The whole banquet hall is silent. Love to play with love to see the net. .

Then there was a burst of crazy laughter. The horned nobles, like the best laughter they heard, laughed one by one.

A few of the three princes and the Duke of Morton did not laugh. They didn't think that these two people were mad, and they didn't think they were telling jokes. Then the problem came and dared to go to the palace of Wangcheng under the horned man. Still dare to say where the hornless people to challenge will come from?

They thought they had a master before, for example, the master of the bones who made the perspective, but the young hornless man had already stated clearly that he was a refiner.

"You are from the Devil's Abyss?" When he asked this sentence under the Guardian Hall, one person around him quietly stepped back. They looked down on the hornless people, but they were somewhat jealous of the demon abyss.

Strictly, "Where are we from, you will naturally know it later. I will ask once, do you dare to accept the challenge? If you don't dare, we will not waste time here."

"Who do you think you are? If you want to die, then you will be all!" A burly man salutes Guardian and others. "His Highness, these hornless slaves will be handed over to me. I must kneel down." They, let them know the price of being rude and arrogant here!"

Guardian and others looked at the petitioner and saw the name of the nobility who had won the title of nobility by force and served in one of the heads of the royal guards. The face showed a smile. "I think this is God's will, then I will hand it to the mud collector." You are."

Strictness and the original war did not understand the meaning of this sentence, but some people seem to understand what the horns have, and many people have ridiculed the smirk.

Nine winds clutched the harsh hand and suddenly stared at somewhere in the banquet hall, rubbing his eyes.

At this time, Roger suddenly said: "If you challenge to win, you can leave safely. As long as you are in the king city, no one will arrest you. But if you lose, leave the perspective. ""

Slightly chuckle, "Yes."

There is no nonsense behind each other. Although some of the horned nobles have also been retired, most of them still maintain the militant nature, and the work is relatively simple. The challenge has a special place. The people immediately transfer to the palace challenge field, Guardian, etc. People can't be stupid enough to let unidentified enemies fight in the palace.

The owner of Xuanyu City, Zach, stared at the hornless child who was held in his arms by two hornless people. He said to the people around him, "I have to ask these two children."

"Yes." The ordering man went around and negotiated with His Royal Highness.

The Duke of Morton stepped behind and whispered to his son: "I remember you told me that they brought a child when they came?"

Buhua nodded.

"How did it become two now?"

Buffalo lives.

The Duke of Morton took his hand to his son, "arranging people to bring the companions of these two people to where they should go. Guardian has not thought of this yet, we can hurry in front of them."

Buhua wants to ask his father why he wants to control the pedestrian, but this is not the place to ask questions.

The Duke of Morton said a word like himself, as if he explained his purpose: "Let's take a look at the strength of the two hornless people."

Buhua has a clear understanding, the father probably wants to use these hornless people to do something they are not convenient to come forward?

All the way to the light, such as the starlight, the night did not cause much hindrance to everyone's sight.

The challenge field is located in the most remote corner of Wangcheng. The site is recessed like a natural crater. The entire venue is about a large football field, all made up of rough blackstone. It may be ordered in advance, and the bone lamp is lit everywhere, and the challenge is like a white.

Strictly look at the site and make sure that 90% of the site is naturally generated, and this natural stone pit is obviously used for comparison, leaving traces of battle everywhere.

The mud-collector dismissed the two men with disdain, quickly took off his coat, took a forehead, and covered his body with a layer of bones, then jumped into the challenge pit.

The original war was just about to move, and suddenly he suddenly took him.

In the original battle, he asked him with his eyes: What happened?

Suddenly felt something. When he entered the king city, he felt a little different, but he did not pay attention to it. But at this time, this strangeness was enlarged, and what seemed to want to tell him around his vitality.

“Do you feel uncomfortable?”

Original battle, "Well? No."

Strictly catching his pulse, he didn't notice that his body was abnormal. "Weird, the energy here seems to be more inactive, as if it was trapped."

The original battle tried to control the land, felt the changes under the feet, and shook his head in silence. "Nothing, although a bit condensed, but the ability to use is no problem."

Strictly looking at the two children, the horned man has not found any abnormality of the two children until now, which proves that his willingness is still effective.

"There must be weirdness here, but it should not be a big problem for us." As long as the original battle can control the land, he is not afraid of anything, with a stern and two small jump into the challenge field.

After the silence and the original battle with two children jumping into the challenge field, His Royal Highness Guardian and others stood on the top and laughed.

Guardian said in a pitiful tone: "I hope that you are not a demon warrior from the Devil's Abyss. I think you may not know that the whole king city has been banned by the great witches. The challenge field is because of the terrain, the warrior's The **** is even greater, only the allowed bones can show power in the kingdom. Do you need me to lend you some combat bones?"

Horny people make laughs.

The sternness and the original battle have finally come to an end. It is no wonder that these horned people have heard that there are no horns to challenge and they are still not flustered. They are not even afraid that they will ruin Wangcheng. They have already had countermeasures against this.

Magic prohibition?

They feel it, but perhaps because they are from the East China, where the vitality is different from the ones here. The original war has already made some adjustments to it in order to adapt to it. Nowadays, this magical prohibition space has banned the magic. However, the original battle can absorb energy from the spirit of “eliminating the magic element” and transform it into its own attack power. - In the air, those elements seem to have no magic elements that contain everything, and any energy can be transformed, and those that can be clearly perceived are more active elements.

The ability of the singularity itself is special, and it is not controlled by the "magic element".

As for the nine winds, the human face is probably the most popular species in the world. They seem to be able to adapt to various environments naturally. In short, the war and the original battle have not found any obstacles in the use of their own abilities. The wind may not feel it.

So the magical prohibition of the horned people is for them... oh, no effect?

Looking at the above-mentioned horned people's pity and sneer at them, they are sternly confronted with the original war, and each sees a narrow smile from the other's eyes.

"Quick speed."

"it is good!"

It is said that the speedy battle will be speedy, and the silence has just spit out a "protective" word, and the original battle has ended the battle!

What happened next?

The horned people watching the above have not reacted, and many people are still laughing.

It wasn't until someone reminded them that they couldn't speak under the finger, and they only noticed the difference.

Guardian is also one of the jokes. He is whispering with his brother, comforting him that the two hornless people are not bullshit, so that he does not believe that the hornless man said.

Roger smiled reluctantly. How can his healthy big brother understand his feelings, he is going to die, he is indeed ready to return to the arms of God, but he saw the perspective before he died, almost determining the moment of this bone function. The heart he wants to live is active again.

The big witches and the priests said that they couldn't see him well. The big reason is because they can't determine exactly what went wrong with his heart. If there is this perspective, if the hornless person is really good at treatment...

"Son of your Highness, below, below..." The waiter stuttered.

"What's wrong?" Guardian and other three Highnesses looked down together, thinking that the two hornless people would not have been begging for mercy, right?

The two hornless people did not ask for mercy. They stood with their children in the same place, as if they had not moved.

However, the mud collector has disappeared!

"What about the mud collector?" The prince of Guardian is unknown. Just now, what happened next?

"No, I don't know." The waiter had a cold sweat and didn't know how to answer it.

Looking down at His Royal Highness, there is always someone who sees what happened below?

It is true that some people have seen that Buhua has not made a slight difference from beginning to end because of his close attention to the situation. The following situation can be seen clearly.

"His Highness, the mud prince was defeated, and was stunned by the tall hornless warrior and buried in the soil."

"Impossible!" How many people exclaimed.

Guardian did not believe, "The mud prince is a ninth-level sacred warrior. How could he be defeated? And still..." defeated so fast.

Buhua did not know the reason. He only knew that the mud collector had not done it under the hornless warrior. Everything happened too fast!

Only the silence and the original war know the reason.

The original battle can win so quickly, in addition to his own strong ability, but also because of his pledge to his body, oh, probably another reason is that his movements are too fast.

The original battle does not go all out when attacking the enemy, because he needs to retain energy to protect himself, but also pay attention to the strictness of care, so as to ensure that when the enemy attacks him, he can be deserted and can hide the silence.

But now the strict guarding of the body is like giving them an invincible defensive armor. The original war does not need to be divided into energy to protect themselves. He can mention his ability to the highest without any scruples. Coupled with the speed of attack that is unrecognizable, let alone the mud is only a nine-level **** warrior, that is, ten or even higher, and the original battle can easily solve him.

The original war swayed the long trumpet-shaped bones in his hand, and he was very arrogant: "Do you have a horn man who can bear this point? I don't think your bones are good. Who else is coming? I can give you three chances to challenge, lest I say that I bully you."

This is too ugly to hear, and the arrogant and horned people can't stand it, and they all say that they have to teach the two hornless people.

His Royal Highness did not believe in evil, mainly because the process was too fast. He raised his voice and asked: "What about the mud collector?"

"It should still be alive."

Guardian did not ask for the princes at this time. He also had more important questions to ask: "How can your bones still be used?"

"You mean the magical prohibition of your king city?" The words were taken with utmost urgency. "The so-called magical ban is also achieved with the bones? You think that I dare to show you the refining bones of the horned kings." Will you not take this into account?"

Guardian and others changed color and finally began to face up to these two hornless people. "Who are you? Where are they from?"

Is there such a powerful bone teacher in the Devil's Abyss? Do not! impossible!

"I said, you will know later."

The original battle was impatient. "If you don't hit us, you will leave."

"Wait!" How could Guardian let go of these two men now, and waved his hand, and there were four fully-armed warriors around him.

"Is this a single-handed attack? You have a horned person, but it is shameless." Yan sneered.

Guardian blushes are not red, he does not think that this is still a challenge, but to arrest the enemy who is trying to misbehave. Four bone warriors, he still feels less.

But it doesn't matter, he has already let people mobilize more people. Tonight, they are bound to not let these two big two small four hornless people escape!

Can it be?

Strictly holding a child in one hand, nodded to the original battle.

The original war looked at the horned people at the top of the pit, and smiled. "Yeah didn't have much time to play with you. It's better to end this game!"

Four bone warriors jumped.

The original warrior slashed the bones, and four vines suddenly appeared in the bones of the bones, entangled in four **** bone warriors.

At the same time, the earth suddenly trembled.

The Duke of Morton responded quickly, and the people around him flew away in the distance. "Get out of here!" They are not afraid of the attack of two hornless people, just want to ensure their own safety.

Strictly holding two children floating in the air.

The original battle laughed and slammed into the top of the pit.

"Booming!" The entire challenge field suddenly began to collapse, the boulder rolled down, and the horned people standing on the top were caught off guard. Many people screamed and were caught in the crater.

There are also many people who respond quickly, or use bones or bones, either to fly or to flee far away.

In the original battle, the vines were used as whip, and they were thrown in a pit.

An horned person is not stupid, and various attacks have hit the original battle.

However, all the attacks were stopped one foot before the original battle, and they could no longer be approached.

What is even more frightening is that when some pure energy attacks fall into the protection circle of the original war, they are absorbed and assimilated into new energy of the protection circle.

Surely seeing this effect is very satisfactory, this is an improved version of the Spiritual Shield, which can effectively extend the duration of the shield under non-physical attacks.

The nine winds are struggling, "Mil! I have to play too!"

Slightly let go of your hand, "Five minutes, don't become a prototype, we must leave after five minutes."

"Good!" The nine winds are not bound, excitedly screaming, fanning the small wings to fly into the sky, aiming at the horns running and counterattacking below is a whirlwind wind blade baptism.

"Protect Your Highness!"

"Protect the city owner!"

"Where are these few hornless people coming from?"

A variety of shouts sounded.

The guards of the palace began to come to this place in large numbers.

Calculate time strictly.

Xiao Baijiao's face is pink, and the small fist is tightly held. The unlucky one is his ethnic group, but what if he is still happy?

Wu Guo loudly motivated him to fight: "War, use fire! Burn them with fire!"

The original battle ignored him. His shot seemed to be violent. In fact, he was extremely measured. He is still shocked and has no big killer.

"Nine winds, cover me!"

"Call-!" The nine winds blew a big whirlwind.

Suddenly, the challenge field and even the nearby Wangcheng area became flying sand and gray, and no one could open his eyes.

Buhua, who fled to the safe area with his father, looked at the whirlwinds not far away, and flashed the obituary of the slaves outside the city.

The sudden gust of wind, the disappearance of Sumen, originally only stayed in the strictness of a child, but now it has become two...

Buhua lightly "ah". But it’s not right. Another big point of the child is a hornless person. Maybe the third eye can hide it, but what about his one-horn? Can't you cut it off?

The escaping prince of Guardian is unbelievable. "How can their bones be so powerful!"

The master of the city of Xuan Yucheng Zach ordered his men: "I want their bones!"

There are still a lot of nobles who have ordered the same orders with Zach. As long as they are not idiots, they all see the power of the bones in the hands of the hornless warrior.

The Duke of Morton said to his son and his wife with a bright eye: "We have to find a way to keep the osteopath, I want him!"

"A war!" Strictly felt that his energy is losing a lot, he has begun to use the Yuanjing support, and there are too many horned people who can attack them.

The original battle understood that it was plucked around the nine winds, "increase the wind, cooperate with me!"

The nine winds began to be very reliable when they were doing business, and they began to increase the wind to match the original war.

The original battle took a deep breath, landing on both feet, and the body was in direct contact with the earth.

"Hey-!" was violent, and the original battle both slammed.

Finished! The entire king of the horns began to vibrate. If there is not a powerful defensive bone device to press the foundation, now the whole city may have to be overturned!

The original war detected a change in the ground and found that the city could not be destroyed in a short time, and immediately gave up, instead of decomposing a large number of stones and soil.

Soon, centering on the original battle, the surrounding black boulders and soil began to turn into dust.

The nine winds screamed, and they made huge wings in the flying sand and slammed them.


The horned king city has completely turned into a sand city.

No one can walk out of the house, and the alarmed king and the great witch use various methods to resist this natural invasion.

Soon, when the sandstorm finally stopped, Wangcheng had changed.

The high-level officials walked out of the house under the protection of the guards. Neil Wang knew that the details were so violent, and ordered the guards to seize the two hornless people.

His Royal Highness Princess Gard was reprimanded by his father. He also regretted it. He never thought that the two hornless people would be so powerful. It was only by two people that the city was tossed up.

Many of the nobles who were present at the time were still missing, and now they do not know which big stone or sand is buried underneath.

A large number of guards looked around for four hornless people while digging east to dig for the burial.

The four hornless people who made trouble have disappeared. No one has seen when they left, and when did the battle end.

No, one person saw it and kept up with them.


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