Holding the booklet of Zhiyang Jue, Li Xiang quickly returned to the original secret room.

"Gangzi is really partial, even if he favors Li Xingyun, he actually favors a group of newcomers!"

"Why do those people pass the test if they can sense Qi in half a year, but I want to break through to the first level of Zhiyang Jue!"

While turning over the Zhiyang Jue, Li Xiang complained helplessly.

Normally, it takes half a year to a year to develop the sense of qi.

After practicing the sense of qi, it takes another year and a half to break through the first level, which is the small star position. Skill.

But the commander asked Li Xiang to practice to the first level for half a year. Isn't this just making things difficult?

After complaining feebly for a while,

Li Xiang began to move Zhou Tian according to the content of Zhiyang Jue.

He sat cross-legged and meditated. The air flow starts from the Dantian, goes up against the Du Channel, and goes down along the Ren Channel, passing through the three passes of Weilu, Jiaji, and Yuzhen.

After passing through the upper, middle, and lower Dantian, the breath begins to pass through the Upper and Lower Magpie Bridges.


After just one Little Zhoutian, a subtle roar came from Li Xiang's body.

"This is......Feeling angry?"

Feeling the breath in his body, Li Xiang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Why did he develop the sense of qi just after he started practicing?

Gangzi asked the newcomers to develop the sense of qi in half a year, but he developed the sense of qi on the first day.

Could it be that this understanding Want to defy heaven?

Thinking of this, Li Xiang quickly took advantage of the heat to continue to comprehend.

Time kept passing, and the seven days passed quickly.

"Finally broke through the first level!"

Li Xiang slowly opened his eyes. Zhiyang Jue has broken through to the first level, and now his skill has reached the small star level.

This speed far exceeds the tasks assigned by the bad commander.

Originally, the bad commander just asked Li Xiang to He only reached the first level in half a year.

But now he has completed it in seven days.

I don’t know what the commander will think when he finds out about this.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xiang did not slack off at all and continued to attack the second place in Yang Jue. Layer.

It turned out to be a foundation technique, so of course it must be practiced well.

After all, this is the foundation technique of Tiangang Jue.

Years passed by, and half a year passed quietly.

Li Xiang is now nine years old.

When he opened his eyes , the Zhiyang Art in the body has reached the third level.

His internal strength has also reached the level of the middle star level.

"Such strong masculinity! Will I, like Gangzi, pick up yin and replenish yang in the future?"

"actually......It’s not impossible!"

Feeling the pure internal energy of Zhi Yang in his body, Li Xiang couldn't help but exclaimed.

This Zhi Yang Jue Yang Qi is too heavy

"Li Xingyun, come out quickly! The commander is going to check your results!"

As soon as Li Xiang got up, Shangguan Yunque's voice came from outside.

When he walked out of the secret room,

Shangguan Yunque looked at Li Xiang carefully, and then exclaimed:"I haven't seen you in half a year, and you have grown taller!"

In the past six months, Shangguan has only been responsible for delivering meals to people like them who are in seclusion.

As for meeting, there is no chance at all.

Now that Li Xiang is a bit taller, the old Shangguan thief is also a little surprised.

Soon, the two of them came again Outside the Valley of Hidden Soldiers.

We haven’t seen each other for half a year.

The group of teenagers from before has not changed much.

Only Li Xiang seems to have changed a lot in temperament.

Li Xiang stood on the far left of the team and glanced at the field.

He found that the hidden soldiers today There was one more person outside the valley.

That person was the Heavenly Sin Star Mirror Heart Demon known as Wangzi.

Mirror Heart Demon and Shangguan Yunque stood behind.

Immediately afterwards, the bad handsome man began to step forward to check one by one.

"you! Have you practiced the sense of Qi?"

A cold voice fell in the ear of the first boy on the far right.

The boy immediately knelt on the ground in fright. He trembled and replied:"No......No!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the bad handsome man kicked the young man flying:"Trash!"

The young man was kicked a few steps away. The

Mirror Heart Demon quickly helped the young man up, and then pierced a silver needle between the young man's eyebrows, while silently reciting a spell in his mouth.

The young man's mind about the Hidden Soldier Valley and the After Yang Jue's memory was abolished, the Mirror Heart Demon handed the young man over to two bad guys wearing bamboo hats.

"Get him out!"

Jing Xin Mo gave an order, and the two bad guys took the young man out of the Hidden Soldier Valley.

This scene fell in the eyes of the other teenagers at the scene, making them shudder.

Only Li Xiang was not surprised.

This is what the bad guys organization is used to. Li Xiang has nothing to sympathize with.

Anyway, the people who were expelled had nothing to lose, they just returned to the sea of ​​people.

In front of a group of teenagers, the bad handsome voice came again:"Have you developed your sense of energy?"

The second boy who was questioned also replied with a trembling body:"No! No!"

Just like that, another young man was forked out.

"Have you practiced the sense of Qi?"


"And you?"


"waste! It's all rubbish!"

I asked several teenagers in succession, but they were all wastes who had not developed a sense of energy.

The bad handsome man was also a little impatient.

Soon he came to the last person.

The bad handsome man asked Li Xiang in disappointment:"What about you?"

At this time, Shangguan Yunque and Mirror Heart Demon also looked at Li Xiang curiously and expectantly.

They all wanted to see how far Li Xiang could reach.

The bad handsome man's cold voice came.

Li Xiang replied:"I've practiced it!"

Hearing this, the bad handsome man thought for a moment.

The two people behind him also let out a long sigh of relief, and then nodded with satisfaction.

The bad handsome man asked again:"How long did it take to practice!

Li Xiang replied:"I developed my Qi sense on the first day!""

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly fell into dead silence.

Shangguan Yunque, Mirror Heart Demon, and even the bad handsome man were stunned.

After a long time, the bad handsome man said in a cold voice with some displeasure:"You are talking arrogant words!"

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