Barbarian Throne

Chapter 40 Holy Book of Evil Spirits

Under the impact of the six-winged golden light's tyrannical mental power, the space ring was easily opened, and a bunch of magic cores and herbs rolled out from it. It was more than what Jiamen and A-Gump had contributed, a total of more than forty. A magic core worth thousands of gold coins!

Obviously, this magister named Kancamicchi and his companions have killed many adventurers. Adventurers who can go deep into the Abyss of Sinking are at least the level of a magister or a sword fighter. It is not surprising that they have the ability to hunt and kill king-level monsters. But if the three of them deliberately attacked in a sneak attack, few of them would be able to escape alive.

The two companions of Kankanmic should be at the level of first-level sword fighters. One is tall and burly, and the other is short and capable. However, the tall one uses the feminine technique of Silk Winding, while the short warrior uses the extremely fierce technique. The power of the hob made even Zhang Debiao suffer a loss without warning.

If it had been anyone else, he would have lost his attack power with one strike and would have been left to his own devices.

What impressed Zhang Debiao the most was the leader of the green-clad thieves on the way to the abyss. Her archery skills were probably not as good as those of Forganbrucci, but under a sneak attack, she was able to kill a second-level magician!

It can be seen that if it is a sneak attack, even an expert may die!

Zhang Debiao put the space ring on his hand and looked at it several times, feeling extremely fond of it. This ring has a unique shape. The huge sapphire is carved into a wolf head, which has a wild style of the grasslands of the Western Regions.

"My mental power has not reached the level of a magister, and I cannot use the space ring yet. Should I sell this thing to pay off my debt?"

Zhang Debiao hesitated for a moment. The value of space rings is extremely high. Only a few alchemy masters can condense this magical magic item, and the success rate is extremely low. Therefore, it can be said that every space ring is extremely precious, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it. .

"Forget it, I'd better keep this ring. Money can be made at any time, but such precious magic props are hard to come by!"

A place like the Sinking Abyss brings the evil of people to the extreme. In the next four days, Zhang Debiao encountered countless sneak attacks. Once, a thief even sneaked up next to him and almost cut his throat. Fortunately, Xiao Hei smelled his scent and bit him to death!

As soon as Xiao Hei killed the thief, another black figure rushed towards him, mumbling in an incomprehensible language, and pointed at Zhang Debiao's water bag.

"Brother Tai, stop it! This person seems to be here to ask for a drink of water. He doesn't mean any harm...just pretend I didn't say that!"

Before Zhang Debiao could finish his words, Brother Tai rushed over excitedly. There was a burst of lightning and thunder, and the man fell to the ground.

"Aman, this man looks so strange, I seem to have seen it somewhere before..." Brother Tai killed the unlucky guy, looked at the body, and suddenly tilted his head and said.

This is a tall warrior with a very strange appearance, fair skin, and deep-set eyes. He is different from the grassland nomads, and is also very different from the Central Plains and barbarians. After death, the blood flowing from his body automatically flowed on the ground, gradually drawing a five-pointed star.

"Where have I really seen it..." Brother Tai thought hard, glanced at the five-pointed star under the corpse, and suddenly shouted: "I remembered! Ah Man, don't touch that corpse!"

Zhang Debiao felt sorry for the unlucky guy for a while, then began to look through the unlucky guy's belongings and stuff them into his own package. He was slightly startled when he heard this, and suddenly the five-pointed star suddenly penetrated into the back of his hand, leaving a strange five-pointed star array.

Zhang Debiao was shocked: "What kind of magic is this?"

"This is the curse of demon blood, not magic, but the blood talent of the abyss race. He is not an ordinary person, but a native of the abyss, a disciple of the Evil Spirit Temple! They will leave a five-pointed star after death, and the temple The masters here can sense it even though they are thousands of miles away! Ah Man, let’s get out of here quickly!”

Liuyi Jinguanghuan swept away his usual frivolity and said with a rare solemn expression: "There are many experts in the Evil Spirit Temple. They must have known that their disciples were killed by now. It will be too late if we don't leave!"

Zhang Debiao said in surprise: "There are still indigenous people in the abyss?"

"Of course, because they believe in evil spirits, people outside call them the Abyss Demons, but they look similar to you humans. It is said that ten thousand years ago, a human tribe that believed in evil spirits was driven into the abyss and thrived there. . The human rulers at that time placed a curse on their bloodline, making it impossible for them to leave the abyss easily. This evil spirit temple is equivalent to your barbarian temple, and it is also a holy place for martial arts. One of them is an elder, but the elders of the Evil Spirit Temple will go out together to seek revenge on him. How spectacular!"

Zhang Debiao was frightened when he heard this and said: "What then?"

"Then my former master died." Brother Tai's answer was extremely concise and to the point.

Zhang Debiao almost vomited blood. The former owner of this six-winged golden light was a Holy Magister, a top figure. Even powerful people such as Bai Dilansi and Shi Jialuona had to take a detour when encountering a Holy Magister. Such a powerful Saint The magic guide would actually die in the revenge of the Evil Spirit Temple. Isn't the Evil Spirit Temple too powerful?

"Brother Tai, you killed this person, it's none of my business!"

The golden-haired tiger blinked and looked at his arm innocently.

Zhang Debiao was slumped. There was this demonic blood curse on the back of his hand. This time it was justified but he couldn’t explain it.

"The Evil Spirit Temple has extremely strong martial arts and is one of the most famous holy places for martial arts and magic. Their Holy Scripture of Evil Spirits contains two parts: fighting spirit and magic. The fighting spirit part ranks fourth on the Qigong Fighting Qi list... No. Okay! The masters of the temple are nearby!" Brother Tai suddenly looked into the distance, and Zhang Debiao's expression changed. He could feel several powerful and suffocating waves of fighting spirit and magic rising in the distance at an extremely fast speed. Rushing here at a fast speed!


The six-winged golden dragon roared, its body swelled, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge tiger. Its six wings opened with a roar, covering the land more than ten meters in front of it.

Zhang Debiao and Xiao Hei quickly jumped on its back, and the six-winged golden beast roared to the sky. It suddenly waved its six large wings, breaking the sound barrier in an instant, making a thunderous roar, and rushed towards the entrance of the abyss!

Behind him, several figures came quickly, stopped briefly at the place where the soldier died, and then chased in the direction where Zhang Debiao left.

"The holy book is not with this traitor. It must have been taken away. Chase him quickly!"

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