Assassin’s Adventure

Chapter 173: offensive prelude

At the dawn of the next day, the world was silent, except for two abrupt bird calls, venting the joy of the early morning, and the red light still stayed below the horizon.

At this most distressing moment, large groups of people, fully armed, were moving through the jungle, and then gradually approached the British camp.

At this time, Wilson took his sailors and hid in the jungle in front of the camp.

"Are those Englishmen alert?"

Wilson looked at the sailor who got into the jungle and asked.

"No, Captain."

The sailor was still wearing a bandage on his face and even had blood oozing from the wound on his leg during vigorous exercise.

"Then get ready for action."

Wilson nodded, then gave the final order to attack.


The first mate on the side pulled his arm, and then shouted in a low voice.

"What's the matter? Henry?"

The attack is imminent, and every moment of time delay will cause unimaginable changes, but because of the trust in his first officer, he is of course willing to delay for two minutes to listen to his opinions.

Henry leaned over and said in a low voice: "Yesterday, Capas died in the hands of those Spaniards, haven't you seen it? They treat us like a tumor, a thorn in the eye, a thorn in the flesh, how can you guarantee that, After we've got in, the British won't shoot us the same way, and we'll be attacked in the back, and we'll have to die."

Yesterday, when Wilson returned to the camp with the body of Karpas, he explained why Karpas tried to rebel and was killed by him.

Of course, it was impossible to convince Henry that Karpas was the most unlikely person in this ship to betray. Even if he wanted to betray, he couldn't choose at such a critical time.

The blood on Colonel Fidel's tent was not deceiving, and some sailors heard the captain's roar and could easily imagine what had happened.

Wilson's smile was a little reluctant, but he comforted in a low voice: "We are a group, without our strength, they will not be so easy to defeat these British people."

Of course he thought about this possibility, but because of the circumstances, those British people pointed guns at their backs and fled back, which would definitely lead to unrelenting shooting. If they rushed forward, there might be more A lifeline.

"Don't deceive yourself, Captain, you know that this kind of thing is very likely to happen, and build our lives on their kindness?"

"So what? What do you want me to do? Take everyone back to meet their muzzle? We don't have a choice all the time."

Any conspiracy and tricks are based on the situation that there is room for operation. Now that the Spaniards have torn their skins, in the most frontal confrontation, only strength is real.

"We're taking refuge with the British!"

Henry said what he thought was the best way.

"Let's take refuge with those British people, then leave here, regroup our staff, and leave here. Eldorado is not something we can touch."

It was a very serious conversation, but Wilson burst out laughing, and turned to the British. It would be the best result if the British did not slap them into a sieve. What did he use to take refuge? Why should the British accept it?

"With the support of our power, the power of the entire war situation will be leveled, and those British people have no choice."

"Stop, Henry, put away your innocent words and prepare to attack."

Wilson rejected his proposal. If it had been earlier, this proposal might still have some possibilities, but the arrow was already on the line and had to be sent. They had no time to communicate, and there was no way to gain the trust of those British people. .

"Everyone, be smart and follow my orders."


Two British soldiers on guard were dozing off under the fence, an hour before the shift change.

During this period of time at the source, there was no wild beast attack, no interruption from the Spaniards, and their vigilance naturally relaxed a lot. There is still nearly an hour before full dawn. They have been standing guard at three in the morning, and they are really tired. .

A soldier wanted to look at the reddish sky, trying to find something to talk about so that he would not really fall asleep.

"When will our support arrive? I haven't had chocolate for a long time, and the bacon is starting to stink..."

"Maybe...tomorrow, or the day after, who knows? Maybe those guys have forgotten us..."

"The girl you told me last time was called Jenny, how is it?"

"Actually, I don't care about Jenny anymore. I just want to see El Dorado. Of course, it would be nice if I leave here smoothly. Adjutant Gore regained a lot of consciousness last night..."

While they chatted first, they didn't notice that someone had touched them around. Several pirates with a lot of yellow and green plant juice smeared on their faces had already touched the nearest place, and the long and narrow tubes were placed on their mouths.


A low voice sounded, and the two soldiers fell to the ground instantly as the whistle and arrow flew.

The pirates touched it, followed by the muffled sound of swords piercing the flesh and soldiers dying. More footsteps came. They broke the simplest alarm bell in the camp and took off the whistle that the soldiers carried with them.

They once plundered the port, infiltrated the fortress under the leadership of the pirate alliance, killed those sentries, and disintegrated the enemy's defense force.

In such a simple camp, there were no tall city walls or a large number of patrolling soldiers. The pirates rushed into the nearest tent, slashed and killed the soldiers who were still sleeping, and blood flowed out through the tent.

With a machete in his mouth, a pirate walked up the stairs of the sentry tower, covered his mouth and nose with the soldier with a long spear, and stabbed the machete from his heart.

A Spanish flag, in place of the Union Jack, was waving at the post.

"They made it!"

Fidel put down the binoculars, and then ordered the soldiers with guns in rows: "Everyone act!"

The soldiers of the brigade tried their best to bury their bodies and shuttled through the jungle towards the camp. At this time, the movement had begun to be a bit loud.

Without the soldiers' advance warning, when the Spaniards touched less than 30 meters away from the camp, a soldier who got up early finally discovered the abnormality of the camp.

This is a soldier in charge of preparing food. At this time of the day, his team starts to prepare the ingredients. When it is dawn, the food is cooked.

The camp was filled with the smell of blood, and there were only shadows running between the tents, and the sentinels were nowhere to be seen.

He was stunned for five seconds, and when he finally saw a knife-wielding pirate, he finally understood what happened.

"Enemy attack!"

He let out a shrill cry, then picked up the whistle from a nearby wooden shelf, and the shrill whistle rang through the camp.

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