The live broadcast room was full of excitement, but Chen Shuwen's camera settings were really unsatisfactory. After all, it was a mobile phone camera, and it was still blurred when zoomed in. People couldn't see their faces, only the blurred back and the flamboyant body. Black Taoist robe.

Everyone who knew my aunt in the live broadcast room was about to cry. It was so easy to see her, but the camera was blurred! !

: Otherwise, let's raise funds to replace the principal's cell phone!

:Seconded! !

: Seconded +1

: Seconded +10086!

Then Chen Shuwen received a lot of rewards in the live broadcast room not long after he opened it. In the end, it was just over 10,000, which was enough to switch to a high-definition version of HUAWEI.

Chen Shuwen didn't know that there was a wave of rewards in the live broadcast room, and he changed his household by 10,000 yuan in minutes. He was still reasoning with Yan Hua, but Yan Hua insisted on replacing Lin Jian.

In the venue, Lin Jian's performance began.

She stood upright with her head held high and her chest held high. A simple movement gave her the aura of a martial arts practitioner. The moment she punched her fists, she was so powerful that those who were close could even see the dust flying off her robes!

And her movements are even more powerful. Just looking at the performance, everyone feels that the fist must be very painful. Lin Jian's performance is a fast-break performance, which is different from the slow Taijiquan. Fast-break pays attention to speed. The fast and furious moment dazzles the eyes!

"Fuck, this girl moves so fast!"

"My eyes are dazzled. This is really a move. Didn't it just be played casually?"

Amidst the doubts, Lin Jian had already come to the classmate holding the board. She got out of the circle very quickly, smashed the board with one punch, and even put the student who was holding the board directly at a dizzying speed. Upside down.

Before the rest of the people could react, Lin Jian had already leaned over, flexing his elbows, leaving only afterimages, but the wooden boards shattered one by one, and everyone lay down, and finally Lin Jian turned around and got up , stepped on the knees of the people around him and jumped up, spinning and kicking handsomely at the height of two people.

Her flying kick posture is also different from Tang Yun's. Her rotation is the whole body spinning in the air, like a high-speed rotating gear, and the hem of her clothes suddenly opens, like a flower that explodes. Everyone only sees her gorgeous and beautiful moves. I am amazed that people can rotate sideways at this speed, and they don't even know when the board is broken!

And when Lin Jian fell to the ground lightly, the debris of the board fell down like drifting snowflakes, and the students who were holding the board fell together, and all the audience were stunned.

The students who ate dropped potato chips all over the floor, those who drank had their mouths open and spilled their drinks all over the floor, and everyone sat stiffly in their positions, only dumbfounded.

"Grass, what did I see just now??"

"Is that a human-shaped spinning top? Or is it spinning sideways???"

"Wudang Kungfu??"

"My God! It really is worthy of being a sports class!!!"

The people in the physical education class were even more stunned. They thought it was a bronze, but turned out to be a king when they played! !

Human gyroscope or something, I have never seen it before! ! !

The melon seeds in Wu Ying's hand dropped, and Hu Yi's jaw fell to the ground. He widened his eyes and murmured, "Grass! Lin Qiang, is your little aunt the legendary worldly expert??"

This is too good to fight, right? ?

Xiong Biwen was even more confused: "My little aunt is so handsome!!"

Lin Qiang was even more excited, he was even happier than himself winning: "That's my little aunt!"

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