Back to the 80s to Raise a Wolfy Boyfriend

Chapter 786 If you have a dirty mouth, wash it off!

Brother Hu was beaten, his eyes turned red instantly, and he quickly hit back at Zou Yanpeng.

In a blink of an eye, the two wrestled into a ball.

The yellow hair and red hair behind him saw this and hurried forward to help.

Although Qiao Wenming looked thin and tall, he also participated in the battle.

Even looking at the weakest Jin Bai, he picked up the beer bottle on the table.

An Mingji sat at the table and saw Zou Yanpeng playing a one-on-two, one of them was behind him preparing to attack.

Seeing this scene, he finally moved, got up and rushed forward quickly.

His speed was as fast as a gust of wind, which made the restless boss standing at the door open his mouth, with a surprised and shocked expression on his face.

An Mingji rushed forward, picked up the yellow hair who wanted to sneak attack Zou Yanpeng, just like carrying a chicken, and threw him on the empty table beside him.


The table was smashed.

Zou Yanpeng dealt with the red hair in front of him, only to find when he turned around that An Mingji helped him deal with another person.

"Thanks! Brother!"

An Mingji hooked the corners of his lips to him.

Here, Qiao Wenming faced Brother Hu directly.

Brother Hu is obviously strong in combat, and Qiao Wenming is not his opponent.

Seeing that Qiao Wenming was at a disadvantage, An Mingji rolled up the sleeves of his school uniform, wrapped his arms around the opponent's neck from behind, and raised his foot to kick him in the hollow of the leg.


Brother Hu was about to make a move to restrain the kid in front of him, when he was attacked from behind. He nestled in Ito and knelt on the ground.

This kick made his legs numb, and he couldn't stand up for a while.


Here, Jin Bai also smashed the beer bottle in his hand on the head of a bastard whose hair was either yellow or not, or red or not.

It took a long time for Brother Hu to recover, he turned his head and glared at An Mingji, the gloomy eyes seemed to want to kill someone.

"You kid is courting death!"

An Mingji raised his lips and smiled wickedly: "Idiot!"

Such a person is really not qualified for him to make a move, trying to crush someone to death is like trampling an ant to death.

He lifted his foot and kicked the man to the ground.

I really can't be bothered to look at the other person's stupid face.

Brother Hu was ashamed again, and swears directly: "I x your grandma!"

Hearing the other party's greeting to grandma, An Mingji's originally gentle eyes gradually narrowed to a gloomy and terrifying light, and the depth in those eyes was as terrifying as a Rakshasa.

The family member he cares most about is his grandma who has passed away.

The person in front of him was so desperate that he hit his bottom line.

An Mingji stared at him with burning eyes, as if looking at a dead person: "Dirty mouth, you should wash it well!"

He casually picked up the uncapped beer on the table, walked up to Brother Hu, pulled his hair, and stuffed the beer bottle into his mouth.

"Gudong Gudong!"

An Mingji poured all the beer into Brother Hu's mouth.


Brother Hu struggled. It stands to reason that he is so big and has a lot of strength, so he should be able to break free easily.

But in An Mingji's hands, he couldn't break free.

The more he struggled, the ruder the boy's actions became, making him feel as if he was suffocating or even dying.

After filling a bottle of wine, An Mingji sent another bottle full of wine in front of him.

He raised his eyes and saw that it was sent by Zou Yanpeng.

Taking the wine bottle from the opponent's hand, An Mingji poured the wine from the bottle over Brother Hu's head.

After pouring a bottle of wine, An Mingji patted the other party's face stained with alcohol, and said contemptuously: "Idiot! Keep your mouth clean from now on, otherwise you won't know how you died!"

If there were no other people today, An Mingji would really throw people into the sea to feed the fish.

PS: Babies, beg for a monthly ticket~~~

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