Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 73 Interception

Divine Horse's Pegasus drove the carriage to gallop in the night sky. Jemini leaned against the bedside of the carriage, resting his chin in one hand, and the night wind was slightly drunk.

He had just been drunk by Slughorn, and the old man had no attitude towards minors at all.

Slughorn was a very interesting old man, maybe it was because of Voldemort that prompted him to ask the question just now. Although it was a bit rude, Jemini could understand it.

"I'm so sorry, Fox..." Charlotte sat next to Jemini with a hint of apology in her eyes.


"You came to the banquet obviously for me, but this happened." Charlotte said softly, "This will have a very bad impact on your reputation."

"It's okay, it's good to be active occasionally." Jemini smiled warmly: "And it's not a bad thing to lighten your muscles properly, so that those idiots with bad intentions will be full of awe."

Having said that, Jemini spread his hands: "Everyone is inferior, if I just showed a little bit of cowardice, then people will think that I am nothing more than this, and they will think that the Gray family I belong to is weak and deceitful. , what's the point of you bringing me back, Charlotte? If I can't bring you shelter, then why should I enjoy your care with peace of mind?"

"It's like showing my fangs this time. Although the impact is not very good, I can be sure that this kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

Charlotte was still a little guilty: "But the influence still occurred. After this incident, I don't know what the outside world will say about you..."

"No." Jemini smiled warmly: "Public opinion is a killing knife, but as long as you hold it in your own hands, it's not so scary."

"I heard that Ms. Rita Skeeter's article is very well written, I will send her a letter, she knows what to do."

With Jemini's temper of catching a toad and urinating, it's impossible to let go of such a good tool as Rita Skeeter.

Just as Jemini thought, Rita Skeeter did not refuse.

While Jemini sent her a letter, she also sent her 50 Galleons for the writing fee. Rita Skeeter stayed up all night and wrote an article condemning Patrick.

A few days later, in the Daily Prophet, Rita showed Patrick's entanglement with Charlotte, the ugliness of Jemini's foul language, and portrayed Jemini as a strong, considerate and warm man.

'Although only twelve years old, Jemini Fox showed no fear in the face of Patrick's bullying, showing his terrible side, beheading Patrick's arm with superb swordsmanship, but according to Mr. Slughorn Said, in private, Jemini Fox is a very warm and kind teenager. ’

'He's been pestering me for a day or two. I know he's doing it for the Gray family's property. When he heard that the Gray family now belongs to Mr. Fox, he looked very grumpy. - Charlotte Gray'

'Don't you think he looks like a gorilla? - Shirley Gray'

The whole article was written with emotion, and as soon as the newspaper was published, Patrick died on the spot.

Jemini didn't treat Rita badly either, and sent it back with fifty Galleons.

If you want a horse to run, you have to let the horse graze.

Jeminiy can't just rely on threats and intimidation to get Rita Skeeter to serve her willingly.

The 100 Galleons are sent out. Once something happens next time, Jemini doesn't need to say anything. Rita Skeeter will definitely jump out and wash the floor for him.

A week flies by, and finally, it's Charlotte's campaign day.

Charlotte's recent surge in popularity thanks to that article by Rita Skeeter,

Bai Fumei in the magical world, there is still a three-headed dog living at home, plus the relationship between the Ravenclaw crown and Slughorn, Charlotte finally ended up with a 32:15 The votes outscored the opponent and won the Wizengamore MP.

There was also a vote for her by Dumbledore.

This also means that Charlotte currently has an identity equal to Dumbledore. Of course, it is only an identity, and the influence of the two is completely incomparable.

And just two weeks after Charlotte won the election, Reid also established a company called Fox Heavy Industries in the United States.

Jemini sent him a Mk-48 for the first time.

The Mk-48 is a world-class light machine gun, improved from the M249.

There's a reason why Jemini chose the MK-48. At this time in '92, the MK-48 hadn't been developed yet.

That said, the gun was used for Reid to patent and develop it.

Now the U.S. military still uses the M249, which is the predecessor of the Mk-48, but the difference between the two is not small in terms of technology and appearance, so there is no need to worry about patent applications, and in terms of the performance of this gun, it should be It will soon be able to gain a firm foothold in the market.

When it is put into production, it will be the harvest day for Jemini.

It's the end of July, the Grays are quiet, and Jemini has a feeling that everything is on track.


The sound of wings flapping sounded outside the window, Jemini opened the window, and the snow-white Hedwig slammed into his arms.

"What's wrong? Are you acting like a spoiled child with me?" Jemini chuckled and smoothed down Hedwig's feathers: "Has the gift been delivered? What's Harry's reaction?"


Hedwig shrank in Jemini's arms, trembling uncomfortably, Jemini narrowed his eyes slightly, reached out and pressed lightly on Hedwig's wings, the feathers on Hedwig's right wing were slightly messy, and a few wing feathers were loose , looks about to fall.

"The gift was cut off?"

Jemini asked gently, snapped his fingers, and Rum instantly appeared beside Jemini, offering a small bottle of potion in both hands.


Hedwig turned her head away, looking indignant.

"So who is he? Can you find him?" Jemini asked.

"Also please allow me to interject, my respected Master Fox." Rum squinted and glanced at Hedwig: "I felt the traces of elf magic on Princess Hedwig, this feeling can't be wrong, Princess Hedwig must have been intercepted by a house-elf."

Because of Hedwig's proud and arrogant personality, the elves in the castle usually call her Princess Hedwig, which Jemini always thought was quite appropriate.

"House-elf..." Jemini nodded suddenly.

Speaking of which, he almost forgot about it.

At this time, it is estimated that there is only Dobby who has the ability to intercept Hedwig?

"Okay, don't be angry." Jemini gently coaxed Hedwig: "Don't worry, I'll make that guy pay a price he can't bear, darling, drink some medicine."


"Don't peck me..."

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