Awakening of the Masses: Enlightening Across the Multiverse in My Dreams

Chapter 75 The magical use of wooden clones: the 180-yard soul-chasing and life-killing assembly lin

Because Senior Sister Ye let Feng Xi go early, he didn't have enough money when he returned home last night.

So Feng Xi didn't rush to sleep. Instead, she bought nineteen terminal watches in one go and gave them sub-authorities one by one.

Then he continued to create wooden clones, each of whom was given a watch.

Including the watch I bought for experimentation, there are a total of twenty wooden clones with watches.

They are divided into study substitute groups and are responsible for teaching classes.

Feng Xi had calculated it and found that this amount was quite appropriate. Even if he exercised at a high intensity at the same time, it would not put a lot of pressure on him.

Although it is okay to use more, the side effects will be a bit excessive and not conducive to long-term development.

What he wanted was a steady stream of water, and unlike Naruto who had to achieve results in a short period of time, he naturally didn't have to work too hard.

After that, he created twenty wooden clones, ten of which went out into the night and were responsible for patrolling the city and secretly hunting down the cultists hiding in the city.

The remaining ten stayed in the living room as bodyguards and support staff to protect the main body.

What? Why do we need support staff, you ask?

Good question, this question deserves to be highlighted.

While these ten wooden clones stay at home, they will do research day and night.

Practice the Divine Machinery, develop more magic weapons, dismantle the Imperial Equipment and work out the method of making the Imperial Equipment, refine one-time talismans, extraordinary weapons, armors and props for the wooden clones responsible for hunting... ·

These are their tasks.

The benefits derived from this are to improve technical ability, climb the technology tree, and use excess magic weapons to make money, etc.

As for the materials, the wooden clones who go out hunting will bring them back. After all, hunting will always be rewarding, and there are officially rewarded points for killing cultists, which can also be exchanged for various extraordinary resources.

In this way, the team structure composed of wooden clones was successfully established.

If necessary, Feng Xi can even let the wooden clones work together to increase production capacity and refine low-end magic weapons in batches using a modern assembly line assembly method.

The reason why the method of clone is called a magical skill is reflected in this.

One person is an efficient team that can never go wrong!

Now he is not very strong and can only afford many wooden clones at the same time. When his strength increases, he will even dare to build a wooden clone factory!

Feng Xi: I dare to use the 24-hour, no-day, no-day production system that pharmaceutical factories dare to use!

I dare to use the 180-code soul-chasing and life-threatening assembly line that electronics factories dare not use! Guys, add three more assembly lines!

Wood clone: ​​6


Early the next morning, Feng Xi put on another set of clothes that Senior Sister Ye had chosen for him and went out feeling refreshed.

Today was the first official day of class, and he felt that he should be more solemn.

The first thing freshmen have to do is to collect their school uniforms and the first month’s training resources, and then take their first major class in the afternoon.

The place to receive resources is located in the Chaoyang Hall. Feng Xi has not been there yet, so naturally he has not left the mark of the Flying Thunder God, so he can only walk there for the first time.

Of course, not taking the usual route.

Most of the teaching-related facilities are concentrated near the central city, so the distance is not too far. After ten minutes of flying and jumping with a long knife on her shoulder, Feng Xi finally arrived at an open square that covered a huge area.

At this time, the place was already crowded and bustling.

All of them are freshmen who came to receive resources, and the number is probably in the tens of thousands.

It seems that the hospital has long been accustomed to such scenes and has made sufficient preparations.

At this time, the bottom floor of the majestic hall standing in the center of the square has dozens of processing channels to relieve the pressure of queuing.

Although it's not time yet, the students have already lined up in dozens of columns, which is truly spectacular.

Feng Xi quietly jumped into the crowd, opened her Sharingan and looked around but couldn't find Chu Yingmeng and Xiao Qiyue.


He shrugged indifferently, found a channel with fewer people to line up, then raised his watch and sent a message to Chu Yingmeng:

The wind stopped and the waves kept calming: "There are too many people, I will get in line first."

Within two seconds, I received a reply.

Dream: "It's not good to jump in line."

hehe! It was a speech that was completely in line with her character.

Feng Zhilang kept calm: "Stop talking nonsense! Come here quickly!"

Meng: "Oh, I'm waiting for Qiyue. I'll come with her later."

Feng Zhilang continued: "Were you all together yesterday? We have such a good relationship that you come to school together?"

Meng: "She spent the whole afternoon with me yesterday. She came together because we live very close to each other, so we made an appointment to go together."

Seeing this, Feng Xi's heart suddenly moved, so she asked another question.

Feng Zhilang Bujie: "She has been able to spar with you for so long? Doesn't she seem to have some strength?"

Meng: "Yesterday I was just testing new weapons and didn't fight with all my strength, but I can tell that she is very strong."

Feng Zhilang kept calm: "Oh?"

Feng Xi narrowed her eyes slightly, showing a hint of interest.

Chu Yingmeng's strength is definitely outstanding among the freshmen. Even she said that she is very strong, so classmate Xiao's strength is definitely not far behind.

And he didn't discover this beforehand.

She seemed to be carrying some high-level treasure that could isolate her from detection. At least Feng Xi couldn't detect any of her aura or energy fluctuations before.

Coupled with her words and demeanor, as well as her wealthy-level spending power and values, he now feels more and more that Xiao Qiyue is not simple.

But in the end it had nothing to do with him, he was just a little curious.

The matter was quickly forgotten by him.

While Feng Xi was waiting quietly in line, the freshmen waiting around him quickly noticed him.

We had nothing to do, we were all young people, and there were freshmen in the same class, so it was naturally easier to communicate, and we soon started chatting.

"Brother, your knife is so cool! It's beautiful and domineering. It should be an extraordinary weapon, right?"

A tall and cheerful young man with short hair looked back at Feng Xi and spoke naturally, with a somewhat familiar air.

Feng Xi smiled slightly and said proudly: "Thank you for the compliment! This is my family's ancestral magic weapon. It has unpredictable abilities! Its main function is to look good and hold it to show off! Do you think I look like it? A peerless swordsman?"

Whose ancestral magic weapon is used to show off!

Your sister is the peerless swordsman! Can I have a face please?

It's obvious that the appearance is so bluffing, but does it turn out to be a fool?

The sunny and cheerful boy with short hair was instantly aroused to complain, but he still held back. He had to continue with his words with tears in his eyes, otherwise it would be impolite:

"You are indeed handsome! Brother, you are already a talented person, and this sword is just the finishing touch! You are worthy of being an ancestral magic weapon!"

What the hell am I talking about?

"Well, my name is Li Yi, what do you call me brother?"

"I'm Feng Xi, you're a handsome guy."

This guy is so shameless!

Li Yi sighed in his heart, and suddenly felt that the name was a bit familiar. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly woke up, looked at Feng Xi in disbelief, and exclaimed:

"Are you that Feng Xi?!"

Feng Xi was also confused by his reaction and asked in confusion: "What? Has my reputation as the prodigal son of the Demon City spread here?"

"No, brother, don't you know?"

"what do you know?"

"Then take a look at the student forum, you are already a celebrity now!"

Feng Xi was stunned for a moment, and then she quickly thought of something, twisted her mouth, and smiled with determination:

"Oh~→♦♦! I know..."

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