Barbarian Throne

Chapter 23 Leaving the Forest

"Now, you know that I am very cruel, right?" The little tiger nodded in conclusion: "In the whole Knowlton Mountain, who doesn't know that my brother Tai is the most cruel? I am already so cruel that I have no humanity..."

The big black dog was silent, his head lying on the ground, and his paws were playing with the pebbles in front of him in boredom. The six-winged golden tiger Tiger turned back and licked his feathers, still nagging: "Of course, I am not a human being. , so I have no humanity, but I am still extremely cruel, and the whole Knowlton Mountain knows..."

On the other side, Bai Dillons withdrew his fist from Zhang Debiao's head in fear. The sudden eruption of the sixteenth-level king-level monster just now really startled him.

Although he is sure to escape from the six-winged golden light minions, Donaldson and others will definitely not be spared!

"Aman, this kid is just like a hedgehog, he can't be touched easily..."

At the same time as the six-winged golden light erupted, the two-headed python was so frightened that it lost its mind and immediately abandoned Donaldson and others, turning around and running away. The swordsmen were also stunned. When they came to their senses, the two-headed python had already disappeared without a trace.

"What happened just now?" Donaldson asked with lingering fear.

"Ah, it's nothing." Zhang Debiao came to his senses and said, "Let's keep walking."

The female swordsman Sawyer saw him walking towards another road and said hurriedly: "Hey! We have beaten the two-headed python all over its body, why don't we catch up and kill it?"

"If the two-headed python bleeds too much, it will definitely attract powerful predators. If you don't want to be besieged by a group of king-level monsters, you'd better follow me."

During the next few days of training, Zhang Debiao was somewhat distracted and almost led them into a community of king-level monsters several times. Fortunately, he discovered it in time and did not cause a big disaster.

At the end of the experience, after Dylans left Wildhammer Village with Donaldson, Sawyer and others, Zhang Debiao was still in a daze.

The reason why he was so absent-minded was naturally caused by the secret that Bai Dillons told.

According to Bai Dillons, the relationship between mental power and cultivation speed is that ten times the mental power can double the cultivation speed.

If what he said is true, it means that if your mental power is ten times that of the other party, then your cultivation speed will be twice that of the other party!

A hundred times the mental power is exactly ten times that of the other party!

Old Baidi has a thousand times the mental power of ordinary people, and his cultivation speed is a hundred times that of ordinary people!

"This is too powerful..." Zhang Debiao still found it a little unbelievable, but after thinking about it carefully, the fighting spirit method is indeed called fighting spirit guidance technique. It uses mental power to guide fighting spirit to move along the channel. The stronger the mental power, the more the fighting spirit moves. Of course, the faster the speed, the faster the cultivation will definitely grow.

In fact, tracing the history of the barbarians, this secret has roots.

Among the heroes in barbarian legends, some people often become fighting saints before the age of thirty. Their strength is unprecedented and they are called peerless geniuses and have been sung throughout the ages.

One thing these people have in common is that when they were children, a powerful holy or even legendary monster signed a master-servant contract with them.

Zhang Debiao now sees that these people are not so-called peerless geniuses, but they have obtained powerful spiritual power from their demon pets, and their cultivation speed is more than a hundred and a thousand times faster than others, so they can have such amazing achievements at a young age. Achievement!

"It seems that I should really leave the tribe and go to the cities outside to have a look..."

A few days later, Zhang Debiao finally made up his mind to study at Xingmang College.

Not long after he made this decision, a caravan who came to Wildhammer Village for business brought him a letter of admission to the Star Academy.

"Classmate De Biao Manhammer:

In accordance with the principle of comprehensive assessment and merit-based admission, you have been admitted by the Magic Class Teaching Department of Xinli Tancheng Xingmang College. Please come to the school with this notice to register from February 15th to February 18th, Daye 17. . "

Behind it is the seal of the Admissions Office of Xingmang College.

Along with this notice was a small package, which contained two sets of magic apprentice robes and a simple magic wand.

The merchant who delivered the notice and magic robe had a very strange expression on his face. From the moment he entered the village, he kept shaking his head and muttering something.

Since ancient times, the barbarians have not produced a magician. This is because the barbarians are born warriors, and the barbaric energy in their bodies is the primitive form of barbaric fighting spirit, which is incompatible with magic. It is no wonder that this businessman was so surprised that he went insane.

Completely opposite to the merchant's attitude, the villagers in Wildhammer Village became excited and ran around telling each other in excitement. The wizard, the old magician, even secretly found the little manzi and told him the reason why he could become the third barbarian tribe in southern Xinjiang. A magician is all the result of the goddess of life.

"Second son, you are the first magician in our southern territory since the ancient wilderness. This is definitely the glory of the goddess of life! Come on, my child, say with me: Praise the goddess of life!"

"What a compliment!"

The lame man sneered at the wizard's statement, pulled the little man aside, and said seriously: "Aman, listen to my second uncle, when you go to the magic class to study, you must not talk about the goddess of life, otherwise the magicians will think you are Heretics are burned alive! You should say, praise the goddess of magic!”

The only person in the village who can be called calm is the village chief Rock Wildhammer. The first warrior of the Mengzhuan tribe is very dismissive of the excitement of the villagers. The words he often talks about are "It's a big deal, it deserves to be so happy." ?”

Zhang Debiao still found that his usually taciturn father was more excited than anyone else. He secretly ran to his mother's grave and cried for a long time. When he came back, his eyes were red, but he still had to look cold.

"Alas..." The young man sighed and thought to himself: "If they knew that the purpose of my magic class was to learn fighting spirit, I wonder if they would be so excited..."

Three days later, the boy put on his magic robe, rode a big black dog, and finally embarked on a journey to Xinlitan City.

Beside him, a golden-haired tiger cub fluttered its wings and flew around Xiao Hei, nagging incessantly: "Xiao Hei, do you know? In fact, I didn't live in Knowlton Mountain. I used to I live in a place with no sky above my head. One day my mother took me out to play and saw many delicious humans. My mother started eating humans. After eating a few humans, she killed my mother. They were originally going to kill them. I was stopped by my former master. My former master was a powerful holy magician. Later, my former master died..."

Zhang Debiao patted the mountain guard dog on the forehead and said impatiently: "Xiao Hei, tell your friend to shut up!"

The golden-haired tiger screamed: "You dare to tell me to shut up? Do you know who I am? The whole Knowlton Mountain knows that my brother Tiger is the most cruel!"

The mountain guard dog snorted, and the six-winged golden tiger calmed down. His eyes rolled around, and suddenly he saw two Yunsheng leopards squatting on the tree beside the road. The golden-haired tiger flew over excitedly, and its head became like a hill. It was so huge that it swallowed one of them into its stomach in one gulp, and then flapped its wings on the other Yunsheng leopard, which was stunned. It spared its life and flew back triumphantly.

"Now, the entire Sunset Forest knows that my brother Tai is the most cruel!"


Tomorrow is a day of great joy for the book friends of "The Sky Is Free to Live", this girl is getting married! !

A certain pig congratulates in advance in the book, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Sky to have a baby soon, a happy marriage, and happiness~~ (echo, echo, echo...)

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