Back to the 80s to Raise a Wolfy Boyfriend

Chapter 701 Her Kingdom, His Queen

The guard is very familiar with the leading vehicle, after all, he sees this vehicle entering and leaving the community every day.

The guard raised the railing, and the windows of the leading vehicle dropped, and the driver told him that the cars behind were all together.

All vehicles are put into the complex by the guards.

The car is parked downstairs in Area A.

The car door was opened, and An Mingji got out of the car with Gu Jin in his arms.

Yu Shuo and Jiang Hanyi also helped Qiu Qianghai get out of the car, and the three brothers from the Wanqi family behind him carried Gu Jiajie out of the car.

A group of people came to the sixth floor and knocked on the door.

Cassie opened the door, and when she saw many people outside, she froze for a moment, and then quickly moved away.

An Mingji stepped into the door, and went upstairs with the person in his arms.

He sent Gu Jin back to the room, put her on the bed, took off her shoes and covered her with a thin quilt.

After finishing this series of actions, he did not leave immediately.

Instead, she sat on the edge of the bed and looked deeply at Gu Jin's beautiful face.

He decided that no matter whether Ah Jin would accompany him or not, he would go to Italy.

Even when he misses Ah Jin, he flies back and forth a few more times, and he still wants to take over the Darwin family and take control of the huge underground kingdom.

He wants to build a kingdom for A Jin, let her squander her life recklessly, and just be his queen.

When he returns, no one can stop him from getting Ah Jin.

He wanted to hold everything he had in front of her.

To his Ah Jin, the most beautiful thing in the world.

An Mingji lowered his head, and his lips pressed lightly on Gu Jin's cheek, and he left with the touch of a touch.

"Sister Ah Jin, you are mine."

The boy's voice was firm and he had a strong attachment to Gu Jin.

After stealing some incense, An Mingji sat up contentedly.

He adjusted the temperature in the room to a moderate level, turned off the lights, left the room, and went downstairs.


Cassie prepared tea, coffee, and drinks for the guests.

Seeing the young master coming from upstairs, she hurried up to meet him: "Master."

An Mingji put one hand in his trouser pocket, stood on the stairs, and said to her lightly: "Cassie, come out after packing up the two guest rooms on the first floor."

"Yes, master." Cassie bent away.

living room.

One of Gu Jiajie and Qiu Qianghai was in a coma, and the other was hit by acupuncture points. Both of them were paralyzed on the sofa.

After Cassie packed up the room, Qiu Qianghai and Gu Jiajie were sent to the guest room to rest.

The three brothers of Wan Teng's family, Wan Teng Jingyi, Wan Teng Heyang, and Wan Teng Yihai left.

Since Wanqi Heyang worshiped An Mingji as his teacher half a year ago, in order to make it easier for An Mingji to send him Xuantian Jue to repair Yang Qi every day, the fourth young master of Wanqi also moved into the water pavilion on the left bank.

The three brothers stayed overnight at the water pavilion on the left bank tonight, and asked An Mingji to call them if they had something to do.

Yu Shuo and Jiang Hanyi stayed behind, and they took care of Qiu Qianghai and Gu Jiajie respectively.

After everyone dispersed, An Mingji sat in the living room, lost in thought alone.

At this moment, he lost the childishness of foreign capital, and his whole person was much deeper and more mature.

Cassie never bothered him, silently made him a cup of coffee, put it on the table and retreated from the huge space.

Around three o'clock in the morning, there was a noise in the living room on the first floor.

"Minmin—" a roar of grief rang out.

It was Gu Jiajie's voice, desperate and miserable.

Not long after, there was movement from Brother Hai.

There was no cry of grief, but the sound of smashing.

Worried that Ah Jin upstairs would be awakened, An Mingji picked up the cold coffee on the table, took a big sip, got up and went upstairs.

Standing in front of the door of Gu Jin's bedroom, he found a light shining through the crack of the door.

When he left, he obviously turned off the lights.

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