Barbarian Throne

Chapter 46 Brother Tai shows off his power

In the dormitory of Xingyuan, Zhang Debiao slowly opened his eyes. The Dou Qi vibrated his bones with a strange rhythm in the Dou Qi channel, making a sullen sound. He looked strange and murmured: "In just half a day, I have mastered the Bone Forging and Tendon Changing Jue." How is it possible to reach the top level?”

He then opened the book of mental techniques given to him by Bai Dillons and read it carefully. His expression became even weirder: "Yes, the sign of the seventh level is that the muscles and bones are ringing together. It seems that the bone-forging and tendon-changing technique is indeed I have completely mastered it, but the speed of cultivation is too terrifying, right?"

Although the Bone Forging and Tendon Changing Technique does not have much power, it is an intermediate mental method after all. It is impossible to fully practice this mental method without a year or two of hard work. However, Zhang Debiao only spent one afternoon to master it. On the top floor, I just felt unbelievable.

But think about it carefully, now his mental power has reached the level of a tenth-level magician, and his cultivation speed is a hundred times that of ordinary people. Moreover, his Dou Qi channels extend in all directions, so there is no need to worry about whether to open new Dou Qi channels, so It is not surprising to have such a cultivation speed.

"Try the effect of the Bone Strengthening and Muscle Yielding Art first!"

Zhang Debiao started to use his mind, and suddenly all the bones in his body crackled, like firecrackers going off continuously. He saw that his body gradually grew taller, and even his head became pointed and long, reaching a full length of two meters and a half, and then he stopped. When he came down, he was as tall and thin as a bamboo pole, and the originally wide magic robe only reached his waist.

Zhang Debiao thought, and his body gradually shrank, getting shorter and shorter, and the magic robe trailed on the ground for more than a foot.

"It seems that Bone Forging and Tendon Changing cannot stretch or shrink the body indefinitely. This technique can indeed only change the body shape and appearance, and its other uses are not very great."

At midnight, Zhang Debiao changed into night clothes. At this moment, his appearance changed drastically. He was short and fat, with a sinewy face, and a pair of small inverted triangular eyes that were fierce. He knew at a glance that he was not a good person.

"Brother Tai, you stay with me to protect me, and you must never leave, do you understand?"

Zhang Debiao came to the door of Hogan Chamber of Commerce, looked at this huge house, and said to Liuyi Jinguangjian. His tourmaline sword is placed in the space ring. Although his mental power has made great progress, he still cannot use the space ring. Tai can open it at any time when he is around. Moreover, this little thing is a sixteenth-level king-level monster. With it by his side, It will also be much safer.

"Don't worry." Brother Tai said casually, looking at the big house excitedly. This was the first time he had done such a thing, and his mind was full of unrealistic ideas.

Zhang Debiao jumped up like a big bird and landed gently in the garden of the Hogan Chamber of Commerce branch. When his feet were about to fall to the ground, a subtle whirlwind silently supported his feet, making no sound when he landed. Zhang Debiao turned around and gave a thumbs up to Brother Tai. The tiger nodded proudly, spread its wings and flew away.

"Isn't it?" Zhang Debiao was stunned: "Brother Tai, you bastard!"

At this time, a team of guards patrolled over, and Zhang Debiao quickly hid behind the rockery in the garden. A magician among the guards casually released a range detection halo, glanced at it casually, and continued to laugh: "I heard that the last time General Manager Palun came back from the Sunset Forest, it was so miserable. More than a hundred people went out. When we came back, there were less than ten people left. After Lord Gordon arrived, the manager gained the courage and led his men to massacre a village of barbarians in southern Xinjiang and captured many slaves, finally redeeming himself. "

A swordsman laughed and said: "I heard that the manager was frightened by a barbarian. After catching these barbarian slaves, he put them in a dungeon and immediately tortured them. He asked who the barbarian was and prepared to massacre that person's village. . Those barbarian slaves were stubborn and refused to recruit, but several of them were beaten to death..."

Zhang Debiao waited for the guards to go away, then stood up and walked out from behind the rockery, his heart burning with anger, and a murderous intention rising from the bottom of his heart.

That bastard Brother Tai ran away somewhere. Zhang Debiao originally planned to leave just like that to avoid being in danger, but after hearing this conversation, the murderous aura in his heart suddenly became uncontrollable.

"These days, I have been corrupted by the culture in the city. I am hesitant and timid in doing things. This makes Parun free up his hands to kill my people for revenge. I am not a businessman or a politician. I am a barbarian who is timid and timid. , This is not the way of the Southern Xinjiang people! If Pa Lun dares to kill my people, I will kill him! If the Hogan Chamber of Commerce dares to trade my people as slaves, I will destroy it, there is no room for bargaining! "

Zhang Debiao walked forward along the aisle of the Chamber of Commerce. Suddenly a swordsman came from the corner and bumped into him. The swordsman apologized quickly: "I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming...who are you?"

Just as the swordsman was about to shout loudly, Zhang Debiao slapped him on the head, and with a bang, his head was forcefully slapped into his chest!

After a while, Zhang Debiao walked in the middle of the road wearing the swordsman's clothes and carrying his sword. He had already thrown the swordsman's body onto the roof of a house. By the time the Hogan Chamber of Commerce found the body, it would probably be tomorrow.

Guards patrolled over from time to time, but they ignored him and allowed him to break in all the way. There are too many people in the Hogan Chamber of Commerce, and many new faces have come recently, which makes him feel like a fish in water.

Among the information Kidd gave him was a topographical map of the Hogan Chamber of Commerce, which marked the location of the dungeon. Zhang Debiao had already memorized this map in his heart. He walked along the direction indicated by the map and arrived in front of the dungeon in just a moment.

I saw two swordsmen carrying a southern Xinjiang corpse out of the dungeon. One of them smiled and said: "These barbarian slaves are so tough-mouthed that they won't fight even if they are beaten to death..." He looked up and saw Zhang Debiao pressing his sword. He strode over and said quickly: "Who are you? You can't break in here!"

Zhang Debiao's heart was full of murderous intent, and he was about to take action when suddenly he heard a loud sound in the air, rolling in the air like thunder!

"Brother Tai wants to drink dragon blood, so you all will die!"

Zhang Debiao quickly looked up and saw a black shadow as huge as a dragon floating over the Hogan Chamber of Commerce. A suffocating magic wave suddenly appeared, and the surging magic power gradually condensed and took shape.

With a thunder, countless thunder and lightning poured down from the sky, densely packed, and the electric light illuminated the entire Litan City like daylight. In the blink of an eye, the Hogan Chamber of Commerce Center Building and a radius of 100 meters turned into a thunder pool!

In the thunder and lightning, another black hurricane roared downwards, and was about to rush to the ground. Suddenly, the hurricane condensed and turned into hundreds of extremely huge wind blades. The cold light shone and cut in all directions along the ground, destroying everyone in an instant. How many houses were cut in half, along with the people inside them!

This is the composite magic of wind and thunder, a wind and thunder purgatory up to level 16!

"Frost shield, absolute defense!"

An old voice suddenly came from the most magnificent conference hall in the center of the Chamber of Commerce, and then with a brush, a huge ice shield appeared, covering the conference hall tightly, and remained motionless in the wind and thunder purgatory.

"The information Kidd gave me is wrong. This person who releases absolute defense is definitely at the level of a sixth-level mage! Brother Tai has met his opponent!"

The two swordsmen were stunned by the changes in the air. They quickly dropped the bodies and fled back to the entrance of the dungeon, looking at the raging wind and thunder magic elements outside in fear. When they came to their senses, they realized that there was another person beside them, and they shouted quickly: "Who are you? Why haven't we seen you?"

Zhang Debiao was too lazy to talk nonsense, stretched out his big hand to grab the two heads, and slammed them against the wall, causing their brains to burst. Manzi threw away the body and strode along the passage into the dungeon.

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