Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 71 9. God of Hundreds of Appearances



"What about your age?"

Fisher held a roll of manuscript paper and looked at Reina who was sitting on the sofa. Renee beside her was peeling candies for her in a playful way. At first, she suspected that these humans were trying to poison her, but in the end After eating one, she couldn't stop. It seemed that such things were rarely available where she lived.

She paused slightly while chewing the fruit, and then her eyes dodged.

"Eighty-eight years old."

This was far from what she just said about having an endless lifespan. She probably knew that the lie she just made up on the fly would not be able to deceive Fisher.

Fisher just checked her body and found that the crab-like organs were completely grown on her body. The ornament-like crab shell behind her was completely connected to her back, but according to reports She said that this carapace is very light and you can't feel any weight in the sea.

After understanding a little bit of her body data, Fisher actually wanted to know what the demi-human settlement in the ocean looked like this time.

Marine demi-humans rarely appear in human sight. When he was in Nali, he could occasionally hear news from the seaside that a fisherman had discovered sea monsters and mermaids. This attracted a large number of reporters and newspapers to go by train, and the results were taken. The black-and-white photos that came back were all of calm seas, and there was a lot of interviews with different opinions attached, and there was nothing substantial at all.

This time I finally met a real Ocean Man who can talk. Can I get some more information?

Although Fisher had no intention of taking her back to Nali, after all, judging from Nali's current technological level, not only could he not reach the demi-human settlement at the bottom of the sea, but even if he did, he would only be repeating what happened in the Southern Continent.

The research this time was only for Fisher to satisfy his thirst for knowledge, and what was recorded will not be passed on to others.

The most important thing is that Fisher also wants to know some information about the "Son of the Sea". After all, among the four prophecies of destruction, only the description of the "Son of the Sea" is the vaguest. The word "mysterious" is used, which sounds like there is no clue at all.

"So you are only eight years old? No wonder you look so cute."

Renee peeled off another candy and fed it to her, making her cheeks bulge. Before she finished eating, she opened her mouth to signal Renee to continue feeding. How could she answer Fisher's question with her mouth full?

Fisher tapped his fingers on the table and looked at Renee ruthlessly, as if he was blaming her for interrupting his research, causing her to innocently turn her head to look at Fisher.


"I know, I know. But Fisher, I really like children. If it is the child of the two of us, it will definitely be cuter than this child~"

She emphasized the word "our" in her words, and while emphasizing it, her starry sky-like eyes glanced at Fisher, as if she wanted to arouse some desire in Fisher's heart.

It's just that you can't agree to such a girl's request for a cute child?

Fisher glanced at her expectant eyes. At this moment, Renee is like your wife who has been with you for many years and is looking forward to having a love child with you. Just a simple look can make you Unable to refuse, he was filled with desire, and he wished he could make a baby with her on the spot.

But this was all just Renee's trick. Fisher knew this better than anyone else, so he moved his eyes away with difficulty, suppressing his desire for knowledge over his desire to reproduce, and then looked at Reina and asked,

"Why did you come here to steal? Is this close to your home?"

He did not directly ask Rena about the situation in the demi-human tribe where she lived, because he was worried that this direct question would arouse the demi-human's wariness and make her tell false or incomplete information. As a result, Reina seemed to be just a younger person in front of him. She's just a demi-human. This question seemed to open up her conversational box, and it kept trembling.

"I didn't steal anything! I just happened to want to look up to see what was outside! But there was nothing up there. I heard from the old people in the city that there are many creatures that look very similar to us living up there, such as you humans. There are also [Siren] and the like. As a result, I was almost hit by the big thing you drove. I wanted to go up and ask for an explanation, but I saw a pair of sparkling gem necklaces. I just wanted to borrow it to have a look. !”

Reina was very stubborn about stealing things and refused to admit it. She just said that she wanted to borrow them for viewing, but the details of how to return them were still to be determined.

"So what's the situation with the royal family you mentioned before? Are there any demi-humans who are higher than you?"

Since there is a royal family, the social system there should have been relatively stable, at least forming a social structure similar to that of humans. And according to Reina, it was very far from where she lived to the water, and it took her a long time to swim before she could vaguely see the sunlight above.

Fisher speculated that the settlement of demi-humans should be on the submarine plain of the Southern Ocean, but the exact depth could not be calculated. According to the study of the body structure of this crab race just now, it seems that she is extremely resistant to water pressure. It was beyond Fisher's imagination, and at the same time, she had a structure that responded quickly to pressure changes, otherwise she would not have been able to stay on the surface of the water unscathed.

Although the overall appearance is a bit strange, all the biological characteristics seem to be perfectly applied in reality. It is like some unspeakable divine creation, which made Fisher marvel at the power of nature.

"Oh, those guys." Speaking of the royal family that Fisher mentioned, Linnai touched her head in embarrassment and whispered, "Actually, I haven't seen them either. They live far, far away from us. In the trench. My father said that the royal family is very conservative and will not leave the trench easily. Moreover, the trench is too dark and I don’t dare to go there. If you go further down, ordinary people will be crushed. Only the royal family can enter and exit freely."


Fisher's quill pen wrote the word "royal family" on the paper. For the marine demi-race, the royal family seems to be an extremely special existence. According to Reina's family, the royal family of the ocean is the only one, and they all point to living. A race under a huge ocean trench.

Fisher squeezed all the remaining knowledge out of Reina's little head. He even knew about the children in her settlement who rode fish and dragged her around. Thanks to Renee's good sugar filling skills, Let her shake off a lot of things unconsciously.

"You didn't lie, did you?"

After recording this information, Fisher looked at Rena with bulging cheeks, causing her to raise her pliers in a panic and yell innocently,

"I promise you in the name of my faith in Lamastia! I didn't lie, otherwise I will spit out the delicious food I ate!"

As she spoke, as if to prove the cruelty of her oath, she hurriedly swallowed the delicious candies in her mouth!

"What is Lamastia?"

However, Fisher keenly caught the strange word that appeared in her mouth. The word read from her mouth was very strange. Due to the strange translation liquid she just drank, Fisher heard all her voices. It is a translation sound similar to a stream of consciousness, only this word is brought out by pronunciation intact.

"Ah, so you don't believe in the great Lamastia." She hammered her head with pliers in distress, as if she was thinking about how to explain to Fisher and the others the meaning of Lamastia in her mouth.

"My father told me that our lives are all given by Lamastia. Every year we have to worship Him and throw many fish and handicrafts into the trench. Although I don't know if it will Hit the heads of those royals."

"Wait, you mean, those royal families live together with the gods you worship?"

"Yeah? The god you believe in...well, doesn't the same god as Lamastia exist? Then why do you believe in him?"

This question actually stumped Fisher. Although Fisher knew that the Mother Goddess was just a means for humans to explain the world, more akin to primitive beliefs, or beliefs, he just didn’t expect the Asian creatures in the ocean. People will actually believe in the existence of an entity.

In other words, the gods they believe in really exist in this world and are lying in a trench in the Southern Ocean at this moment?

"Have you seen that god?"

"No. But I can feel His response every time I pray, even though I can't understand it."

Seeing the human being in front of her looking like she was thinking, Reina, who didn't know how to explain it, stretched out her pliers, put her hands together with her entire forearm, and made an action she had done many times, similar to a human's prayer gesture. It's just that this prayer is too weird for humans.

She closed her eyes, her voice was solemn and pious, and she muttered in a low voice,

"Guardian of the ocean, the origin of life, [God of Hundreds of Appearances] Lamastia, I pray to you, hoping that I can eat this kind of delicious food every day in the future. That's about it. Dad and I I have to do this kind of thing before eating every day. Ah, I can’t feel Lamastia’s voice here. I guess it’s too far away and maybe he can’t hear me. Occasionally when I’m bullied by other friends at night, I’ll tell him , praying that He can ask their parents to spank them, I don’t know if He will agree.”


Fisher looked out at the endless sea, and after a long pause, the quill pen wrote down the last paragraph at the end of the manuscript paper.

[The God of Hundreds of Appearances].

This is not the Son of the Sea! But there will be her side plot later.

From now on, my update time will be one update at noon and one update at night. This time may be a little fluctuating and uncertain, but it will probably be around 12 noon and 10 pm~

Recommended next week, three updates from time to time, to offset the previous updates, to avoid sudden death on the day of release (I did not save the manuscript)

Finally, please read and vote, this is very important to me, thank you all!


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