who was only a freshman, not only her, but other people also looked at the two of them in surprise when they heard it.

"But...but I'm just a freshman, and I don't know anything. There are many seniors and sisters." Ji Xin'an stammered.

He waved his hand, "The sophomores and juniors are all with me now, and the seniors are about to go to the army for internships. I only want the best ones, and this has nothing to do with grades." , Doing these things requires talent and learning, you have all of these, you can't learn them, I think you can keep up with the speed of learning."

"Can I really do it?" For the first time, Ji Xin'an had a little doubt about himself.

"Why not, I say yes." The tutor nodded with a smile.

This matter is still very tempting to Ji Xin'an. If she can do projects with her mentor, she must learn more than what she is learning now. If she was before joining the student union, she would definitely choose Follow the mentor to do projects, but not join the student union, but now it is impossible to quit, so I can only give up here.

So after thinking about it for a while, I shook my head, and looked apologetically at the mentor who valued her very much, "I'm sorry, Mr. Liu, I may have to live up to your expectations. I don't seem to be able to promise you this."

"Why don't you want to? Doing projects with me is much better than learning in class, and it's convenient for you to ask me if you don't know anything. Starting from practice will also be of great help to your future studies. Teacher Liu was a little disappointed after hearing her words, but it might be because she valued her too much, and then persuaded.

"I'm not unwilling. I'm also very happy to be appreciated by you. I also know that this opportunity is very rare, but now other studies and training are also very stressful, and I have work in the student union, so I really don't have time to do other things. What happened." Ji Xin'an was afraid that he would misunderstand him, so he hurriedly explained.

Teacher Liu was taken aback after hearing her words, "Are you a member of the student union now?"

Ji Xin'an nodded and said nothing.

Teacher Liu just wanted to ask if only sophomores can join the student union, but he felt relieved when he thought about it. There are not even sophomores in his place, and most of them are junior students. Now he still likes Ji Xinan , so there is nothing surprising about her joining the student union.

Then he smiled again and said, "If you are worried about this, there is no need at all, because there are other members of the student union in my place, and their time is occupied every day, and they have to rush to eat when they are busy." time, but it still doesn’t delay their projects, because if you follow the tutor to do the project, you don’t have to take a few professional courses. In addition to self-study, I will teach you alone, and I will teach you according to your progress, so that you You can master what you need to learn faster and save a lot of time.

After you have learned it thoroughly, you can follow the seniors to do projects together during other people's class time. At other times, you have your own things to do, and it will definitely not delay you. "

Ji Xin'an saw that he had reached this level, it would be bad if he disagreed, and this was very attractive to her, she herself wanted to go, after all, her major was computer, of course she wanted to make a Here comes the score.

So he nodded in the envious eyes of everyone.

Special thanks to: Tickets for 'Yu Family Baby', 'Dark Night Moon Dance', 'Elyem'

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