After the employee left, Li Xueying ran out as if fleeing.

Ji Yi looked at this scene and laughed.

Judging from the little secretary's expression, she didn't seem to object to the intimate situation just now.

And Ji Yi is enjoying peace.

In the remote Red Sea area, the entire sea surface can be said to be filled with a chilling atmosphere.

A large number of ships from the Chou Kingdom gathered here.

Although land operations will take some time.

However, the maritime operation had already begun after President Xiao Ou signed the war order.

A large number of Ugly fleets gathered in the Red Sea.

Because the DWS platform Yingzhi-18 has been sold out.

Therefore, Chouguo is not worried if the other party comes to attack like that again.

However, even so, the Ugly Navy still deployed a specific defensive formation, gathering the aircraft carriers in the center of the ship.

All active radars are on 24 hours a day, and nuclear-powered submarines are on standby at any time. to prevent any possible attacks.

And Syria and Syria will not do nothing.

In order to deal with the opponent's missiles, Syria not only ordered a large number of anti-aircraft missiles,

��Many drones have been purchased from the DWS platform.

In order to cope with the upcoming asymmetric warfare,

10 of them are American M-9 Reaper drones, with a unit price of US$5 million, a system purchase price of US$500,000, and a total order price of US$50 million.

M -The 9 Reaper UAV is a Chinese Air Force UAV developed by General Atomics.

It is a multifunctional UAV that can perform reconnaissance, surveillance and target strike missions.

Equipped with high-resolution sensors and precision-guided weapons, it has long-term flight and long-range strike capabilities. There are

10 UAV-1 Predator unmanned attack aircraft.

The unit price is US$4,097.7 million. The system purchase price is US$400,000. The total order price is US$40 million.

M -1 Predator is an armed reconnaissance drone developed by General Atomics.

It is widely used for reconnaissance and strike missions and is equipped with electro-optical sensors and missile weapon systems.

M -1 Predator drones have carried out a large number of successful strike operations in places such as Iraq and Afkhan, and provided important intelligence support to the U.S. military.

10 units, M-1C Gray Eagle UAV, unit price is US$5 million, system purchase price is US$500,000, total order price is US$50 million.

The aircraft entered service in 2009 and can fly non-stop for about 30 hours at a speed of 280 kilometers per hour. It is a medium-altitude, long-endurance integrated surveillance and attack drone and has stealth capabilities.

It can use precision guided weapons to attack air and ground targets. It is equipped with an airborne electronic warfare system and can interfere with enemy communication systems.

It is equipped with AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and GBU-44/B Viper strike guided bombs, and can also carry the famous The Stinger air-to-air missile inherits many advantages of the famous Predator drone.

In addition, Syria has also ordered 50,000 small suicide drones of various models.

The unit price ranges from US$10,000 to US$100,000, up to US$1 billion.

In addition, Syria, the second country to be upgraded to Diamond VIP, also purchased

200 American MlA2 Abrams main battle tanks for a total price of US$800 million.

There are 2,000 artillery pieces of various types and 2 million rounds of ammunition.

Even if the DWS platform is cheap enough, it is worth US$1 billion.

500,000 other light and heavy firearms were ordered, with a total price of US$200 million.

100 million rounds of various types of bullets, US$30 million.

In a short period of time, Syria placed an order of more than US$3 billion from the DWS platform.

Only nearly 1 billion US dollars of this money belongs to Syria, and the rest is secretly supported by Yilang and Mao Xiong.

In terms of aircraft, although the DWS platform unlocks the aircraft catalog.

Let the world shake again.

Chou State once again issued a note to Long State and called on DWS to respect intellectual property rights on the platform.

However, Ji Yi paid no attention to this at all.

Beiyue has formulated the"Beaufort Agreement" specifically for the DWS platform.

《The Beaufort Agreement was an agreement signed at the North Mountain Informal Defense Ministers' Summit held in the United States because the agreement was signed in Beaufort, a small town in South Carolina.

Hence the official name: the Beaufort Agreement.

It aims to curb the DWS platform's siege in the global arms market.

Today, unless there are political factors, even the U.S. weapons are beginning to be unsaleable.

There is no way around this, because the price of DWS is so favorable.

For the same price, only fools would choose the more expensive one.

Although Chouguo has investigated all its arms companies, nothing has been found.

The so-called leakage of weapons blueprints simply cannot exist.

For example, there are many design drawings for the Ford-class aircraft carrier, which weighs at least more than ten tons.

This is even now with computer drawing assistance functions.

So who can steal the blueprints?

The problem is, however, that the DWS platform did create a Ford-class aircraft carrier.

After inspection, there was no difference at all from the one built by Chou Country.

Why doesn't this scare the ugly country? In fact, not only Chou Country, but also everyone in the world has been investigating their own research departments without stopping for a moment since DWS was launched.

This includes the Chou Kingdom, the Mao Xiong Kingdom, and the Dragon Kingdom.

Because some of the weapons launched by DWS are off-the-shelf products from various countries.

The weapons they usually try hard to hide can now be bought with money.

The most important thing is that the price is lower than the cost of making them themselves.

A lot.

What does this make the leaders of these countries think? Many countries feel that what Long Guo did is unreasonable.

Agents are probably all over the world.

Otherwise, how could they produce so many weapons from various countries.

Even Emperor Mao Xiong looked at the great eastern country with a strange look in his eyes.

However, the Dragon Kingdom is suffering and the Dragon Kingdom is unjust!

(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) It’s like flying snow in June.

It’s obvious that the DWS platform is not supported by them at all.

Longguo's spokesperson also emphasized this countless times, and his words were rubbed off.

But few believe it.

In fact, without considering the extreme case of aliens.

Which country can produce 100 million rounds of ammunition at once, which country can reduce the cost of weapons to such a low level, and which country can quietly build a Ford-class aircraft carrier.

As for why the satellites of the country building the aircraft carrier were not detected.


Who knew that Longguo had a secret dock in the cave along the coast.

Including some time ago, the Yingj-18 missiles of the Houthi armed forces in Syria and Yemen, a weapon that the Dragon Kingdom has just installed, sold 50 missiles at once.

The most important thing is that as this weapon exploded after sinking the aircraft carrier, others wanted to buy it but couldn't.

It’s no wonder that when a reporter from a certain country asked the spokesperson at a regular news speech in Longguo when the Yingzhi-18 anti-ship missile would be supplied.

The press spokesman looks weird


Because the Dragon Kingdom has never had a precedent of selling active equipment.

What can be sold are some modified versions.

However, this led many countries to believe that the Dragon State was worried about the leakage of its own weapons technology, so after using Syria to kill the Ugly Aircraft Carrier, it quickly ordered the DWS platform to seal this type of missile.

In fact, it seems that since the sinking of the Chou Kingdom's aircraft carrier, some of the Dragon Kingdom's cutting-edge weapons have disappeared from the catalog.

All that can be purchased are weapons exported by the Dragon Kingdom itself.

In this case, how can your country trust your Dragon Kingdom?

However, as for the Dragon Kingdom, it means breaking teeth and swallowing it in the stomach.

Can it say that the export of its own weapons has also stalled?

Because they sell everything on S platform.

Even most weapons and equipment are cheaper than their expired counterparts.

Who would buy in this case?

That is to say, in some neighboring areas with good relations, and in some backward areas in Africa, authentic Dragon Kingdom weapons products can still appear.

In the area of arms exports, sales have plummeted recently.

On the contrary, the DWS platform has been full of food recently.

The relevant departments of Longguo think.

If you are really a company in Dragon Kingdom, you should at least pay some taxes.

You don't pay the tax, and you still use the name of the country, which is not authentic at all.

In fact, people within Longguo are basically convinced that the DWS platform must have some kind of connection with China.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to explain something like Pin Xixi’s chop with a knife, as well as the mysterious shortage of Yingjian-18 missiles this time.

But I don’t know what the relationship is, and I can’t find any clues at all.

However, the only thing that is certain is that this organization possesses terrifying industrial replication capabilities.

Basically, the opponent can copy weapons that are currently in service or even beyond current service.

To be honest, everyone in the Dragon Kingdom has no idea what the opponent's terrifying military and industrial capabilities are, and it is completely unreasonable.

However, Long Guo also understands that they must not turn against this organization.

Even before the Yingjian-18 missile appeared, the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Kingdom had already given instructions in this regard.

Otherwise, if the opponent is pushed to the hostile side.

Are there any secrets about Dragon Kingdom’s equipment in the future?

So they were not even a little surprised by the Snapdragon aircraft, Jian-7 and Jian-8, launched on the DWS platform this time.

On the other hand, the Jian-20 on the DWS platform cannot be purchased even though the icon is there, indicating that it is not for sale at the moment.

To be honest, after the platform unlocked the aircraft catalog,

Long Guo was worried, fearing that there would be equipment like the J-20 in it.

When they saw that the other party had no intention of selling,

Long Guo breathed a long sigh of relief.

However, when Long Guo saw this situation, he did not think that the other party did not have a sharp -20.

It was just that he did not sell it due to some circumstances.

Similar ones include fifth-generation aircraft such as the F22 and Su-57.

These are the weapons that scare Chou Country and Mao Xiong

(PS:I beg for flowers, rewards, and evaluation votes for my new book. Your support is the author’s motivation! ).

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