Asking about longevity

Chapter 150 Spirit Mine (Third Update)

After Lao Zhao said this, he fainted again.

It seems that this sentence is his obsession. Ever since he fell off the cliff, he has been holding on to this sentence just to say this sentence.

"Mr. Feng!" Elder Yu said hurriedly.

Mr. Feng stepped forward, checked his pulse, checked his meridians, and breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's okay, he just fainted. Let him rest and I'll refine some elixirs."

"Thank you, Mr. Feng." Elder Yu thanked him.

Mr. Feng left the room, and Elder Yu looked solemn.

There is a spiritual mine in Dahei Mountain!

Elder Yu walked around the room for a few steps, then stopped, called a demon hunter, and ordered:

"Go and notify Yu Chengyi and gather all the leading demon hunters. I have something to say!"

The demon hunter took the order and left, and Mo Hua asked curiously:

"Elder Yu, what is the spiritual mine?"

Mo Hua only knew that there were spirit stones in the spirit mine, but he didn't know more specifically.

Elder Yu saw that it was still early and it would take time for the demon hunters to assemble, so he patiently explained to Mo Hua:

"Monks need spiritual energy to practice, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth is thin. Except for some famous mountains and rivers where spiritual energy gathers, in other remote places, such as our Tongxian City, the spiritual energy is already too thin for monks to practice."

"In this case, monks can only practice through spiritual stones, and the source of spiritual stones is spiritual mines."

"The so-called spiritual mines are formed in ancient times when the rich spiritual energy or spiritual mist in the mountains solidified, assimilated with the rocks, and was buried at the bottom of the mountains as the mountains and landforms changed. Over the years..."

"There are also some things that are rich in spiritual energy, such as ancient spiritual beasts and large areas of spiritual grass and spiritual objects. Due to great catastrophes or many changes, the earth overturned, and they were buried underground and finally spiritually resolved to form spiritual mines..."

Mo Hua nodded and couldn't help but think of a question:

"I read in a book that the great monks in ancient times could move mountains and seas and change the weather. Wasn't their spiritual energy also thin at that time?"

"Is this..." Elder Yu thought for a moment and said, "It is said that in ancient times, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was extremely strong. Later, after experiencing great catastrophes and the pattern of heaven and earth changed, the spiritual energy gradually weakened.

"What kind of disaster?"

"I don't know about this. They are all legends. They are unclear and I don't know whether they are true or not."

Elder Yu finished speaking and then said:

"There is another reason for the thin spiritual energy, that is, there are too many monks now..."

"Before the Daoting unified the cultivating world, the various forces fought for years, resulting in a loss of life and countless monks' casualties. After the Daoting unified, laws were formulated to prohibit indiscriminate killing, and the cultivating world was able to thrive, and the number of monks gradually increased."

"But the more monks there are, the more spiritual energy they absorb through practice, and the less spiritual energy there is in the world."

"Today, 20,000 years later, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely thin, and we can basically only rely on refining spiritual stones to practice."

Mo Hua suddenly realized, and then worriedly said:

"Then if the spiritual stones between heaven and earth run out, will the monks be unable to practice?"

"There's no end to it."

Mo Hua was stunned for a moment, "It's impossible that we can't use it all.

"It won't be a problem for at least another tens of thousands of years."

Mo Hua frowned, "But we never have enough spirit stones..."

Elder Yu said: "That's because we don't have any spiritual mines."

Mo Hua was silent.

Elder Yu sighed, "In this world, from large to small spiritual mines, Daoting occupies half of them, and the rest are basically occupied by powerful families and sects. We can only get some from their fingers. Living with spiritual stones..."

"Those big families and sects naturally have no shortage of spiritual stones. The only ones who lack spiritual stones are us casual cultivators."

Elder Yu looked at the ink painting and sighed:

"The way of heaven nourishes all things with spiritual energy. The way of heaven is fair, but humans are not."

Mo Hua looked solemn and couldn't help but think of a sentence:

The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is more than enough damage; the way of man is to make up for the excess when there is not enough damage.

"Can we take advantage of the spiritual mine in Dahei Mountain?" Mo Hua asked.

Elder Yu frowned and said: "According to the usual practice, the unowned medium and large spiritual mines are owned by Daotingsi, and the excavated spiritual stones are used to benefit the monks in this state - of course it is a benefit, but there is a high probability that they will line their own pockets. …”

“As for small spiritual mines, it’s usually first come first served basis.”

Mo Hua asked: "Does this spiritual mine in Dahei Mountain belong to us first, or does it belong to the Qian family?"

"I can't say for sure."

Elder Yu said, then raised his brows and said to Mo Hua, "But generally whoever has the bigger fist gets it first."

Mo Hua was stunned.

Half an hour later, the demon hunters gathered in the courtyard of Elder Yu's house.

Those who come are usually the leader of the demon hunting team, and their cultivation level is at the ninth level of Qi refining, and Mo Shan is among them.

Elder Yu sat in the middle, and the others sat on both sides.

Mo Hua also wanted to know what happened next, so he moved a chair and listened.

The demon hunters on both sides couldn't help but look at the teenage Mo Hua.

This is the demon hunter discussing something. Is it really okay for the kid Mo Hua to be here...

But they didn't dare ask.

Because Elder Yu has always had a bad temper, and now looking at his expression, he looked solemn as if a storm was coming, and everyone did not dare to say anything.

If they touch Elder Yu's brow, even if they are at the ninth level of Qi Refining, they will be sprayed with blood.

Forget it, since Mo Hua is here, he must have been approved by Elder Yu, so they should just pretend they didn't see him.

At this time, Mo Hua was not far away from Elder Yu, sitting on a high chair, his calves swaying.

As everyone watched, their hearts were a little complicated.

Elder Yu is too indulgent to this child...

But let's indulge it, they don't dare to say it anyway.

Elder Yu felt a little relieved when he saw that Mo Hua was there.

In his opinion, with his talent in ink painting, he would definitely be able to become a formation master in the future, and maybe he could even pass the qualification test and become a first-class formation master.

For these casual cultivators, formation masters were out of reach.

It would be great if Mo Hua could care about the demon hunter.

Elder Yu thought silently.

When everyone arrived, Elder Yu told the story about the spirit mine.

Everyone in the house was shocked.

This is a spiritual mine, an ownerless spiritual mine!

Thinking again that Lao Zhao almost died at the hands of the Qian family, a demon hunter cursed:

"These beasts from the Qian family not only dig spiritual mines, but also want to kill people and silence them!"

"Old Zhao's life was almost lost!"

"Damn it, these bastards from the Qian family!"

Another monk suddenly remembered, "Could it be that the Qian family was responsible for Lao Sun's disappearance before?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their faces were filled with gloom.

Not only Lao Sun, but several other demon hunters also disappeared before.

They thought he had fallen off a cliff or been eaten by a monster. Now it seems that the Qian family may have killed him to silence him.

"Son of a bitch!"

"It's too much!"

The demon hunters cursed one after another, and the crowd became furious.

Elder Yu frowned, signaled everyone to be quiet, and then began to give instructions:

"Gather all the demon hunters who are in the late stage of Qi refining, and we will go up the mountain while it is dark, and search the mountain bit by bit to find out the location of the spiritual mine."

A demon hunter asked: "What if we meet a monk from the Qian family?"

"Catch him and interrogate him carefully."

"What if we meet a monk from the Qian family's brigade?"

Elder Yu looked stern, slapped the table angrily and said:

"Then kill them!"

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