"Mr. Fox..." Astoria opened her mouth in surprise, her little face looking hopelessly cute: "My sister often writes to me saying that Mr. Fox is very strong and powerful..."

"Yeah, what your sister said is right." Shirley leaned against the window with her chin up, her movements and posture somewhat similar to Jemini.

"Did your sister say anything else?" Adria asked curiously.

"My sister also said that you shouldn't offend Mr. Fox..." Astoria looked at Jemini carefully: "Although Mr. Fox is actually very gentle."

"Your sister is right, did she say I'm handsome?" Jemini laughed.

"Well..." Astoria smiled shyly, her face like a red apple.

"Actually, Daphne is very beautiful, although she often hangs out with Pansy, her personality is a bit bad." Jemini sighed leisurely, reached out and touched Astoria's little head: "Such a cute little girl , you must not imitate your sister."

"Hmm." Astoria nodded her head.

As soon as the few people spoke, the vehicle started to move, and the little red locomotive of the Hogwarts Express made a humming sound as it slowly headed towards Hogwarts.

"Does Astoria have any academies you want to go to?" Adria asked curiously.

Astoria thought for a while: "Well... Slytherin and Ravenclaw are fine."

"Then go to Slytherin." Jemini said mildly: "Slytherin is a good place."

"Really?" The little girl's big eyes flashed.

"That's right." Jemini nodded: "I chose to be assigned to Slytherin because of my longing for Slytherin. People there are stupid and rich, but they are happy."

Astoria: "???"

Is there something wrong?

"But don't follow their pure-blood arguments, it's stupid." Jemini laughed.

"My family told me that pure blood families are noble by nature." Astoria tilted her head.

"This kind of thing shouldn't be heard by others." Jemini raised a finger and shook it gently: "You should observe for yourself and then draw your own conclusions."

"Pure blood is noble?" Adria sneered disdainfully: "Whether it is Mr. Fox or that Harry Potter, they are all famous, but they are all mixed blood, adults, he never cares about blood, as long as there is Ability, even a Muggle-born little beaver will look at you highly."

"I listen to your words, and I have a lot of resentment..." Jemini laughed dryly.

"There's no such thing." Adria pursed her lips and rolled her eyes coquettishly.

Because she always feels that Jemini has an unusual attitude towards Hermione, she has been studying hard recently, trying to crush Hermione's last advantage.

The sky was getting dark outside the car window. I don't know when it started to rain heavily. The emerald green Muggle farm flashed by, followed by a green hill, and soon, a lake appeared in Jemini's field of vision. .

It was raining harder and harder, and finally, the train began to slow down.

"Is it so early this year? Hogwarts Express is speeding up?" Adria frowned slightly, just about to stand up, but was pressed back to her seat by a gentle force from Jemini's wave.

"What happened, my lord?" Shirley responded most acutely.

"Ah... there's such a little trouble." Jemini scratched his hair, and the dementors came in the car, and he didn't even have to see it with his own eyes, the windows were covered with ice.

But things started because of Blake. As an accomplice, Jemini felt that it would be better for him to take care of it. There is a butterfly effect. Who knows if the dementors will hurt the students this time.

With a flick of the wand,

A small fire dragon with a bigger slap hovered in the air.

Although it was only the size of a slap, a terrifying temperature suddenly rose in the room.

Jemini opened the box door and stepped out, looking at the two dementors floating not far away.

"Go ahead and kill them."

The small fire dragon fluttered its wings and flew towards a dementor fiercely and abnormally. The moment it hit the dementor, it shattered and turned into little sparks to devour it.

The dragon looked bigger.

Immediately afterwards, Jemini waved his hand, and the fire dragon rushed towards another dementor.

Soon, the fire dragon flashed by in a car, and rushed to the rear of the car.

There was a dementor that was driven by the silver-white patron saint and wanted to escape, but Jemini didn't give it a chance to escape, and the little fire dragon went up and devoured it completely.

"Jemini..." Hermione walked out of the last box with a pale face, her breath a little weak: "Great, you are here, Harry fainted."

"I have chocolate here." Jemini came to the last box, Harry fell to the ground in the box, Ron squatted beside him, and there was a man in rags beside him.

Jemini flicked his wand: "Recover quickly."

The warm wind blew on Harry's face, and Harry awoke slowly.

Without a word, Jemini shoved a piece of chocolate into his mouth.

"how do you feel?"

"It's okay, thank you, Jemini," Harry muttered softly.

"It's fine." Jemini stood up. "This is chocolate imported from France. It's a ten sieco. Remember to give me the money."

"Ah this..." Ron looked at Jemini in a stunned manner: "Dude, why don't you comfort him first?"

"Who was screaming just now?" Harry looked a little weak.

"No one screamed..." Ron looked at him worriedly: "It could also be that thing, it was killed by Jemini."

"No, I heard people's voices..." Harry chewed the chocolate weakly: "Is that a Dementor?"

During the holiday, Sirius told him about these Azkaban guards. Now he is very distressed for Sirius. How did he get along with this thing for more than ten years?

"Yes, that's Dementors, they come from the Hogwarts Advanced School - Azkaban, what, do you want to keep one?" Jemini laughed.

"Just spare me..." Harry shivered, then he looked at Jemini with some doubts: "How did you kill it?"

Jemini sat aside with Erlang's legs crossed, and shrugged when he heard the words: "Li Huo."

"Oh..." Hermione's face looked pale, and the downcast man beside her was also surprised.

"Can you teach me?" Harry asked expectantly.

"You can't, Harry, you can't learn it." Hermione looked at Harry sincerely: "It's fiery, very dangerous black magic, and I've only heard of its terrifying, that thing is beyond the control of ordinary people. Yes, if you accidentally stick a little bit... oh my god..."

"Yes, at my age, I don't have the courage to use fierce fire." The downhearted man next to him nodded, and then he looked at Jemini: "You can use that thing to such an extent, you are better than the rumors. Much stronger."

"Thank you for your compliment, it's an honor to meet you, Professor Lupin." Jemini Wen nodded.

Lupin smiled: "Ha... That's right, I'm your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher this year, please be merciful."

"What?" Jemini was puzzled.

Hermione looked at him amusingly: "The first two Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers all entered Azkaban, seems to have something to do with you?"

Jemini: "..."

At least they survived, okay?

Look at the treatment of these two people in the original book? One is dead, one is mad...

Today's second update, I was supposed to update it today, but the editor in charge told me that it would be a best-seller in the two days at the end of the month, and I hope I can make an update at that time, so I will save the manuscript first, and the update will be released on the 31st.

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