Slightly nodded, indicating that the deep valley and the hundred war slaves returned to the team, the spear did not let them return.

Many of the 100 people clenched their spears, but they did not act rashly.

When Shengu met the teenager and let them return to the team, he first let out a sigh of relief in his heart. One hundred people, except for the leader, once he was mixed into the square, who remembers who is who? If teenagers want to punish them, they will not be allowed to return to the team.

Strictly let the British people return to the square and other slaves, and then look around all the slaves.

The slaves were okay, the other slaves and the weak ones were all frozen and pale, and it started to rain so much at noon. If he didn’t buy all the slaves in the market, at least dozens of them would later It is possible to die from a cold, fever, wound infection, etc., and even die more.

If there is no guide in the body, he will buy a slave and buy a healthy body to do things, and will not find a bunch of burdens for himself, but who told him to reduce the scum value?

Originally, he did not intend to buy so many slaves at the market. They had only red salt to be exchanged except for fabrics, and Jiuyuan had already traded a large amount of red salt with Moore, although those red salt were used as goods. Not much, but he wants to sell hunger, and wants to create the impression that red salt is precious, difficult to refine, and has little output. Now...

He can't just buy sick and injured, isn't there something wrong with it? After consulting with the original battle, he simply bought all the slaves in the market, and there was no one left. Anyway, their behavior is enough to win the eye, and it doesn't matter if you look at it.

Damn exile guide!

However, he did not consider it beforehand. Even if he knew that the primitive society could sell people as goods in the market, he lacked the cognition of this aspect and he still ignored the facts he would see.

The slaves were very quiet, and even the young children did not dare to make noises.

There was no other person beside the river. They were not afraid of speaking and being heard. When everyone saw their eyes on themselves, they amplified the voice and said, "Now, I give you all a choice, leave or follow me."

No one spoke, and the slaves did not respond to this sentence.

Severely raise your eyebrows. "If you want to leave, I will let Moore do their promises. Before the end of the market, as long as you are in the hunting area of ​​Moore, you will not be chased until you leave their boundaries. After that, if you can escape, if you can survive, you will see yourself."

The big river sighed in his heart, and their little priest was too kind and too kind.

Ding Ning's eyes are shining, they are proud of having such a priest, and they feel that the priests are very disadvantageous in doing so.

The Yingluo people looked at the two brothers in the team.

Other slaves also look at the prestigious leader among them.

The deep valley did not move, and there was no slight shake in the eyes.

There was a whistling sound from the river, some people breathing, but no one was whispering, but everyone was like a conversation, their eyes were staggered, and finally they were silent.

Strictly took out a piece of fur from the pocket, and piled up a lot on the ground.

"Walking people can take a piece from these furs, lest you freeze to death on the road. People who are sick and injured can come over to take medicine, but can you look at yourself in the past. Food and weapons, I will not give You are ready, we have not brought so many things. If you have already got it, it will be yours."

The slaves were surprised. They just thought that the boy was cheating on them because they thought that the teenagers were just like the slaves who trained them before, and they were supposed to let them go, but when someone really wanted to leave, they would be extremely cruel. Means killing the people who are going.

But now... the slaves said that when they were going to let them go, they didn’t say that they were wrapped in cold-proof fur and weapons, and even gave them healing herbs.

"Reassured, I said that if you let you go, you won't catch you or kill you. I am telling the truth. I can swear to my ancestors with my own soul." Seeing no one moving, it is really a joke. hand.

The river couldn't help but whispered: "Adult!"

Ding Fei immediately sighed: "Mu Da said that let you go, that is to let you go! People who are unwilling or unwilling, we do not want to, do we want to go to Jiuyuan? You think that you will go to Jiuyuan in the future. Is it a slave? You have been to a good life, we are nine..."

"Ding Fei! Shut up!" Dahe did not dare to say that it was not strict. It was obvious that Ding Fei was so arrogant and immediately yelled.

Ding Fei's child pouted like a mouth, Ding Ning shot his head.

"Is there really no one to leave? If you give up this opportunity, I will want you to be loyal to me and loyal to Jiuyuan. If you are still planning to run away, Jiuyuan will treat your actions as betrayal. Punish, serious people will die. I will ask the last time, is there anyone going to leave? Go away immediately!"

The night fell completely, and Ding Ning ignited some torches.

The light of the torch shines on the faces of the slaves. It can be seen that many slaves' throats are agitating. They are making a difficult decision.

Deep Valley took a step.

Everyone looks at him.

Deep valley step by step to the front of the strict, put the wooden spear into the ground - at the same time, the river immediately erected a soil shield in front of the strict.

Deep Valley saw the shield pause, slowly bent down, picked up a piece of fur from the ground to the waist, and then he straightened up to look at the teenager, his expression seemed a bit difficult and confused.

Suddenly, he suddenly laughed out and threw a large bundle of hemp rope from his pocket and threw it on the ground. "Truncate it yourself as a belt."

Deep Valley pulled the rope and found it was very strong. Then he pulled out/exposed the wooden spear, and scratched the rope with the spear tip. Then he pulled the rope and tried hard.

The deep valley took the hemp rope as a belt, tied the animal skin skirt, and bent over and took a lot of fur, and walked toward the non-war slaves.

Strictly support the support on the shield, and watch what you want to do in the deep valley with interest.

Other slaves seem to be waiting for the choice of Deep Valley. Are there any people who want to become free to leave? Of course impossible, they just don't dare!

Deep Valley put those furs in front of a group of non-war slaves and called the name of a person: "Tibetan, this is the gift of the grown-up, sent to everyone."

A middle-aged man named Zangna walked out of the crowd with his legs, and he seemed to want to say something and hold back.

"Tibetan, I want to follow that adult, what about you?"

Zangna looked at him and secretly looked at the silence, saying in a very low voice: "Are you decided?"


Zangna bowed his head and lifted it after a while. "We are like you, where are you going, where are we going?"

"it is good."

After a brief conversation, Zangna greeted the man with the fur and distributed it to the woman and the child.

No one came up to **** it, I don’t know if it is afraid or what other reasons.

Deep Valley retired to the slave's square, and he left the wooden spear in front of the stern.

In the square, he suddenly came out with a man who was extremely strong and had a very strong hair. He was very thin, but his muscles were still stronger than others. He was similar to the previous battle, with a big beard and his face. All are blocked.

The cheeks without a beard can see the tattoos, only three levels, but his momentum is no less than the fourth-level fighter standing in the front row, and he goes to the same level of silence.

Look up at him sharply, only because this person is much higher than him.

"Answer!" The man looked down at him, slowly and slowly bent down a leg, kneeling on one knee, bowing his head, and clenching his hands into the ground.

Strictly aware that the man was surrendering to him, even if it was only superficial, he watched the man squatting and motionless, and had to reach out and pat him on the shoulder.

The man stood up slyly.

Strictly, "..." is scared by you?

“Answer is your name?”

The man nodded slowly, carrying his hair on his buttocks, bending over and holding the remaining fur, and striding toward the group of non-war slaves.

The answer screamed at the group of slaves, and a group of slaves squeezing in the end yelled and ran up from behind.

Answering and sending the fur to the group of people like him, seeing if someone else wants to come up with the fur, he slaps the person to the side.

After answering the hair, he did not return to the square. He aimed at the big river and learned the way of the big river. He went to the right side of the station.

Others, "..." Hello!

Look at him harshly.

The answer defies the front of the war slaves, the eyes are fierce, it is as if he was not a member there.

Clever beast! Strictly wipe the face, look through the pockets, find a leather skirt that has been done, hand in hand to answer.

Answered and looked down, took it to the waist.

Ding Fei looked at the answer, and looked at the silence, and finally looked at his brother: Big Brother, ask for explanation!

Ding Ning silently laughed, and he saw the river head turning a blind eye to the answer.

Finally, I do not know whether it is due to the fear of long-term abuse and threat to slaves, or the influence of deep valley and answering. There are 1,500 slaves, and no one chooses to leave.

"Since you have made a choice, you will also be blessed by the ancestors and join us in reversing our tribes."

There is something in the mind, I don’t want to buy people at this time. After I finish this sentence, I will start to arrange it directly: "Ding Ning, you should remind the Moore people to let them send the corn quickly, and then let them send a batch of dry wood. ""

"Ding Fei, you bring some people to our store, and bring the fur inside to send it to everyone."

"Who, what is your name? You brought all of you to the lee, you were a slave to Moore, then you should know where the wind is here?"

The slave who was abandoned by Cai Yu nodded and quickly rushed to his name: "Adult, my name is wool."

"Wool?" Suddenly, he asked: "Do you know the tongue and the sheep's tail?"

The wool was shocked. "Adult, have you seen my people?"

"I have seen it."

"Then they are all in Jiuyuan now?" Wool is not ecstatic.

"No, I have seen them in other tribes, and they should all die." The tongue is dead, the sheep's tail... He doesn't seem to see this person by the ice, I don't know if he is dead, or they are being Yi Grab a slave? He has forgotten the two men. If the names of the three men, not wool, sheep tongue and sheep tail, are too weird, and they are like a family or a family, he can’t remember.

The sheep tongue heard that the two died, and it was not particularly sad. Their tribes had long been wiped out, and the tribes were exchanged as slaves to various places. When he was very young, he was sold to Moore by a tourist. When he was older, he was Cai Yu adults are fancy, but now Cai Yu adults gave him to Jiuyuan.

Strictly wave to the slaves, "Follow the wool, hurry up! The wind is getting bigger and bigger. Deep valley, after you get to the place, you are responsible for bringing people to the ground, and when Ding Ning sends the firewood, he will pick it up. Then assign some people to the river to fetch water and boil water. Do you know herbal medicine and cure? Stand up."

The man named Zang looked at the deep valley, and the deep valley nodded to him.

Zangna walked out of the crowd and dumbly said: "Adult, I know some herbs."

"Are too few people, are there other people?" Strictly aware of these people's careful thoughts, dare not come out is afraid of being killed as a witch or their disciples.

Some people in the Yingluo group came out of the war slaves and said they recognized some herbs.

Strictly asked again, see no one came out, too lazy to ask again, "Well, just two of you, come over with me, separate the injured and sick people..."

There was a cry in the crowd, and someone was shouting: "Adult, don't, beg you, my child will be fine, he just..."

"Enough! I am not trying to kill them! I will continue to take care of my loved ones, no one will take care of them... Deep Valley, arrange the soldiers to come and carry them up!"


The still very uneasy and deadly slaves gradually came to life in a strict order.

There was still some confusion at the beginning, but the ability of the deep valley was good. In a short while, the staff were all dispatched, and they were busy and not chaotic.

Strictly, I feel that Deep Valley is a make-up. It is not difficult to manage five people. I want to manage fifty people. If the character is not too big, it will not be too big, but if you want to manage 500 people or even more Many, many of them are not their own people, which really needs the personality and management ability of the leader.

In addition to the beast male answer, it seems that the deep valley is a bit unsightly. Others have no resistance to the arrangement of the deep valley, including the same four-level fighters as him.

The river came to the front of the stern and whispered: "Adult, why are you..." Hand over everything to the deep valley? In this way, the prestige of Deep Valley in those slaves is not higher?

"How do you feel about the deep valley?" Yan laughed.

"Very... capable." So it made him feel jealous.

"His tribe must have been strong before, at least not worse than the original. You see that he naturally divided 1,500 people into two large groups, and divided them into groups in large groups, and then on the team. Points, each team has a leader, he only needs to pass the command layer by layer, and does not need him to do anything in person." Strictly speaking, he is very satisfied with Deep Valley.

The river suddenly worried. He didn't know what he was worried about. He had the illusion that if the war did not come back, their leader might have to change people.

Suddenly not aware of the worry of the big river, he is still praised the deep valley: "You see that I still need to give orders to everyone, tell them what they should do. But now many things do not need me to say, deep valley can do very well, and If there is anything, he will take the initiative to ask me, I just have to give him an order."

The river is more worried.

Strictly, I really want to tell Dahe that "the suspect is not used, and the employer is not suspicious" to show his leadership ability, but the truth is that he just is too lazy to manage these trivial things. Some people help him to take over him. Of course he is happy. As for how to use this person in the future. Well, that is the problem of the original battle!

Answers and aside, watching the river and talking to him, and he smiled at him. He turned to look at the dark jungle, his body was short, and he broke into the jungle silently and ran away!

When Dahe saw it, he reached out and was surprised: "Adult, the savage..."

Strictly stunned, just let him run, how come this time ran?

Most of the slaves who have been secretly paying attention to the strictness of the few people naturally saw that the savage had sneaked away. They were a little scared for a moment. They secretly erected their ears and wanted to see how the boy would handle the savage.

"Adult, do you want to catch him back?" The river was so angry.

Severely laughed and waved his hand. "Forget it, run and ran. On this big night, he is too courageous. It’s not too late to eat and run, it’s a stupid one."

Deep Valley heard that he ran away. He raised his brows unbelief. This savage has never been seen. The only thing he can be sure of is that the savage is not the tribe of the tribe he sent to the fur. It’s timid, not as tall as he is, and his face is different.

Can answer and never talk to him, it is useless to take the initiative to approach him.

It is only today that he knows that he is called a reply, and for the first time he sees him so proactively close to a person.

Does the answer feel the difference between teenagers like him? But if he and he have the same idea, why do you suddenly run away?

And the boy, why can he really care about the slave's escape?

Deep Valley is smarter and smarter than his people, so he can live to the present as a leader's child and a four-level fighter, and he has gained the trust of slaves and even slaves. But he is smart again, and not everything can be figured out, everyone can see clearly.

The original battle licked his nose. He had just sneezed several times.

Look at him sympathetically, "Is it sick?"

The original battle wiped the palm of the hand with some unknown liquid to the body. "I thought you were dying."

"Just because I am not dead, you will let me be **** like this, and will not let me loose?" Two eager to cry.

"I have already put you down from the tree, and then say..." The original war was a person standing on one side. "She won't let."

The accused woman slowly walked out of the shadows. She crouched down next to her, and reached out and touched his face gently.

It’s faintly shivering.

The woman turned to look at the direction of the original battle and smiled at him.

There is no starburst in the sky, and a slight dark red light is emitted. The forest is not dense, and the original vision is enough to see the woman's appearance.

A woman is beautiful, the soft, delicate, graceful beauty that he has never seen before, but the place where the woman’s long eyes are blank!

The original battle got up, kicked the kicking leg, like a sigh and full of disgusting tone: "You really look for a woman!"

Really cried, he was wrong, he was really wrong, ask for help!

"Hey!" The strange ridicule of a bird came from the dark woods.


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