Parallel world, Aquamarine.

In 2015, Longguo Magic City

Lin Yi is a junior student majoring in mechanical automation at Magic City Engineering University.

However, although the name of Modu Engineering University is very good, it is actually a second-tier university.

It is neither a 985 university nor a 211 university.

It is only a public university of science and engineering, referred to as"Engineering University".

Of course, as the leader in the economic development of flower growers - the Magic City, the University of Engineering is second only to Jiaotong University and Tongji University in terms of employment in engineering majors (such as machinery, electrical, automation, vehicle engineering, etc.).

And Lin Yi is a very ordinary junior student in this university.

Height 175CM, weight 65KG, everything seems to be normal.

Even in appearance, he can only be considered average. Although he cannot be said to be ugly, he cannot be said to be handsome either.

It can only be classified as ordinary and ordinary, and it cannot attract the attention of others at all.

In addition, he was born in a poor mountain village in Guizhou Province, so his parents begged his father and grandma to scrape together even the tuition fees for the first semester of his freshman year.

Naturally, such a life has no advantages in choosing a mate.

However, Ji Yi did not give up and felt inferior.

Indeed, when he first came to the Dragon Kingdom's economic leader, the Demon City, he saw row upon row of skyscrapers, endless traffic, and beauties in fashionable and beautiful clothes, full of temptation.

As a person from a mountainous area in Guizhou Province, he didn't even know what was on the other side of the mountain before, so he longed for it.

At that time, he secretly swore.

You must make your mark in this city and gain a foothold here.

His name has Yi, the meaning of perseverance.

Perhaps because of this word, he spent three years in college doing business while studying.

Since the first half of the freshman year, he has not asked for a penny from his family.

On the contrary, sometimes, Lin Yi will use the money he earns to subsidize some family expenses.

Of course, living in a big city is not easy.

When he first arrived, he was looked down upon by many people because of his old-fashioned clothes.

I was also ridiculed because of the way I spoke.

Even doing business is looked down upon by others.

However, Ji Yi didn't care about this.

He always remembers one sentence

"Only by enduring hardship can one become a master." The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold.

Therefore, after three years of college, compared to most people who are still living a dreamy life in the ivory tower,

Lin Yi has actually already Entering the social university

"Tea eggs are sold for 1.5 yuan each and four for 5 yuan....In addition, there are melon seeds, instant noodles, and ham sausages...."

Lin Yi carried a thermos pot that he modified on his back and hawked it in the boys' dormitory at 9 o'clock in the evening.

The reason for choosing this point is that the school’s canteens are closed at this time.

And many students are just now starting their own nightlife

"Give me tea eggs for five yuan...A bucket of instant noodles!"

A sophomore boy immediately ran out of the dormitory

"A total of 13 yuan, just scan this!!"

Jin Yi took out the WeChat and Alipay QR codes hanging around his neck.

Then he heard a ding sound.

"Your Alipay has received 13 yuan!"

"Give me a five-yuan tea egg and a piece of corn sausage!"

"Your Alipay has received 8 yuan!"..

From time to time, Ji Yi was surrounded by many people.

The tea eggs in the thermos and the schoolbag on his back were visibly decreasing.

Generally speaking, he makes two pots of tea eggs every day, about 100.

1.5 yuan each, according to his calculated cost, 30 cents each plus electricity and material costs.

Each tea egg should not exceed 4 cents.

When he sells it, most people will choose to buy four.

Even if they can't eat it, a dormitory point is gone.

Although in this case, the actual price of each tea egg is only 1.25 yuan, but even so, he still has a profit of about 8**.

100 pieces is 80 yuan.

In addition, various wholesale sausages, melon seeds, etc. are also available.

He can earn 150 yuan every night.

Generally speaking, he only comes here to sell things from 9 to 10:30 every night. For one and a half hours, he makes a huge profit of 150 yuan. In terms of time cost, he is already comparable to some urban white-collar workers in Shanghai.

Of course, because the school has a limited number of students, and even in the magical city there are not many people who are willing to spend more than ten yuan a day.

In general, the profit of more than 100 yuan and less than 200 yuan a day is overwhelming.

It is simply impossible to expand revenue.

However, even with this small business,

Lin Yi not only does not have to pay for tuition and living expenses, but he also saved 60,000 yuan in more than two years.

After finishing a day of study.

Ji Yi returned to his dormitory 312 with an empty backpack.

I saw that in the dormitory at this time, someone was lying on the bed chatting excitedly.

Someone was playing"League of Legends" on the computer while muttering

"Blind man, run! It has eyes and flashes!"

Another roommate was operating the Juggernaut and said:

"Go ahead, the blind man is in the middle of the middle lane. W and flash can't get to the tower. Even if it gets there, won't the robot still die if it flashes back?"

At this time, the roommate saw Lin Yi coming back. The man with a fat figure and a smile like Maitreya Buddha was called Wang Kai.

He was from Suzhou. His family owned five or six hardware stores, and he had the best economic conditions in the dormitory.

Looking at him You can tell by the alien laptop worth 10,000 to 20,000 yuan that he is fighting for.

He is the oldest and the boss of the dormitory."Modu".

Because he is a native of Modu, he always speaks with"Nong" and"Ala".

However, although Xiao Modu is a native of Modu, his family lives in Laopoxiao, Jing'an District. Living in a house of 20 to 30 square meters has also developed Duan Yun's shrewd character. Fortunately, although he is shrewd, he is not a philistine.

Although at first, he was a bit looked down upon by the pride of a local Phoenix man. Ji Yi is a country guy, but after getting along with him for a long time, Ji Yi found that this guy is not bad.

The last person, lying on the bed chatting on WeChat, is named Ye Yu, who is from Hui Province.

This guy is the good-looking guy in the dormitory. He is responsible and looks a bit handsome. He is considered a popular figure in the 2012 Engineering College.

Due to his handsome appearance, he has had no fewer than ten girlfriends in the 312 dormitory.

The most important thing is that these girls often buy him various clothes and so on.

According to Ye Yu:

"I was born to be a freeloader, and I don’t want to work hard at all. I just want to find a rich woman in the future. They are all women anyway, so I don’t want to eat whoever I eat!"

The whole dormitory despised such shameless words.

(PS:I beg for flowers for the new book, I beg for rewards, I beg for review votes, your motivation to support the author of the dish! )

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