Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 167 Establishment of the Cenarion Council

Compared with the incomplete werewolf transformation, Andrea's wolf form is the orthodox druid transformation.

Before he had the patience to thoroughly study the wolf form, Fandral hurried over from Anarchis in the early morning of the next day.

Needless to say, it was because of Andrea's wolf form transformation that Malfurion had just completed. Malfurion thought that this new orthodox wolf transformation might be able to play a role in calming the werewolf's rage.

However, Andrea quickly poured cold water on the Archdruid.

"Although they are all transformed with the help of Goldrinn's power, strictly speaking, werewolf and wolf form are not the same species at all, and there is a very significant difference in the power operation mode of the two."

In the living room of the Lord's Palace in Moonlight Town, Andrea tried to use concise language to explain to Fandral.

Werewolves are unnatural species of mutants born of the mindless use of Goldrinn's powers to shapeshift, their life forms altered by the contortions of rage.

The transformation into wolf form is nothing more than a new form of Druid. The people who use it are still night elves, and their own life form will not change. It's just that no one else can master it except Andrea.


Fandral scratched his head and sighed, "Although the mentor didn't say it clearly, I know that he has always blamed himself for the creation of werewolves, thinking that he has not fulfilled his responsibilities as an archdruid."

"Recently he buried himself in the heavy work of creating the Cenarion Council, on the one hand to avoid similar tragedies in the future, on the other hand... it is also his punishment for himself."

Andrea was silent for a moment, then reached out and patted Fandral's strong arm, "I know, the mentor has always been such a good old man who accepts death."

"It's a pity that I can't help him more with the werewolf issue. Maybe it's true, as Goldrinn said, only time will heal the anger in their hearts."

Recently, the druids of Anarchis have been busy with the establishment of the Cenarion Council.

After recording the details of the experience and risks of werewolf transformation to Fandral, this old friend who came and went in a hurry was sent back to Mount Hyjal again by the Moon Guard.

Before leaving, Andrea asked his growing son pretending not to care.

Fandral proudly expressed that his Vastann will definitely become a great druid in the future, even surpassing his father.

"Is it still named Vastanen..."

With a sigh, Andrea put the matter aside for the time being, after all, there is still a long time before the crisis in Vastanen.


Although Andrea took the lead in completing the orthodox wolf form transformation, it is not an easy task to popularize it.

Goldrinn's power is berserk and difficult to control. At least he needs to reach the level of an elite druid like Ferrien before he can successfully complete his first transformation into a wolf form.

Ferrien, who was still very young during the War of the Ancients, has now become one of the mainstays of Moonnight Town. Relying on the achievements of the druids in the management and coordination of Moonnight Town, this second-generation druid has gradually become the new generation of the druid sect. backbone.

126 years after the War of the Werewolves, the Cenarion Council, founded by Archdruid Malfurion, finally came to perfection.

All members of the Druid sect have successively joined this brand-new organization and continued to work hard for the standardized maintenance of natural harmony.

Excluding Cenarius, who is the honorary leader, the Cenarion Council is chaired by Archdruid Malfurion himself, with several core members.

Renza Gianthoof, Shane Moonclaw, Koda Steelclaw, Fandral Staghelmet, and Andrea Moonshadow, these high-level druid sects were all awarded councilors by Malfurion title.

In addition, it also includes Remulos, the forest guardian who is stationed at the headquarters of the Cenarion Council - Night Harbor in Moonglade.

Taking advantage of Remulos' joining as an opportunity, Malfurion took advantage of the situation and proposed to invite foreigners who wanted to pursue the way of druids to join the council.

Although Fandral complained about this, under Andrea's persuasion, he finally reluctantly agreed to the proposal.

In addition to Remulos, the relationship householder, the first foreign druid to join the Cenarion Council was named Elothir, and he was a treant druid specializing in restoration.

Andrea took the opportunity to invite some members of the Kalimdor tauren clans who are interested in studying the way of druids to join the council.

Because of the changes that Andria brought about, the tauren joined the Cenarion Circle thousands of years earlier than in their original history.

However, due to the opposition of some conservative night elf druids, foreign druids have not been able to occupy a high position in the Cenarion Council for the time being, but this is always a good start for the Cenarion Council to go to the world.

As Fandral's apprentice, Ferrien once held a conservative stance towards foreign races.

However, under Andrea's words and deeds for hundreds of years, the young Druid has gradually changed his closed-minded views in the past and learned to look at the world with an open eye.

As a hero who played an important role in the battle between the Eternal Well and the Satyr, Andrea has been called a hero by many people in the clan.

His statement gave Malfurion strong support, and the archdruid took advantage of the situation to invite the furbolgs and wild boars, but this time it was not as smooth as inviting the tauren.

After all, furbolgs are not followers of Cenarius. Although they also admire the way of nature, they are similar to the situation of the tauren and prefer to use the way of shamanism to express their love for nature.

Not to mention the wild boars. After Agamaggan's death in battle, the once glorious wild boars became more and more lazy, rolling around in the swamps in the southern part of the barren land all day long.

Self-willed and depraved, they did not accept the olive branch thrown by Malfurion, and the smug archdruid was knocked a little shut by these two sap sticks of refusal.

The Port of Evernight, which has just been built by the lakeside of Moonglade, has begun to take shape. Some demigod families also came to celebrate the official establishment of the Cenarion Council, including Skul, the subordinate of the wolf god Goldrinn.

Knowing that Andrea has successfully transformed into a wolf form, and guided some druids to put their faith in Goldrinn, as Goldrinn's most valued right-hand man, Skool gratefully chatted with Andrea. long time.

126 years have passed, and Andrea has begun to feel numb to the long life of the longevity species.

The development of Moon Night Town is still going on, but it is difficult to replicate the explosive growth in the early days.

Now Yueye Town has entered a stage of steady development, with a population basically stable at around 1.5 million.

Although the development of naval ships is still advancing in secret, it is difficult to make more progress in the research and development of gunpowder weapons.

This is also a matter of course. After all, Andrea is not a graduate of chemistry. Apart from black powder, which is a popular formula, he cannot further study more advanced TNT.

However, this situation has long been expected by him, which is why he wants to find Malygos to ask for the authority to adjust the magic net.

The half-baked earth technology he knows is destined to be unable to help the night elves continue to prosper, and the golden development period of several hundred years after the war of the ancients is already the limit of what he can do.

The Night Empire had a splendid magic civilization. Although Malfurion and Tyrande didn't like this civilization system relying on the Well of Eternity as a backing, Andrea didn't think so.

Now that pure technological development has temporarily entered a bottleneck, Andrea intends to direct the development of Moonlight Town to the magical technology that prevailed during the Dark Night Empire.

Just as Andrea was buried in the office making a timetable plan, Shandris, who temporarily took off the job of General Sentinel and went on vacation, knocked on the door and walked in.

"Andrea, you have guests. Three visitors claim to be Green Dragons."

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