Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 4 Gringotts

Soon, Charing Cross Road arrived.

Standing at this intersection, Jemini glanced at the shops on the street, and finally settled on an inconspicuous dilapidated wooden door.

On the wooden door hangs an old broken sign - The Leaky Cauldron.

There were two freshmen who went to Diagon Alley with Jemini, one was Hermione and the other was Justin Finch, both of whom were Muggle families, except for two of them, their parents.

What makes Jemini feel very comfortable is that both of their parents are well-mannered. The Finchleys are well-mannered, while the Grangers are relatively low-key. Although the two families are of similar class, they still have a little temperament. different.

Professor McGonagall took a few people and pushed open the door of the Leaky Cauldron.

"Ha! Minerva, long time no see." Behind the bar, an old wizard with a hunched back and almost lost teeth greeted Professor McGonagall cheerfully.

There was a lot of noise in the bar, the smell of wine and oak barrels wafting in the air, mixed with the smell of smoke, the wizards who came and went looked at Jemini, Hermione, and Justin curiously.

"Long time no see, old Tom."

Professor McGonagall nodded politely, without intending to stop, and walked towards the back of the Leaky Cauldron with Jemini and the others.

Several people came to a small closed courtyard, Professor McGonagall took out his wand from his arms and tapped on the wall above the trash can.

"Three pieces above the trash can, and two pieces sideways. I hope you can write this down so that you can come back next time."

Professor McGonagall's voice fell. Under the puzzled eyes of several people, there was a rumbling sound on the closed wall of the small patio. The red stone bricks changed positions one by one, and the entire wall rolled away like a wave. Then, the sun shone into the small patio, and a wide archway appeared in front of everyone. The archway led to a winding, unseen, cobblestone street.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley!"

Professor McGonagall turned around, a smile on his always serious face, and the excitement in his eyes could not be concealed.

Nothing makes a wizard more proud than introducing Diagon Alley to a newcomer to the wizarding world.

Hermione and Justin's eyes were full of excitement and curiosity, and their eyes wandered around. Hermione even completely forgot that Jemini had lied to her before.

The instant everyone passed through the archway, the archway behind them turned into a solid wall again, and the dazzling sunlight cast on a stack of cauldrons outside the door of the nearest store, emitting the light of an order.

"Take out your shopping list." Professor McGonagall reminded: "You need a crucible, made of pewter."

Mr. Finlay hesitated for a moment: "Do wizards also charge pounds?"

"Of course not." Professor McGonagall laughed: "Wizards have a special currency, and I will take you to the Wizards Bank - Gringotts, where you have to exchange, the currency used by wizards is gold Galleons , silver siko, copper nut, Galleons and sterling exchange rates fluctuate between about 1:5.”

With that said, Professor McGonagall looked at Jemini: "Also, Mr. Fox, you don't need to worry about money. Freshmen like you are subsidized for admission. Although there is no guarantee that you will be able to use the best, but With funding from the school board, at least you can use new wand books."

After thinking about it, Jemini decided to reject Professor McGonagall's kindness. Although it would save a lot of money, Jemini didn't want to go to school in an old robe, and it wasn't that he didn't have that condition, so why would he feel wronged?

This money is earned, isn't it just used to spend it!

"Thank you very much for your kindness, Professor McGonagall, but I have my own savings."

Professor McGonagall was stunned for a while. The Finchleys and the Grangers also looked at Jemini with some amusing. In their opinion,

An eleven-year-old boy has savings, how much can he have?

"I have an obligation to remind you, Mr. Fox, that the price of a bunch of things for freshmen to enter is at least about forty Galleons, which is equivalent to half a month's salary. Are you sure you can afford it?"

Professor McGonagall asked solemnly that she didn't want Jemini to cause problems for trivial face issues.

Jemini nodded. Forty Galleons is equivalent to about two hundred pounds. With his current savings of more than fifteen thousand pounds, he can easily afford this expense.

"My current discretionary deposit is about 2,000 pounds." Jemini smiled mildly.

"two thousand?"

Mr. Findlay opened his mouth in astonishment. His monthly income was only £800, which was considered a high income.

Professor McGonagall was also surprised: "Where did you get so much money?"

Two thousand pounds, almost four hundred Galleons, and a little more would buy a decent spot in this place in Diagon Alley, and Jemini is talking about discretion, which means it's not all his savings, look He understated the way he didn't feel distressed at all, and he knew it.

"I'm good at handicraft, and I often sell some small things." Jemini smiled and took out a slightly bloated snakeskin wallet from his arms.

Naturally, this wallet was not taken out of my arms. It is not safe for a child of this age to carry so much money with me.

There are ten thousand cubic storage spaces in Jemini's weapon store. On weekdays, Jemini's money is placed in the storage space.

"I have to say... Mr. Fox, you are the most amazing kid I've ever seen at this age." Professor McGonagall looked at Jemini with loving eyes.

"Thank you for your compliment." Jemini nodded slightly towards Professor McGonagall.

"I'm telling the truth." Professor McGonagall pursed his lips: "Come with me, I'll take you to Gringotts."

Soon, everyone followed Professor McGonagall all the way to Gringotts.

It was a snow-white building towering over the surrounding shops, with a gleaming bronze gate, and there stood a dwarf in a scarlet-gold uniform - it was a goblin.

With a short stature, pointed ears, sharp teeth and a dark face, Jemini feels that it is more appropriate to say that it is a goblin than a goblin. In fact, the contempt for them in the wizarding world is really a goblin...

"What is that?" Justin looked at the short figure in astonishment.

"Goblin." Professor McGonagall pursed her lips: "Keep quiet as much as possible, they have never been very friendly."

When everyone entered the door, the goblin bowed to the crowd, and then a second door appeared in front of everyone, a silver door with the following words engraved on them:

Come in, stranger, but beware

What happens to insatiable greed

Blindly ask for, get nothing for nothing

will be severely punished

So if you want to take a fortune from our underground vault that was never yours

Thief, you have been warned

Beware that what comes early is not treasure, but evil

"The lines are full of unfriendliness." Jemini sneered.

Behind the gate, two goblins bowed to the crowd and led them into a tall marble hall. About a hundred goblins were sitting on high stools behind a row of long counters. Some were weighing coins with copper scales. Some were checking the gems with their eyepieces while making a hasty registration on the large ledger.

There are countless people in the hall, leading to different places, and many goblins are guiding people who come and go into and out of these doors.

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