Barbarian Throne

Chapter 27 An old enemy suddenly appears

Zhang Debiao walked along the tree-lined path of the campus, and the sculptures of heroes appeared in front of him. He looked up and saw a tall figure standing to the left of the old dean's sculpture, lowering his head and smiling, as if he was saying something. The sculpture also tilted its head, not looking at the book, as if listening to him telling interesting stories.

Zhang Debiao was shocked: "These two people look more and more alike. Could it be that..."

"Aman, you're here."

Bai Dillons straightened up and did not look at him. Instead, he still stared at the sculpture and said softly: "Aman, you are smart. Tell me, is he stupid?"

Bai Dilans seemed to be talking to himself, and continued: "At that time, the city lord ran away, the city defense coalition forces ran away, and the nobles in the city also ran away, but he was the only one who didn't run away, and he was the only one who had to stand in the way of the three hellhounds. On the way, he has to save those students and the civilians in the city! Do you think he is stupid? "

Zhang Debiao shook his head and said: "This is a real hero. Heroes have their own beliefs and persistence in their hearts. They may be stupid in the eyes of others, but they are heroes!"

"Are you persistent? No wonder..."

Bai Dilansi turned around and smiled: "I was born in a poor family. My parents died early. It was he who raised me up. Although I call him brother, I regard him as my father in my heart. He is a real genius. I have shown amazing talent for magic since I was a child. No matter what kind of magic, he can use it as long as he sees it once. He also hopes that I can become a magician, but I fail to live up to my expectations and can only become a swordsman.

"Later, his reputation became more and more popular, but I was still a low-level swordsman. He still treated me with great care, as if I was still his little brother who needed his care. Haha, with such a brother, I The pressure was so heavy that I couldn't breathe anymore. Finally, I decided to run away..."

Zhang Debiao listened quietly, and saw Bai Dilansi looking strange as he continued: "I escaped outside, and then I realized how difficult it is for a person to survive in this world, let alone support a family. , taking care of a good-for-nothing brother? During that period, I worked as a thief, a killer, a bandit, killed people, robbed people, and went to jail... Finally one day, I suddenly realized it, and my heart was filled with confusion. It was so majestic, as if I had seen a wider world. I took the fighting spirit techniques that I had stolen, robbed, and cheated, and hid in the mountains alone, with a group of magical beasts as my companions. After three years, I finally mastered these techniques. , create my own mental method.”

Bai Dilansi let out a breath of turbid air and said: "Since then, my cultivation has been rapid, and I have made breakthroughs one after another, becoming a fifth-level sword fighter. It was not until then that I went to find him. He was already the dean of Xingmang Academy. At that time, He was sitting on that wicker chair, like a father listening to his son show off his most proud things. I will never forget that expression in my life..."

At this point, Bai Dillons suddenly stopped, turned around and walked out of the school, saying: "I have told you so much. It seems that I am really old. Boy, let's go!"

Zhang Debiao quickly followed: "Where are you going?"

"Don't you want a weapon forged from tourmaline pool gold?" Bai Dilans said with a smile: "When we go out, of course we will find someone who can forge such a weapon!"

The two walked out of the school and walked west along the street.

Suddenly, a carriage passed by the two of them and stopped in front of a large house on the roadside. An old man got out of the carriage and walked directly into the house.

Zhang Debiao stopped and looked at the old man's back thoughtfully.

"What's wrong?" Bai Dillons turned around and asked.

"Nothing. This house occupies a large area. Whose house is it?"

Old Baidi glanced at it and said indifferently: "This is a branch of the Hogan Chamber of Commerce, a large chamber of commerce in the city."

"Hogan Chamber of Commerce..." Zhang Debiao kept the name in his heart, followed in Bai Dillons' footsteps, and continued to move forward. The old man who just walked into the Hogan Chamber of Commerce was very familiar to Zhang Debiao. At the coming-of-age ceremony, it was this old man who led the camel bell merchant group to capture young people from southern Xinjiang with the intention of selling them to slave arenas and southern large estates as slaves.

Zhang Debiao still remembers that people from the Tuoling Merchant Group called this old man "General Manager Parun".

"These people didn't all die in the hands of the Eight-Armed Naga. They claimed to be from the Nanming Principality, but they didn't expect to be the Chamber of Commerce of the Northern Zhou Dynasty!" Zhang Debiao flashed a murderous intent in his eyes and thought: "This is definitely not the first time that the Hogan Chamber of Commerce has hunted We, the people of Southern Xinjiang, have not succeeded this year, but what about next year? What about the year after tomorrow? ... This Hogan Chamber of Commerce is a disaster and cannot be kept!"

Bai Dilans went further and further away, and gradually came to the slums in the West District of Xinlitan City.

Although Xinlitan City is a newly built city, it is still divided into aristocratic areas and slums. The gap between rich and poor is a problem that exists in every city.

This is true even in Zhang Debiao's dream world.

Old Baidi was obviously very familiar with the geography of the slums, and he led Zhang Debiao around in the alleys.

The houses in the slums are often built unevenly, and the streets are also very narrow. They are either residential houses or crooked pubs, restaurants, and grocery stores on both sides. The various strange smells mix together, making Zhang Debiao couldn't help but wrinkle his nose.

In front of the tavern, there are often a few lazy mercenaries leaning against the threshold, holding a bowl of bad wine in their hands, looking at the passers-by with malicious eyes. Mercenaries are people who live at the bottom of society, and they are a mixed group. There are rookies who have just started out and are struggling to make a living, and there are masters who have special skills and are unwilling to join the powerful.

The people leaning against the door with drinks in their hands are mostly thieves. They will attack as soon as they see a passing fat sheep, and they will even kill people and steal goods. However, neither Lao Baidi nor Zhang Debiao seemed to be very easy to mess with. The thieves only glanced at them for a moment, then moved away to find new targets.

The two walked through several alleys and came to a mage tower, and Bai Dillons finally stopped.

Zhang Debiao looked at the Master's Tower carefully, and saw that compared to the splendor and grandeur of the Master's Tower in the aristocratic living area, this tower looked much more downtrodden. The lime on the walls of the tower was mottled and falling off, and the glazed tiles on the top of the tower were also in tatters, with litter on the tiles. All kinds of garbage.

Two iron wires were pulled at the base of the mage tower, and a gray spotted dog was lifting its lame leg and peeing unscrupulously into the corner.

Less than two meters above the black dog, someone drew a circle on the wall with white ash, with a big word "Demolish" written in the middle.

Bai Dilansi raised his head and said loudly: "Is Master Grant at home?"

Before he finished speaking, a violent explosion suddenly occurred on the fourth floor of the Mage Tower, causing the entire Mage Tower to tremble like jelly. The window on the fourth floor opened, and thick smoke billowed out. A messy head poked out of the window, coughed twice, and said angrily: "What bastard is making such a fuss down there, causing the potion I just prepared to explode?" Are you tired of living?"

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