Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 10 Bald Hedwig

clang clang...

There was a knock on the door, awakening Jemini who was sleeping.

He quickly sat up from the bed, Jemini's eyes were straight, and the noisy voice kept coming into his ears. It seemed that there were countless flies buzzing around him, which made Jemini very annoyed. .

clang clang...

Without giving Jemini much time to adapt, the knock on the door rang again, Jemini rolled over and got out of bed, a flash appeared at the door of the room, and reached out to open the door.

There was a sloppy witch standing outside the door, the waiter of the Leaky Cauldron Bar. The witch looked at Jemini listlessly, with a tray floating behind her.

"It's dinner time, do you want to eat, sir?"

Jemini looked at the floating tray behind him, which contained a large piece of toast and a bloody, visceral thing.

"What is that?" Jemini frowned in disgust.

"Raw liver, it sells very well, would you like to try it?"

"No, thank you." Jemini pursed his lips: "I'll take care of dinner myself, so please take this thing back."

"Okay sir." The sloppy witch turned and left.

Closing the door, Jemini was relieved. The knock on the door just made him startled. Just as he turned around and walked into the room, he heard a bang behind him, and Jemini turned his head blankly. , he was holding an old doorknob.

The poor door handle was pulled from the door by him...

The most terrible thing is that this thing seems to be sticking to his hand, and he can't shake it off.

Pulling the doorknob in his hand laboriously, Jemini's whole body was not well, and he finally pulled it down, only to find that the doorknob was stuck to the other hand again.

"This thing... how did you do it... I can't take it down! Nima's! Grass! Will you be pregnant!"

The sudden loss of control of her body made Jemini a little anxious. Hedwig, who had just woken up, squatted by the window and looked at Jemini as if she was mentally retarded.

After a brief moment, the door handle was finally thrown to the ground.

Jemini collapsed on the bed, sighing in relief.

Looking out the window, the time is already night, the street lamps on the street have been lit, and a continuous light rain has fallen in the sky.

"Looks like... the spider serum was a success."

He clenched his fist, feeling the surging power in his body, and a smile appeared on the corner of Jemini's mouth.

That's right!

If you don't have the physique to fight a fire dragon, is that a wizard with a hammer? Forget about being a soldier.

‘Absorptive Ability: Ability to make the body (especially the hands and feet) stick to the surface of the object through the interatomic interaction force (such as static electricity) that can control the molecular boundary through the mind.

Spider Strength: Spiders are scaled up to give Spider-Man Superman's strength, speed, agility, stamina, defense and reflexes and senses. The maximum strength can lift weights up to 15-20 tons, can take off 30 feet vertically, and can catch up with high-speed cars on foot. It can be active for hours at its peak, hold its breath for more than 8 minutes, and survive an explosion at close range.

Self-healing factor: Severe injuries that cannot be healed by ordinary people can be completely healed in just a few hours to a few days.

Immune System: The accelerated metabolism protects the user from most drugs and toxins.

Spider Sensing: Alerts the user of danger-predicting abilities through back-brain tingling and increased adrenaline secretion. The level of pain triggered by induction increases with the severity of the danger. ’

These five abilities are the detailed summary of the serum abilities of the weapon store.

Jemini made a rough calculation. According to his current situation, even if his physique was transformed by the spider serum, his eleven-year-old self should have at most five or six tons in strength, but the detailed data still needs to be tested. of.

Sitting up from the bed, Jemini looked at the sheets stuck to him, lost in thought.

For a long time, Jemini barely controlled the uncontrollable adsorption ability and the sudden surge of power on his body.

At least now he won't accidentally break the doorknob...

Putting on two spider silk launchers, Jemini shot a spider silk onto the wall. Hedwig was stunned for a moment, completely unable to understand the behavior of his little master.

"Sorry, I scared you." With an apologetic smile, Jemini reached out and gently rubbed Hedwig's round little head.



Looking at the handful of bird feathers glued to Jemini's hand, Hedwig's eyes widened, and the whole bird was in bad shape.

"Ehhh...don't peck me, I'll take you to the pet hospital tomorrow, they should have hair-inducing medicine or something...probably..."

After a long time, Hedwig, who had pecked Jemini more than a dozen times, finally stopped, cooing, turning around, turning her back to Jemini and ignoring him, sulking in a bird's nest alone.

"Come back tonight and bring you something delicious."

After comforting Hedwig with a good voice, Jemini changed into black clothes, put on a mask, turned over and jumped out of the window, disappearing into the night.


A black figure appeared on the roof of a building as if flashing, and Jemini had a hint of joy on his face.

With the ability and physique of Spider-Man, the six types of Navy that could not be used before can finally be used. Although only shaving and paper painting can be used temporarily, the remaining types can be mastered with the improvement of physical fitness. Just a matter of sooner or later.

After all, he is not from the pirate world, and he does not have that kind of abnormal constitution. It is not unacceptable for Jemini to learn slowly.

The short practice has allowed Jemini to roughly master some basic abilities, at least now he can guarantee that he will not stick any messy things to his body again.

Thin black shadows flashed across the roofs one by one, and half an hour later, Jemini finally found a group of rascals in a remote alley.

There were about seven people in the group, with different skin colors, some white and black, some holding beer, some holding cigarette butts, most of them were 18 or 19 years old, and two of them had tattoos on their bodies. Words that start with F or S.

This kind of scene is very common in the streets and alleys of western countries. The gangsters like this usually like to huddle in a small alley, where they can dance, rap, fight or rob passing middle school students.

"Hi, good evening everyone."

Jemini rolled over and landed in the alley, startling everyone.

"Damn, who?"

A white boy with a tattoo on his neck scolded and looked at Jemini with a bit of caution, but after seeing the other person's height of 1.4 meters, he put down his guard and couldn't help sneering.

"Are you lost, kid? This is not the place you should be. Unfortunately, your mother is not here. We don't have milk for you."

When the words fell, he seemed to feel that he had a good sense of humor and laughed.


The black shadow flashed, and the white young man flew upside down and slammed into the wall.

The little ruffians next to them were stunned.

At most, they usually rob a middle school student, fight, fight, etc. How could they have seen such a violent scene?

He fell to the ground with a thud, and the white young man opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he rolled his eyelids and fainted.

Looking at the white young man who was stunned by his own kick, Jemini smiled gently: "It's not a good behavior to insult others at will, but it's okay, I forgive you."



"Frank was fucked!"

"Fuck him! He's alone, don't let him run away!"

Someone called out, and everyone woke up like a dream and rushed towards Jemini.

The battle ended quickly.

Soon, a group of little ruffians all fell in front of Jemini, and they all groaned in pain.

Although it does not currently have the strength of more than ten tons like Spider-Man, but even so, Jemini's thin body has four or five tons of strength, and any punch can blow people's heads.

"I would like to ask if there are any gangs nearby... or underworld forces or something. If so, please let me know."

Crouching in front of a black youth, Jemini asked sincerely.

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