Assassin’s Adventure

Chapter 225: Tulum and the Assassination game

It took them nearly a week to sail away from the northern waters of Havana before they came to this sea area that belonged to the Assassins. Gordon didn't know what kind of mood he was in. He was a little hesitant, guilty, yearning and devout.

Assassins roaming and darkness, with their own beliefs, have influenced the world for thousands of years, maintained the order of the dark world, and sought justice for the humble under power and oppression. They may have various Identity, but here they are united and die.

He had thought many times what the meeting with Tulum would be like, but when he arrived, what he saw were the white-robed assassins standing on the coast. There were so many of them that it seemed like a kind of welcome to his arrival. .

Here, he saw the Master Assassin - Ah Tabai.

With mysterious patterns on his face, dark skin, and most of his face under the white robe, he could still see some kind of anger on his face.

This kind of momentum is not real anger, but some kind of spiritual power ready to go, representing judgment, or a predator hidden in the dark.

Gordon ordered all the sailors to stay on the boat, and then one person wore the costume belonging to the assassin and approached in the boat. He didn't know whether these assassins were qualified to wear this costume representing fate.

The water was dyed red by the setting sun, and with the breeze blowing, the water undulating on the sand, the assassins seemed to have been waiting for a long time, silent as sculptures.


"Welcome to Tulum, come with me."

Ah Tabai didn't have any emotion on his face, he just patted Gordon on the shoulder, and then led the crowd towards the camp behind the jungle.

"Mary's carrier pigeon brought your message back."

"I don't think I'll be able to get… greeted by so many people?"

"Of course you can't."

"However, you killed the Governor of Havana and sacrificed your life for the assassin's mission. You should be respected, but why?"


"Before you arrived, I thought, you might have been a wandering assassin who killed for faith. But now I don't think so, there is no faith in your eyes."

His eyes scrutinized the person in front of him. Since the rebellion of Duncan and Walpole, he no longer easily believes that young people are simpler, and the person in front of him is just like when Duncan came, talented and thoughtful.

You can tell just by looking at his muscular body and brooding eyes.

"I don't know, it's just... an approval, maybe it's just the result of brain congestion."

Atabai stopped and stared into Gordon's eyes for a long time before continuing.

"Anyway, you accomplished what we failed to accomplish..."

Walking along a dark jungle path, in an open place, a circular house made of hay and wood, an assassin is on guard on the hillside, a young man with scars all over his body, but still climbed up from the mud to gain momentum. pending.

Old men and children raised fires, assassins brought back their prey from the sea, and, of course, more food was stored in a particular cave.

Sixty, maybe less.

What remains here are basically assassins who are still training, or abandoned children and sailors in distress.

Assassins who had been adopted and trained as children turned their daggers faster than even the best acrobats Gordon had ever seen.

The living environment here is simple and the food is abundant. These children need a lot of nutrients to grow up, and the assassins never worry about gold coins.

"The ships that belong to us regularly bring more supplies of life so that we don't live like beasts, but that's about it."

Attabai reminded that while the Assassins followed tradition, they were not pedantic.

"Before dinner, I need to verify your strength to decide what to teach you."

"Master, I'm just here for guidance."

Gordon refused, his strength can be increased through animus, and training is a disproportionate behavior for him.

"Your strength determines what you do."

Atabai just stared at him and ordered.

Well, if Atabai insists, he can only listen.

"Who is my opponent?"

Atabai just walked to the center in front of everyone's attention, and said, "You have trained long enough in this jungle, assassination, climbing, extraordinary physique and fighting skills, but you have never Having been exposed to real combat, stabbing a beast is nothing. This is Captain Gordon, Tulum's guest, and your chance to get out of here."

Atabai's voice fell, and instantly a large number of assassins quickly retreated towards the surrounding jungle, and then disappeared.

"Mr. Gordon, be careful."

More assassins retreated into the jungle, leaving only Gordon and Atabai.

"Master, I don't quite understand."

"If you want to seek guidance from the Assassins, you need to know us. You need to know how we beliefs, our dogma."

"I think I know enough."

"If you really knew enough, then you wouldn't come here. You are confused, whether the people you killed are right, you are confused whether what you are after is right, if you want to join us, you have to understand us." Atabai just stood there, the words coming out of his mouth disturbing Gordon's perception.

A long pipe showed its head in the bushes, and as the wind silenced the sound, the whistle arrow came quietly.

Gordon, who has been fighting for a long time, didn't hear any movement, but he sensed danger inexplicably. At the critical moment, he swooped and avoided the arrow.

"Very good, you already have an instinctive warning, and many people who arrive can't support this sleepy arrow."

But the arrow was like a horn, and more assassinations followed.

Using Gordon's distraction, the Assassin silently approached the branch above his head and jumped down.

Gordon was also a little angry at the moment. After all, if a person came to ask for help, the first thing he faced after he came was to be beaten, and everyone would be angry.

He pulled out the oath-keeping sword without hesitation, and with the crisp sound of the swords hitting each other, the two daggers smashed on the blade with potential energy from top to bottom.

A young face appeared in front of Gordon's eyes, but there was no hesitation in his eyes, those attacks were really fatal.


Gordon kicked him in the stomach with one piece, which was so powerful that it directly sent the assassin flying three meters away, losing the ability to continue the attack.

"Assassins are slayers who walk between death. Every year, at least five assassins die in training. If you feel that you can't do it, you can choose to stop at any time."


Gordon took a deep breath. Now that the game has started, it will not be so easy to stop.

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