The meeting continued, but Zhao Youcheng's vision kept wandering, so he refused to see Lin Qiang, because he was sure that nothing would happen to him today.

Besides, if Lin Dongcheng wanted to reprimand himself, he would just reprimand him twice. After all, he still wanted to give his nephew some face.

And reprimanding this kind of thing is not painful or itchy for an old fritter like him, so Zhao Youcheng returned to his office in a leisurely manner, sat down proudly and provocatively, and snorted at Ren Qiaofei, Turn around and wait for the meeting to continue.

After being introduced, Lin Qiang also got up to continue his speech. This is a process that every company leader must go through.

However, although Lin Qiang is young, he is not cowardly. He bites every word very clearly. adult feel.

Lin Qiang like this made the eyes of many female employees in the company shine, and they all gave this boy a thumbs up in their hearts.

"Hey, it's really amazing. I suddenly feel that our new leader is quite handsome."

"Yes, yes, I also think he is quite handsome. Although he is young, the inexplicable temperament he brings out makes people feel super handsome."

"Yeah, I think so too. He's really handsome. It won't be long. In two or three years, when he turns 20, he must be an outstanding handsome guy. Wow, I can do it again!!"

"In addition to Ren Qiaofei, there is another Lin Qiang, wow, I think our company is more and more valuable to stay here!"

"You don't dream of becoming the proprietress, do you? Haha, you can, but he's too young now. Wait for him to grow up in two years, and I can chase after him."

The girls were whispering happily, and Lin Qiang had finished his speech on the stage. His speech is still relatively routine, because he has not yet formed his own style, so he can only learn from the content of his previous speeches. Organized from its own language as its own style.

But what he said was very sincere, and he vowed to everyone here: he must lead the company out of the predicament of being on the verge of bankruptcy and to its former glory.

These words were indeed inspiring, many people clapped along, and many girls were overjoyed, and their attitude towards Lin Qiang became better and better.

Then after the speech session, each department submitted the quarterly reports. Lin Qiang took a small notebook and wrote it down, while Lin Jian beside him seemed bored. She sat there with her chin indifferently, and dozed off from time to time. , which also made the members of the company stare at her curiously.

No one knows what this girl is doing, she is sitting next to Lin Qiang, and the two of them seem to be about the same age, what is even more shocking is that she is wearing a Taoist robe, and she is wearing a suit in an office full of elites. Here, it seems so out of place.

Everyone's eyes would fall on Lin Jian even if they didn't want to, because she was too close to the two bosses, almost right next to each other.

And what is even more curious is that no one has introduced this person so far, and she has not spoken, and she is still sitting in the most important position and exhaling, which has left a very deep impression on everyone. Can't help but become more and more curious.

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