Barbarian Throne

Chapter 29 Spiritual Storm

The thief drank the wine in one gulp, grabbed the gold coins in the wine bowl, and left whistling. Zhang Debiao walked into the tavern and saw that there were not many guests in the tavern, and they were scattered around a few wine tables. In the corner, an old bard was playing and singing

The tail swung as she danced, occasionally gently lifting the chins of the onlookers next to her. The fox girl turned back and smiled charmingly, and her body swayed like a water snake, with plump breasts and fat buttocks that undulated like waves.

Several men who looked like mercenaries were sitting at the table, laughing and throwing a few silver coins at her feet from time to time, tempting her to take off the rest of her clothes.

Zhang Debiao chose a table inside and sat down, ordered two side dishes and a jar of wine, asked the bartender to fetch two sets of cutlery, and sifted a bowl of wine for the other side. He drank alone while enjoying the fox girl's dance.

After a while, a fat and bloated figure flashed in from the door of the hotel. He squatted opposite him, making the chair creak. He drank the wine in one gulp, wiped his mouth and said: "Second, you When did you come to Litan City? Why did you just think of coming to see me now... Hey, why are you wearing a magic apprentice's robe?"

"I am now a first-year magic apprentice in Xingyuan." Zhang Debiao lowered his voice and said, "Kid, do me a favor."

"If you have anything to say, just say it. There is nothing in Litan City that my fast-legged Kidd can't do!" The fat man winked at the fox girl, his male hormones rising sharply, and he said with great pride.

"Help me investigate the Hogan Chamber of Commerce."

The fat man's face suddenly became solemn, he looked away from the fox girl, and said: "You want to deal with the Hogan Chamber of Commerce? This is a big deal! The Hogan Chamber of Commerce is one of the few big chambers of commerce in the city, and there are many experts in it. I I heard from a friend that they act like an army. They may be a chamber of commerce under a big shot in the capital of the empire, and they may even involve the army of the empire!"

Zhang Debiao nodded. During the coming-of-age ceremony, he had already seen the army-like style of the Hogan Chamber of Commerce. The strength of everyone in the hunting group was similar to his at that time, and there were also powerful characters such as magicians in the team.

The fat man continued: "The business done by the Hogan Chamber of Commerce is very complicated. On the surface, it is a serious business, but it smuggles arms, sells slaves, runs brothels, and does everything... I understand!"

Kidd is also a smart man, and he immediately thought of the key point: "Is it because the Hogan merchants are selling you barbarians as slaves, so you want to deal with them?"

The fat man's plump face flushed with excitement, and he trembled: "Big deal, big deal! More than three thousand barbarian warriors from the Mengzhuan tribe rushed into the city, chopped off their heads row by row, and slaughtered all the people of the Hogan Chamber of Commerce. , taking away tens of millions of property, this is a huge deal, a big deal!”

Zhang Debiao quickly interrupted his reverie and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm the only one."

"Alone?" Fatty said dejectedly: "Why are you alone with the Hogan Chamber of Commerce? Are you going to die?"

"I am now a first-year student in the magic class of Star Academy. How can I be followed by more than 3,000 barbarian warriors? This matter is just my opinion."

Zhang Debiao said calmly: "You just need to help me figure out the topographic map of the Hogan Chamber of Commerce and who is there, and leave the other things to me! Don't worry, after the matter is completed, I definitely benefit from you!”

Kidd said dissatisfied: "They are all our own brothers, and they are just talking about benefits. I have a dozen brothers in the city, all of them are thieves. I can get you the topographic map and personnel information of the Chamber of Commerce, but you have to Think clearly, if a person fights against a big chamber of commerce, he will definitely die! "

Zhang Debiao said with a smile: "Do I look like a fool who wants to die?"

"It's not like that." The fat man said honestly: "If you are stupid, there will be no smart people in this world. But one person... forget it, at worst I will give up my 280 kilograms of fat and risk my life to accompany you!" "

"This matter is my barbarian tribe's private matter, you don't need to interfere!" Zhang Debiao was moved in his heart, stood up and said with a smile: "I leave the investigation to you, I have to go back to school." After that, he walked towards the door of the tavern, passing by Hu When she was a girl, Xiao Manzi couldn't help but pinch the fox girl's butt, and a strange emotion arose in her heart, which was quite evil.

The fox girl let out a cry and gave him a charming look with her watery eyes.

"Damn it, my aesthetic sense has been distorted by my experience in the dream world, and I actually like women who are weak. I am from southern Xinjiang, so I should like women who are as majestic as earthly bears!"

When Zhang Debiao returned to Xingyuan, the fox girl's swaying white and pink buttocks still appeared in his mind. It took him a long time to get rid of this strange emotion and stabilize his mind.

"The first-grade class teaches low-level mental power tempering methods. The instructor said that mental power cultivation must be done step by step, otherwise it will cause damage to the brain. But where do I have time now, I must learn advanced mental power tempering methods. Improve your strength as soon as possible!”

Zhang Debiao did not go to the first grade class, but came to the sixth grade magic class to specialize in the advanced spiritual tempering method.

The tutor of the sixth-grade magic class is a knowledgeable old magician. His lectures are from the simple to the deep, with citations and interesting stories interspersed from time to time. Zhang Debiao has benefited a lot and has a preliminary understanding of advanced tempering methods.

The low-level tempering method is only the basis of the high-level tempering method. The rate of increase in mental power is stable and slow, but the high-level tempering method maintains the rapid growth of mental power while continuously tempering one's own mental power. Makes mental strength stronger.

It's like blacksmithing. A piece of iron needs to be tempered many times before it can be hammered into fine steel!

Only by making mental strength as tough as steel can a magician accurately control the arrangement of each magic element and make his magic more powerful!

If the mental power is as tough as steel, the magician can be called a magister. Under the control of their strong mental power, any kind of magic can exert its strongest power, and by that time, they can still You can combine the six magic systems of earth, water, wind, fire, light and darkness at will to form a more powerful compound magic!

Zhang Debiao was listening intently, when suddenly an extremely arrogant voice sounded in his ear: "How dare you teach others about such a shabby thing that is full of shortcomings!"

Little Manzi was startled and looked around at the sound, but it was Six-winged Jin Guangjuan who ran out of the logistics office at some point and stood on the classroom window, arranging his feathers slowly and saying with great disdain.

Outside the window, a giant black dog the size of an iron-backed bull sat there obediently, sticking out its tongue and panting. Seeing its owner looking at it, the giant dog suddenly wagged its tail in excitement. A magician happened to pass by it and was lightly swiped by the tail. The magician screamed and was knocked away to an unknown location.

"Why did these two guys escape?" Zhang Debiao thought something was wrong in his heart. He looked towards the podium and saw that the old magician was livid with anger and shouted angrily: "Trashy things? Who dares to talk so shamelessly?"

Zhang Debiao suddenly felt a huge spiritual power, overwhelmingly pressing in his direction, and couldn't help but be shocked: "Spiritual storm!"

Spiritual storm is a relatively peaceful method used by magisters to test their spiritual power. Both parties release their own spiritual power and use their mental power to compete to test each other's cultivation.

However, although this method is relatively peaceful, it also involves considerable risks. If there is a huge disparity in cultivation between two people, the person with weak cultivation is very likely to be shocked into an idiot by the other's strong mental power!

An even more powerful spiritual force burst out from Zhang Debiao's side, stronger and more ferocious than the old magician. It was as powerful as a prison and filled the entire classroom in an instant!

The two mental forces collided together, making a dull sound. The classroom suddenly felt like a strong wind sweeping through the room, and books were flying all over the sky.

Zhang Debiao looked around and saw all the sixth-grade magicians rolling their eyes and falling to the ground. The old magician on the podium turned redder and redder, as if dripping blood, and his body was crumbling. It was obviously the first time the two sides had met. It made his mental energy exhausted to the extreme!

The golden-haired tiger stood up on its hind legs in excitement, its mental pressure getting stronger and stronger, and screamed: "Ignorant human beings dare to challenge the ferocious Brother Tai. Who in the entire Xinlitan City doesn't know that I... …”

Before the word "brother" could be uttered, Zhang Debiao stretched out his hand and scratched its white belly twice.

"Don't scratch it, it's itchy... spare your life! Hahahaha..."

Six-winged Jin Guangyan couldn't help laughing, rolling back and forth on the windowsill, beating the window edge with his two paws. It withdrew its mental power, and the old mage relaxed. Finally, he couldn't hold it any longer, rolled his eyes, and fainted.

Little Manzi grabbed the soft skin on the back of Brother Tai's head, picked up the troublesome tiger, and walked out of the classroom in fear.

Behind the scenes, everyone in the sixth-grade magic class, including the instructor, was "dead" and fell to the ground.

"My dear, I'm in big trouble this time..."

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