Barbarian Throne

Chapter 54 Grassland Customs

"This wind wolf king is a problem!" Zhang Debiao looked at the fiery red wind wolf and thought to himself.

King-level monsters are proficient in magic. The higher the level of the king-level monsters, the more magic systems they can use. This giant wind wolf can control the two elements of wind and fire at the same time. Although it is not a high-level king-level monster like Tai Ge, it is It is much stronger than ordinary king-level monsters.

There is no magician among this team of horse thieves. The flames that ignited the carriage just now were probably the magic released by the wolf king.

"It's an opponent!" The leader of the Wolf Cavalry, who was riding on the back of the Gale Wolf King, glanced at Zhang Debiao in surprise, swung the mace in his hand, and suddenly there was a heavy sound of wind. The retreating wolf riders immediately reorganized their formation and followed him closely, obviously ready to attack again at any time.

The mercenaries here were also busy, carrying dead bodies and throwing them out of the defensive circle. Although the prairie wolf riders were very brave, they still killed many enemies. Magister Jiamen and Archer Agan's eyes flashed, they discussed in low voices and prepared to counterattack.

Zhang Debiao looked at the mace in the hand of the leader of the wolf cavalry. It was initially estimated that the mace weighed at least four to five hundred kilograms. People who can use such heavy weapons must be extremely confident in their own strength and fight hard. When swung, one blow may have a force of ten thousand kilograms.

The weapon in his hand was the snatched saber. Compared with the mace, it was just a child's toy. The tourmaline knife was in the space ring. Brother Tai fell into a deep sleep and he had no way to open the space ring.

Zhang Debiao jumped off Xiao Hei's back, found four or five more sabers and put them together. With a twist, he twisted the sabers into iron twists, and then stretched them forward to become two or three meters long iron pillars. , no less heavy than the mace of the leader of the wolf cavalry!

The leader of the wolf cavalry was about to charge, but when he suddenly saw what he was doing, he couldn't help showing fear, stopped suddenly, waved his hand and said, "Let's retreat!"

A wolf rider said angrily: "Chief, why are you retreating? They killed many of our brothers!"

"If a wolf doesn't chew stones, he may break his teeth!"

The leader of the wolf cavalry uttered a prairie slang, turned around and left, saying: "I'm not sure I can deal with the man riding a black dog, and the mount may not be more powerful than his black dog. Moreover, the group of mercenaries are prepared. That demon The mentors and archers are also powerful enemies. Even if we can chew this stone, we will lose more than half of our men!"

A group of horse thieves looked at the caravan that was already waiting with complicated expressions. Only then did they realize that what the leader said was true. They all rode giant wolves into the darkness and disappeared in the blink of an eye. They really came and went like the wind.

"This leader of the horse thieves is smart." Zhang Debiao put down the iron pillar in his hand, feeling a little regretful in his heart. The strength of this wolf rider leader is definitely comparable to his. If he can fight with such a person, he might be able to break through the tenth level barbarian warrior.

"I really want to catch up and have a good fight with him!"

The mercenaries breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the horse thieves leaving. They were already used to this kind of thing. After burying their companions' bodies, they started talking and laughing again without any intention of pursuing them.

Seeing Zhang Debiao's confusion, General Manager Gale explained with a smile: "These bandits are herdsmen on the grassland. They are honest and honest during the day, but they are horse thieves at night. This kind of thing is extremely common on the grassland. As long as the caravan comes to the range of their tribe, They will no longer attack, but will do business with you in a friendly manner. If they pursue you, the entire tribe will come to kill you."

"What a weird custom." Zhang Debiao couldn't help but be stunned.

"There are even weirder customs than this!" Manager Gale said with a smile: "Did you know that there are barbarians from southern Xinjiang in the Sunset Forest? I heard that the men there treat their children as their own sons. They just get up every morning Just a severe beating..."

"Haha, is there such a thing?" Zhang Debiao laughed dryly.

Manager Gale was very interested and talked about the customs of the barbarians in southern Xinjiang: "...I heard that they are considered adults when they are twelve years old, twelve years old! Is the hair down there all tied up..."

Zhang Debiao had a dark face, trying hard to resist the urge to hit the old man to death with a stick, and cursed: "How come this old guy wasn't hacked to death by those wolf riders just now?"

The next day, the caravan finally arrived at a small village of the Jumang tribe on the grassland, which was still more than a hundred miles away from the tribe's main city. The herdsmen there stopped the caravan and enthusiastically exchanged gold sand and rare specialties for the caravan's goods. Among them was the wolf riding leader who attacked them last night.

The leader of the wolf cavalry was a strong man from the grassland in his twenties named Duluo. He seemed to not know them at this moment. He was clumsily discussing the price with Manager Gale and planned to buy the goods of one of their carriages. The few herdsmen behind Du Luo were also familiar faces, but they were not as casual as him. Instead, they stared fiercely at Zhang Debiao, Jia Men, and A Gan.

"Fuck! We have entered the wolf's den!" The mercenaries were all nervous, but the herdsmen were extremely restrained and there was no conflict.

After leaving the village, Du Luo followed him on a giant red wolf. Manager Gale gave Zhang Debiao and others a meaningful look and said with a smile: "Duluo is a disciple of the great shaman Draenei of Jumang City. He is with us. Together they went to meet his mentor. The great shaman Draenei is an elder of the Prairie Temple and has a very high prestige in the Jumang tribe. "The implication is to tell them not to mess around.

Zhang Debiao groaned and looked at the burly man, just as Du Luo also looked at him, both of them had eagerness to fight in their eyes. Du Luo followed the customs of the grassland tribes and was unwilling to attack the caravan within the tribal territory, while Zhang Debiao was afraid that if he was injured, the great Delaney shaman would not treat Tai Ge's injuries.

However, Garmenrich and Agambrucci had no such concerns. They discussed with great interest how to kill this prairie barbarian, and they exchanged their opinions unscrupulously in front of Douluo.

Zhang Debiao also became interested and joined the discussion, and they came up with all kinds of destructive tricks.

The Wolf Cavalry leader originally sneered as they listened to them talk about ways to deal with him, but as he listened, his face became paler and paler. In a short period of time, these three bastards came up with more than a hundred ways to deal with him. Each one is quite effective and can kill him easily!

Sweat rolled down Dolua's forehead, and he couldn't fall asleep at night. When he woke up the next day, his eyes were as red as a rabbit.

Fortunately, the caravan arrived at Jumang City the next day. Duluo was relieved and hurriedly said goodbye to Manager Gale. Zhang Debiao smiled and said: "Brother Duluo, wait a minute. I will go with you to see the Great Draenei Shaman."

"Let's go too!" Magister Jiamen and Archer Agan quickly stood up and whispered in Zhang Debiao's ear: "Where are you going to kill him?"

Du Luo was suddenly sweating profusely, and Manager Gale quickly explained with a smile, and then felt slightly relieved.

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